path: root/priv/static/video.js/examples
diff options
authorArjun Satarkar <>2024-11-02 19:52:25 +0000
committerArjun Satarkar <>2024-11-02 19:53:59 +0000
commit58d32f23eb0ebc988c6e0fd4c6c651c7757021a2 (patch)
treefeb7f793efd22648fe909fa580c2427b30c0451e /priv/static/video.js/examples
parent475286136da68c0a9cc8bec95d042f7243553fb4 (diff)
Clean up directory structure, improve README
Also this should make GitHub ignore the vendored code for the purpose of detecting programming languages used in the repository. See
Diffstat (limited to 'priv/static/video.js/examples')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 2142 deletions
diff --git a/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/ b/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/
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index a68a442..0000000
--- a/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-00:00:15.042 --> 00:00:18.625
-...إلى... إلى الشمال يمكن أن نرى
-...يمكن أن نرى الـ
-00:00:18.750 --> 00:00:20.958
-...إلى اليمين يمكن أن نرى الـ
-00:00:21.000 --> 00:00:23.125
-طاحنات الرؤوس...
-00:00:23.208 --> 00:00:25.208
-كل شيئ آمن
-آمن كلية
-00:00:26.333 --> 00:00:28.333
-إيمو ؟
-00:00:28.875 --> 00:00:30.958
-! حذاري
-00:00:47.125 --> 00:00:49.167
-هل أصبت ؟
-00:00:52.125 --> 00:00:54.833
-...لا أظن ذلك
-وأنت ؟
-00:00:55.625 --> 00:00:57.625
-أنا بخير
-00:00:57.667 --> 00:01:01.667
-،قم يا إيمو
-المكان هنا غير آمن
-00:01:02.208 --> 00:01:04.083
-00:01:04.167 --> 00:01:06.167
-وماذا بعد ؟
-00:01:06.167 --> 00:01:08.583
-...سترى... سترى
-00:01:16.167 --> 00:01:18.375
-إيمو، من هنا
-00:01:34.958 --> 00:01:37.000
-! إتبعني
-00:02:11.125 --> 00:02:13.625
-! أسرع يا إيمو
-00:02:48.375 --> 00:02:50.375
-! لست منتبها
-00:02:50.750 --> 00:02:54.500
-...أريد فقط أن أجيب الـ
-00:02:55.000 --> 00:02:58.500
-،إيمو، أنظر
-أقصد أنصت
-00:02:59.750 --> 00:03:03.292
-عليك أن تتعلم الإصغاء
-00:03:03.625 --> 00:03:05.917
-هذا ليس ضربا من اللهو
-00:03:06.083 --> 00:03:09.958
-أقصد إننا قد نموت بسهولة في هذا المكان
-00:03:10.208 --> 00:03:14.125
-أنصت إلى أصوات الآلة
-00:03:18.333 --> 00:03:20.417
-أنصت إلى نَفَسِك
-00:04:27.208 --> 00:04:29.250
-ألا تمل أبدا من هذا ؟
-00:04:29.583 --> 00:04:31.583
-أمل ؟!؟
-نعم -
-00:04:31.750 --> 00:04:34.667
-إيمو؛ الآلة في دقتها... مثل الساعة
-00:04:35.500 --> 00:04:37.708
-...حركة ناشزة واحدة قد
-00:04:37.833 --> 00:04:39.875
-تطرحك معجونا
-00:04:41.042 --> 00:04:43.083
-...أو ليست
-00:04:43.125 --> 00:04:46.542
-! عجينة يا إيمو
-أ هذا ما تريد ؟ أن تصبح عجينة ؟
-00:04:48.083 --> 00:04:50.083
-أيمو، أ هذا هدفك في الحياة ؟
-00:04:50.583 --> 00:04:52.667
-أن تصير عجينة ؟
-00:05:41.833 --> 00:05:43.875
-إيمو، أغمض عينيك
-00:05:44.917 --> 00:05:47.000
-لماذا ؟
-! الآن -
-00:05:53.750 --> 00:05:56.042
-00:05:59.542 --> 00:06:02.792
-ماذا ترى إلى شمالك يا إيمو ؟
-00:06:04.417 --> 00:06:06.500
-لا شيئ
-حقا ؟ -
-00:06:06.542 --> 00:06:08.625
-لا، لا شيئ البتة
-00:06:08.625 --> 00:06:12.417
