#include "hitomezashi_cli.h" #include "SDL.h" #define OPTPARSE_IMPLEMENTATION #define OPTPARSE_API static #include "hitomezashi.h" #include "optparse/optparse.h" #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { SDL_LogCritical(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR, "Failed to initialise SDL: %s", SDL_GetError()); return Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Sdl_Init; } char *out_file_path; int x_pattern_len; int y_pattern_len; char *x_pattern; char *y_pattern; int gap; int thickness; hitomezashi_cli_handle_args(&out_file_path, &x_pattern_len, &y_pattern_len, &x_pattern, &y_pattern, &gap, &thickness, argc, argv); struct Hitomezashi_State state; if (hitomezashi_state_init(&state, x_pattern_len, y_pattern_len, x_pattern, y_pattern, gap, thickness) != 0) { return Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_State_Init; } hitomezashi_draw(&state); if (SDL_SaveBMP(state.surface, out_file_path) != 0) { SDL_LogCritical(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR, "Failed to save image"); return Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Save_Image; } SDL_FreeSurface(state.surface); free(state.x_pattern); free(state.y_pattern); SDL_Quit(); } // Attempts to prints help. Exits 0 on success, 2 on failure. void hitomezashi_cli_help(void) { if (puts("hitomezashi_cli - generate hitomezashi patterns\n" "Options:\n" "-o - specify the output image (BMP) path\n" "-x - specify the x pattern as a string of zeroes and ones (eg. " "0101)\n" "-y - specify the y pattern, as with -x\n" "-g - specify the gap between lines as an integer\n" "-t - specify the line thickness as an integer\n" "-h - print this help and exit") < 0) { exit(Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Print_Help); } exit(Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Success); } char *hitomezashi_cli_ascii_binary_str_to_ints(char *ascii_str, size_t n) { char *res = malloc(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { switch (ascii_str[i]) { case '0':; res[i] = 0; break; case '1':; res[i] = 1; break; default:; free(res); return NULL; } } return res; } // Parses arguments with xgetopt, ensures they are valid, initialises various // variables based on them. Prints and exits if it encounters an error. void hitomezashi_cli_handle_args(char **out_file_path, int *x_pattern_len, int *y_pattern_len, char **x_pattern, char **y_pattern, int *gap, int *thickness, int argc, char **argv) { bool out_file_path_specified = false; bool x_pattern_specified = false; bool y_pattern_specified = false; bool gap_specified = false; bool thickness_specified = false; struct optparse options; optparse_init(&options, argv); int option; while ((option = optparse(&options, ":o:x:y:g:t:h")) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'o':; *out_file_path = options.optarg; out_file_path_specified = true; break; case 'x':; size_t x_pattern_len_l = strlen(options.optarg); if (x_pattern_len_l >= INT_MAX) { SDL_LogCritical(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR, "X pattern length must be shorter than %d", INT_MAX); exit(Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Handle_Args); } *x_pattern_len = x_pattern_len_l; *x_pattern = hitomezashi_cli_ascii_binary_str_to_ints(options.optarg, *x_pattern_len); if (!*x_pattern) { SDL_LogCritical(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR, "Invalid x pattern; see -h"); exit(Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Handle_Args); } x_pattern_specified = true; break; case 'y':; size_t y_pattern_len_l = strlen(options.optarg); if (y_pattern_len_l >= INT_MAX) { SDL_LogCritical(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR, "Y pattern length must be shorter than %d", INT_MAX); exit(Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Handle_Args); } *y_pattern_len = y_pattern_len_l; *y_pattern = hitomezashi_cli_ascii_binary_str_to_ints(options.optarg, *y_pattern_len); if (!*y_pattern) { SDL_LogCritical(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR, "Invalid y pattern; see -h"); exit(Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Handle_Args); } y_pattern_specified = true; break; case 'g':; long gap_l = strtol(options.optarg, NULL, 0); if (gap_l <= 0 || gap_l >= INT_MAX) { SDL_LogCritical(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR, "Value for gap must be positive and less than %d", INT_MAX); exit(Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Handle_Args); } *gap = gap_l; gap_specified = true; break; case 't':; long thickness_l = strtol(options.optarg, NULL, 0); if (thickness_l <= 0 || thickness_l >= INT_MAX) { SDL_LogCritical( SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR, "Value for line thickness must be positive and less than %d", INT_MAX); exit(Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Handle_Args); } *thickness = thickness_l; thickness_specified = true; break; case 'h':; hitomezashi_cli_help(); break; default:; SDL_LogCritical(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR, "Invalid argument: run with -h for help"); exit(Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Handle_Args); } } if (!(out_file_path_specified && x_pattern_specified && y_pattern_specified && gap_specified && thickness_specified)) { SDL_LogCritical( SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR, "-o, -x, -y, -g, -t *must* be specified; run with -h for help"); exit(Hitomezashi_Cli_Exit_Code_Err_Handle_Args); } }