/* ui-summary.c: functions for generating repo summary page * * Copyright (C) 2006 Lars Hjemli * * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 * (see COPYING for full license text) */ #include "cgit.h" static int header; static int cgit_print_branch_cb(const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1, int flags, void *cb_data) { struct commit *commit; struct commitinfo *info; char buf[256], *url; strncpy(buf, refname, sizeof(buf)); commit = lookup_commit(sha1); // object is not really parsed at this point, because of some fallout // from previous calls to git functions in cgit_print_log() commit->object.parsed = 0; if (commit && !parse_commit(commit)){ info = cgit_parse_commit(commit); html(""); cgit_log_link(refname, NULL, NULL, refname, NULL, NULL); html(""); cgit_print_age(commit->date, -1, NULL); html(""); html_txt(info->author); html(""); url = cgit_pageurl(cgit_query_repo, "commit", fmt("h=%s", sha1_to_hex(sha1))); html_link_open(url, NULL, NULL); html_ntxt(cgit_max_msg_len, info->subject); html_link_close(); html("\n"); cgit_free_commitinfo(info); } else { html(""); html_txt(buf); html(""); htmlf("*** bad ref %s ***", sha1_to_hex(sha1)); html("\n"); } return 0; } static void cgit_print_object_ref(struct object *obj) { char *page, *arg, *url; if (obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT) { page = "commit"; arg = "h"; } else if (obj->type == OBJ_TREE) { page = "tree"; arg = "id"; } else { page = "view"; arg = "id"; } url = cgit_pageurl(cgit_query_repo, page, fmt("%s=%s", arg, sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1))); html_link_open(url, NULL, NULL); htmlf("%s %s", typename(obj->type), sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1)); html_link_close(); } static void print_tag_header() { html("Tag" "Age" "Author" "Reference\n"); header = 1; } static int cgit_print_tag_cb(const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1, int flags, void *cb_data) { struct tag *tag; struct taginfo *info; struct object *obj; char buf[256], *url; strncpy(buf, refname, sizeof(buf)); obj = parse_object(sha1); if (!obj) return 1; if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) { tag = lookup_tag(sha1); if (!tag || parse_tag(tag) || !(info = cgit_parse_tag(tag))) return 2; if (!header) print_tag_header(); html(""); url = cgit_pageurl(cgit_query_repo, "view", fmt("id=%s", sha1_to_hex(sha1))); html_link_open(url, NULL, NULL); html_txt(buf); html_link_close(); html(""); if (info->tagger_date > 0) cgit_print_age(info->tagger_date, -1, NULL); html(""); if (info->tagger) html(info->tagger); html(""); cgit_print_object_ref(tag->tagged); html("\n"); } else { if (!header) print_tag_header(); html(""); html_txt(buf); html(""); cgit_print_object_ref(obj); html("\n"); } return 0; } static int cgit_print_archive_cb(const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1, int flags, void *cb_data) { struct tag *tag; struct taginfo *info; struct object *obj; char buf[256], *url; unsigned char fileid[20]; if (prefixcmp(refname, "refs/archives")) return 0; strncpy(buf, refname+14, sizeof(buf)); obj = parse_object(sha1); if (!obj) return 1; if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) { tag = lookup_tag(sha1); if (!tag || parse_tag(tag) || !(info = cgit_parse_tag(tag))) return 0; hashcpy(fileid, tag->tagged->sha1); } else if (obj->type != OBJ_BLOB) { return 0; } else { hashcpy(fileid, sha1); } if (!header) { html(""); html(""); header = 1; } html(""); return 0; } static void cgit_print_branches() { html("" "" "" "\n"); for_each_branch_ref(cgit_print_branch_cb, NULL); } static void cgit_print_tags() { header = 0; for_each_tag_ref(cgit_print_tag_cb, NULL); } static void cgit_print_archives() { header = 0; for_each_ref(cgit_print_archive_cb, NULL); if (header) html("
"); url = cgit_pageurl(cgit_query_repo, "blob", fmt("id=%s&path=%s", sha1_to_hex(fileid), buf)); html_link_open(url, NULL, NULL); html_txt(buf); html_link_close(); html("
BranchIdleAuthorHead commit
"); } void cgit_print_summary() { html("
"); cgit_print_archives(); html("

"); html_txt(cgit_repo->name); html(" - "); html_txt(cgit_repo->desc); html("

"); if (cgit_repo->readme) html_include(cgit_repo->readme); html("
"); if (cgit_summary_log > 0) cgit_print_log(cgit_query_head, 0, cgit_summary_log, NULL, NULL, 0); html(""); if (cgit_summary_log > 0) html(""); cgit_print_branches(); html(""); cgit_print_tags(); html("
"); }