from discord.ext import tasks from redbot.core import Config from redbot.core import checks from redbot.core import commands import redbot.core import copy import datetime import logging import random import time MAX_QUESTIONS_PER_GUILD = 1000 MAX_QUESTION_SIZE = 500 class QuestionOfTheDay(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): self.logger = logging.getLogger("red.aps-cogs.question_of_the_day") = bot self.config = Config.get_conf( self, identifier="551742410770612234|038a0658-85c9-416d-93ea-7c0bdb426734" ) self.config.register_guild( questions=[], post_at={"hour": 0, "minute": 0}, post_in_channel=None, enabled=False, ) self.config.register_global(last_posted_qotds_at=None, guild_to_post_at={}) self.post_qotds.start() @tasks.loop(seconds=30) async def post_qotds(self): async def post_qotds_for_time(hour, minute): try: guilds_due = (await self.config.guild_to_post_at())[ repr((hour, minute)) ].keys() except KeyError: guilds_due = [] for guild_id in guilds_due: guild = await channel_id = await self.config.guild(guild).post_in_channel() if not channel_id: f"QOTD was due for guild {} ({guild_id}) but no channel was set, so it was not posted." ) async with self.config.guild(guild).questions() as questions: channel = await guild.fetch_channel(channel_id) questions_len = len(questions) if not questions_len: await channel.send( "# Question of the Day\n**No questions left!**" ) continue question_index = random.randrange(0, questions_len) question = questions[question_index] await channel.send( f"# Question of the Day\n" f"{question['question']}\n{redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.italics((await guild.fetch_member(question['asked_by'])).name)}" f" ({question['asked_by']})" ) del questions[question_index] f"Posted QOTD for guild {} ({guild_id})." ) current_time = time.time() current_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( current_time, datetime.timezone.utc ) hour = current_datetime.hour minute = current_datetime.minute last_posted_time = await self.config.last_posted_qotds_at() last_posted_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( last_posted_time, datetime.timezone.utc ) if not ( hour == last_posted_datetime.hour and minute == last_posted_datetime.minute ): await post_qotds_for_time(hour, minute) gap_secs = current_time - (last_posted_time or current_time) if gap_secs >= 60: # Posts may have been missed; recover them up to an hour"Detected gap of {gap_secs} seconds.") gap_minutes = min(int(gap_secs / 60), 60) for _ in range(gap_minutes): minute -= 1 if minute < 0: minute = 59 hour -= 1 await post_qotds_for_time(hour, minute) await self.config.last_posted_qotds_at.set(current_time) async def cog_unload(self): self.post_qotds.cancel() async def qotd(self, _ctx): pass @qotd.command() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_server=True) async def add(self, ctx, *, question: str): if not await self.check_and_handle_question_length(ctx, question): return async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).questions() as questions: if len(questions) > MAX_QUESTIONS_PER_GUILD: await ctx.reply( f"Error: too many questions already added in this server! Max is {MAX_QUESTIONS_PER_GUILD}." ) return questions.append({"question": question, "asked_by":}) await ctx.reply("Question added!") @qotd.command() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_server=True) async def list(self, ctx): pages = [ x for x in redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.pagify( redbot.core.utils.common_filters.filter_various_mentions( "\n".join( [ f"{i + 1}. {redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.bold(question['question'])} by " f"{redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.bold(str(await ctx.guild.fetch_member(question['asked_by'])) + ' (' + str(question['asked_by']) + ')')}" for i, question in enumerate( await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).questions() ) ] ) ) ) ] if pages: await, pages) else: await ctx.reply("No questions yet.") @qotd.command() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_server=True) async def remove(self, ctx, question_id: int): async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).questions() as questions: try: del questions[question_id - 1] except IndexError: await ctx.reply(f"Error: no question with id {question_id}.") return await ctx.reply(f"Deleted question {question_id}.") @qotd.command() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_server=True) async def post_at(self, ctx, hour_after_midnight_utc: int, minute_after_hour: int): if ( hour_after_midnight_utc >= 0 and hour_after_midnight_utc < 24 and minute_after_hour >= 0 and minute_after_hour < 60 ): async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).post_at() as post_at: old_post_at = copy.copy(post_at) post_at["hour"] = hour_after_midnight_utc post_at["minute"] = minute_after_hour async with self.config.guild_to_post_at() as guild_to_post_at: try: del guild_to_post_at[ repr((old_post_at["hour"], old_post_at["minute"])) ][repr(] except KeyError: pass try: guild_to_post_at[(hour_after_midnight_utc, minute_after_hour)][ ] = 1 except KeyError: guild_to_post_at[ (hour_after_midnight_utc, minute_after_hour) ] = { 1} await ctx.reply( f"The bot will post the question of the day {hour_after_midnight_utc:0>2}:{minute_after_hour:0>2} hours after midnight UTC." ) else: await ctx.reply( "Error: the conditions 0 ≤ hours < 24 and 0 ≤ minutes < 60 must be observed." ) @qotd.command() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_server=True) async def post_here(self, ctx): await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).post_in_channel.set( await ctx.reply("Questions of the day will be posted in this channel.") async def check_and_handle_question_length(self, ctx, question: str): if len(question.encode("utf-8")) > MAX_QUESTION_SIZE: await ctx.reply( f"Error: that question is too long! Maximum length is {MAX_QUESTION_SIZE} bytes." ) return False return True @qotd.command() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_server=True) async def toggle(self, ctx): should_be_enabled = not await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled() await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled.set(should_be_enabled) post_at = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).post_at() async with self.config.guild_to_post_at() as guild_to_post_at: try: guild_to_post_at[(post_at["hour"], post_at["minute"])][] = 1 except KeyError: guild_to_post_at[(post_at["hour"], post_at["minute"])] = { 1 } await ctx.reply( "QOTDs will be posted in this server (provided that the channel has been set with post_here)." if should_be_enabled else "QOTDs will no longer be posted." )