-وماذا ترى إلى جهتك اليمنى يا إيمو ؟
-00:06:13.667 --> 00:06:17.833
-،نفس الشيئ يا بروغ
-! نفس الشيئ بالضبط؛ لا شيئ
-00:06:17.875 --> 00:06:19.917
-00:06:40.625 --> 00:06:42.958
-أنصت يا بروغ ! هل تسمع ذلك ؟
-00:06:43.625 --> 00:06:45.625
-هل نستطيع الذهاب إلى هناك ؟
-00:06:45.708 --> 00:06:47.792
-هناك ؟
-نعم -
-00:06:47.833 --> 00:06:49.833
-إنه غير آمن يا إيمو
-00:06:49.917 --> 00:06:52.500
-صدقني، إنه غير آمن
-00:06:53.292 --> 00:06:55.375
-...لكن لعلي أستطيع
-00:06:55.417 --> 00:06:57.417
-! لا -
-00:06:57.667 --> 00:06:59.667
-! لا
-00:07:00.875 --> 00:07:03.750
-هل من أسئلة أخرى يا إيمو ؟
-00:07:04.250 --> 00:07:06.333
-00:07:09.458 --> 00:07:11.542
-نعم -
-00:07:11.875 --> 00:07:13.958
-...لماذا يا إيمو... لماذا
-00:07:15.292 --> 00:07:18.792
-لماذا لا تستطيع أن ترى حُسْن هذا المكان
-00:07:18.833 --> 00:07:20.833
-...والطريقة التي يعمل بها
-00:07:20.875 --> 00:07:24.000
-وكيف... وكيف أنه غاية في الكمال
-00:07:24.083 --> 00:07:27.417
-! لا يا بروغ، لا أرى ذلك
-00:07:27.542 --> 00:07:30.333
-لا أرى ذلك لأنه لا يوجد شيئ هناك
-00:07:31.500 --> 00:07:35.333
-ثم لماذا يجب علي أن أسلم حياتي
-لشيئ لا وجود له ؟
-00:07:35.583 --> 00:07:37.625
-هل يمكنك أن تخبرني ؟
-00:07:37.708 --> 00:07:39.750
-! أجبني
-00:07:43.208 --> 00:07:47.333
-! أنت معتوه يا هذا
-00:07:47.375 --> 00:07:49.417
-! إبعد عني
-00:07:52.583 --> 00:07:55.083
-! لا يا إيمو ! إنه فخ
-00:07:55.833 --> 00:07:57.875
-...إنه فخ
-00:07:57.917 --> 00:08:01.750
-إلى جنبك الأيسر يمكنك أن ترى
-حدائق بابل المعلقة
-00:08:02.250 --> 00:08:04.292
-هل تعجبك كفخ ؟
-00:08:05.458 --> 00:08:07.542
-لا يا أيمو
-00:08:09.417 --> 00:08:12.792
-...إلى جنبك الأيمن يمكنك رؤية
-حزر ماذا ؟
-00:08:13.000 --> 00:08:15.042
-! عملاق رودس
-00:08:15.125 --> 00:08:16.417
-! لا
-00:08:16.458 --> 00:08:20.500
-،عملاق رودس
-وهو هنا خصيصا من أجلك يا بروغ
-00:08:20.583 --> 00:08:22.583
-فقط من أجلك
-00:08:51.333 --> 00:08:53.375
-إنه هناك
-00:08:53.417 --> 00:08:55.500
-أنا أؤكد لك... إيمو
-00:08:57.333 --> 00:09:00.000
diff --git a/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/captions.en.vtt b/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/captions.en.vtt
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--- a/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/captions.en.vtt
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@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-00:00:15.000 --> 00:00:17.951
-At the left we can see...
-00:00:18.166 --> 00:00:20.083
-At the right we can see the...
-00:00:20.119 --> 00:00:21.962
-...the head-snarlers
-00:00:21.999 --> 00:00:24.368
-Everything is safe.
-Perfectly safe.
-00:00:24.582 --> 00:00:27.035
-00:00:28.206 --> 00:00:29.996
-Watch out!
-00:00:47.037 --> 00:00:48.494
-Are you hurt?
-00:00:51.994 --> 00:00:53.949
-I don't think so.
-00:00:55.160 --> 00:00:56.985
-I'm Ok.
-00:00:57.118 --> 00:01:01.111
-Get up.
-Emo. it's not safe here.
-00:01:02.034 --> 00:01:03.573
-Let's go.
-00:01:03.610 --> 00:01:05.114
-What's next?
-00:01:05.200 --> 00:01:09.146
-You'll see!
-00:01:16.032 --> 00:01:18.022
-This way.
-00:01:34.237 --> 00:01:35.481
-Follow me!
-00:02:11.106 --> 00:02:12.480
-Hurry Emo!
-00:02:48.059 --> 00:02:49.930
-You're not paying attention!
-00:02:50.142 --> 00:02:54.052
-I just want to answer the...
-00:02:54.974 --> 00:02:57.972
-Emo. look.
-I mean listen.
-00:02:59.140 --> 00:03:02.008
-You have to learn to listen.
-00:03:03.140 --> 00:03:04.965
-This is not some game.
-00:03:05.056 --> 00:03:09.345
-You. I mean we.
-we could easily die out here.
-00:03:10.014 --> 00:03:13.959
-listen to the sounds of the machine.
-00:03:18.054 --> 00:03:20.009
-Listen to your breathing.
-00:04:27.001 --> 00:04:28.956
-Well. don't you ever get tired of this?
-00:04:29.084 --> 00:04:30.909
-00:04:31.126 --> 00:04:34.491
-Emo. the machine is like clockwork.
-00:04:35.083 --> 00:04:37.074
-One move out of place...
-00:04:37.166 --> 00:04:39.121
-...and you're ground to a pulp.
-00:04:40.958 --> 00:04:42.004
-But isn't it -
-00:04:42.041 --> 00:04:46.034
-Pulp. Emo!
-Is that what you want. pulp?
-00:04:47.040 --> 00:04:48.995
-Emo. your goal in life...
-00:04:50.081 --> 00:04:51.953
-00:05:41.156 --> 00:05:43.028
-Emo. close your eyes.
-00:05:44.156 --> 00:05:46.027
-- Now!
-00:05:51.155 --> 00:05:52.102
-00:05:53.113 --> 00:05:54.688
-00:05:59.070 --> 00:06:02.103
-What do you see at your left side. Emo?
-00:06:04.028 --> 00:06:05.899
-- Really?
-00:06:06.027 --> 00:06:07.105
-No. nothing at all.
-00:06:07.944 --> 00:06:11.984
-And at your right.
-what do you see at your right side. Emo?
-00:06:13.151 --> 00:06:16.102
-The same Proog. exactly the same...
-00:06:16.942 --> 00:06:19.098
-- Great.
-00:06:40.105 --> 00:06:42.724
-Listen Proog! Do you hear that!
-00:06:43.105 --> 00:06:44.894
-Can we go here?
-00:06:44.979 --> 00:06:47.894
-It isn't safe. Emo.
-00:06:49.145 --> 00:06:52.013
-- Trust me. it's not.
-00:06:53.020 --> 00:06:54.145
-Maybe I could...
-00:06:54.181 --> 00:06:55.969
-00:06:57.102 --> 00:06:59.934
-00:07:00.144 --> 00:07:03.058
-Any further questions. Emo?
-00:07:03.976 --> 00:07:05.090
-00:07:09.059 --> 00:07:10.089
-00:07:11.142 --> 00:07:13.058
-Emo. why...
-00:07:13.095 --> 00:07:14.022
-00:07:14.058 --> 00:07:18.003
-...why can't you see
-the beauty of this place?
-00:07:18.141 --> 00:07:20.048
-The way it works.
-00:07:20.140 --> 00:07:23.895
-How perfect it is.
-00:07:23.932 --> 00:07:26.964
-No. Proog. I don't see.
-00:07:27.056 --> 00:07:29.970
-I don't see because there's nothing there.
-00:07:31.055 --> 00:07:34.965
-And why should I trust my
-life to something that isn't there?
-00:07:35.055 --> 00:07:36.926
-Well can you tell me that?
-00:07:37.054 --> 00:07:38.926
-Answer me!
-00:07:42.970 --> 00:07:44.000
-00:07:45.053 --> 00:07:46.985're a sick man!
-00:07:47.022 --> 00:07:48.918
-Stay away from me!
-00:07:52.052 --> 00:07:54.884
-No! Emo! It's a trap!
-00:07:55.135 --> 00:07:56.931
-Hah. it's a trap.
-00:07:56.968 --> 00:08:01.043
-At the left side you can see
-the hanging gardens of Babylon!
-00:08:01.967 --> 00:08:03.957
-How's that for a trap?
-00:08:05.050 --> 00:08:06.922
-No. Emo.
-00:08:09.008 --> 00:08:12.088
-At the right side you can see...
-...well guess what...
-00:08:12.924 --> 00:08:14.665
-...the colossus of Rhodes!
-00:08:15.132 --> 00:08:16.053
-00:08:16.090 --> 00:08:21.919
-The colossus of Rhodes
-and it is here just for you Proog.
-00:08:51.001 --> 00:08:52.923
-It is there...
-00:08:52.959 --> 00:08:56.040
-I'm telling you.
-00:08:57.000 --> 00:08:59.867 is. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/captions.ja.vtt b/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/captions.ja.vtt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4058648..0000000
--- a/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/captions.ja.vtt
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@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-00:00:15.042 --> 00:00:18.042
-00:00:18.750 --> 00:00:20.333
-00:00:20.417 --> 00:00:21.917
-00:00:22.000 --> 00:00:24.625
-00:00:26.333 --> 00:00:27.333
-00:00:28.875 --> 00:00:30.250
-00:00:47.125 --> 00:00:48.250
-00:00:51.917 --> 00:00:53.917
-00:00:55.625 --> 00:00:57.125
-00:00:57.583 --> 00:01:01.667
-00:01:02.208 --> 00:01:03.667
-00:01:03.750 --> 00:01:04.917
-00:01:05.875 --> 00:01:07.875
-00:01:16.167 --> 00:01:18.375
-00:01:34.958 --> 00:01:36.958
-00:02:11.583 --> 00:02:12.792
-00:02:48.375 --> 00:02:50.083
-00:02:50.750 --> 00:02:54.500
-00:02:55.000 --> 00:02:58.208
-00:02:59.750 --> 00:03:02.292
-00:03:03.625 --> 00:03:05.125
-00:03:06.167 --> 00:03:10.417
-00:03:11.208 --> 00:03:14.125
-00:03:18.333 --> 00:03:22.417
-00:04:27.208 --> 00:04:29.250
-00:04:29.583 --> 00:04:31.083
-00:04:31.750 --> 00:04:34.667
-00:04:35.500 --> 00:04:37.708
-00:04:37.833 --> 00:04:40.792
-00:04:41.042 --> 00:04:42.375
-00:04:42.417 --> 00:04:46.542
-00:04:48.083 --> 00:04:50.000
-00:04:50.583 --> 00:04:52.250
-00:05:41.833 --> 00:05:43.458
-00:05:44.917 --> 00:05:46.583
-00:05:53.750 --> 00:05:56.042
-00:05:59.542 --> 00:06:03.792
-00:06:04.417 --> 00:06:06.000
-00:06:06.333 --> 00:06:07.917
-00:06:08.042 --> 00:06:12.833
-00:06:13.875 --> 00:06:16.917
-00:06:17.083 --> 00:06:18.583
-00:06:40.625 --> 00:06:43.208
-00:06:43.625 --> 00:06:45.042
-00:06:45.208 --> 00:06:48.042
-00:06:49.917 --> 00:06:52.500
-00:06:53.292 --> 00:06:54.792
-00:06:54.833 --> 00:06:56.333
-00:06:57.667 --> 00:07:00.167
-00:07:00.875 --> 00:07:03.750
-00:07:04.250 --> 00:07:05.917
-00:07:09.458 --> 00:07:10.833
-00:07:11.875 --> 00:07:13.542
-00:07:13.583 --> 00:07:14.458
-00:07:14.500 --> 00:07:18.500
-00:07:18.833 --> 00:07:20.750
-00:07:20.875 --> 00:07:24.000
-00:07:24.083 --> 00:07:27.417
-00:07:27.542 --> 00:07:30.333
-00:07:31.500 --> 00:07:35.333
-00:07:35.583 --> 00:07:37.125
-00:07:37.500 --> 00:07:39.167
-00:07:43.208 --> 00:07:44.583
-00:07:45.500 --> 00:07:47.333
-00:07:47.375 --> 00:07:49.208
-00:07:52.583 --> 00:07:55.083
-00:07:55.833 --> 00:07:57.167
-ワナだ? ふーん
-00:07:57.208 --> 00:08:01.750
-00:08:02.250 --> 00:08:04.292
-00:08:05.458 --> 00:08:07.125
-00:08:09.417 --> 00:08:12.792
-00:08:13.000 --> 00:08:14.750
-00:08:15.833 --> 00:08:16.708
-00:08:16.750 --> 00:08:22.167
-00:08:51.333 --> 00:08:53.167
-00:08:53.208 --> 00:08:55.500
-00:08:57.333 --> 00:09:00.000
-…あるって \ No newline at end of file
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index aee7e49..0000000
--- a/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-00:00:14.958 --> 00:00:17.833
-Слева мы видим...
-00:00:18.458 --> 00:00:20.208
-справа мы видим...
-00:00:20.333 --> 00:00:21.875
-00:00:22.000 --> 00:00:24.583
-всё в порядке.
-в полном порядке.
-00:00:26.333 --> 00:00:27.333
-00:00:28.833 --> 00:00:30.250
-00:00:47.125 --> 00:00:48.250
-Ты не ранен?
-00:00:51.875 --> 00:00:53.875
-Вроде нет...
-а ты?
-00:00:55.583 --> 00:00:57.125
-Я в порядке.
-00:00:57.542 --> 00:01:01.625
-Имо. здесь не безопасно.
-00:01:02.208 --> 00:01:03.625
-00:01:03.708 --> 00:01:05.708
-Что дальше?
-00:01:05.833 --> 00:01:07.833
-Ты увидишь!
-00:01:08.000 --> 00:01:08.833
-Ты увидишь...
-00:01:16.167 --> 00:01:18.375
-Имо. сюда.
-00:01:34.917 --> 00:01:35.750
-За мной!
-00:02:11.542 --> 00:02:12.750
-Имо. быстрее!
-00:02:48.375 --> 00:02:50.083
-Ты не обращаешь внимания!
-00:02:50.708 --> 00:02:54.500
-Я только хотел ответить на ...
-00:02:55.000 --> 00:02:58.208
-Имо. смотри.
-то есть слушай...
-00:02:59.708 --> 00:03:02.292
-Ты должен учиться слушать.
-00:03:03.250 --> 00:03:05.333
-Это не какая-нибудь игра.
-00:03:06.000 --> 00:03:08.833
-Ты. вернее мы. легко можем погибнуть здесь.
-00:03:10.000 --> 00:03:11.167
-00:03:11.667 --> 00:03:14.125
-слушай звуки машины.
-00:03:18.333 --> 00:03:20.417
-Слушай своё дыхание.
-00:04:27.208 --> 00:04:29.250
-И не надоест тебе это?
-00:04:29.542 --> 00:04:31.083
-00:04:31.708 --> 00:04:34.625
-Имо! Машина -
-она как часовой механизм.
-00:04:35.500 --> 00:04:37.667
-Одно движение не туда...
-00:04:37.792 --> 00:04:39.750
-...и тебя размелют в месиво!
-00:04:41.042 --> 00:04:42.375
-А разве это не -
-00:04:42.417 --> 00:04:46.500
-Месиво. Имо!
-ты этого хочешь? месиво?
-00:04:48.083 --> 00:04:50.000
-Имо. твоя цель в жизни?
-00:04:50.542 --> 00:04:52.250
-00:05:41.792 --> 00:05:43.458
-Имо. закрой глаза.
-00:05:44.875 --> 00:05:46.542
-- Ну же!
-00:05:51.500 --> 00:05:52.333
-00:05:53.708 --> 00:05:56.042
-00:05:59.500 --> 00:06:02.750
-Что ты видишь слева от себя. Имо?
-00:06:04.417 --> 00:06:06.000
-- Точно?
-00:06:06.333 --> 00:06:07.875
-да. совсем ничего.
-00:06:08.042 --> 00:06:12.708
-А справа от себя.
-что ты видишь справа от себя. Имо?
-00:06:13.833 --> 00:06:16.875
-Да то же Пруг. в точности то же...
-00:06:17.042 --> 00:06:18.500
-00:06:18.667 --> 00:06:19.500
-00:06:40.583 --> 00:06:42.917
-Прислушайся. Пруг! Ты слышишь это?
-00:06:43.583 --> 00:06:45.042
-Может. мы пойдём туда?
-00:06:45.208 --> 00:06:48.042
-Это не безопасно. Имо.
-00:06:49.875 --> 00:06:52.500
-- Поверь мне. это так.
-00:06:53.292 --> 00:06:54.750
-Может я бы ...
-00:06:54.792 --> 00:06:56.333
-00:06:57.625 --> 00:06:59.583
-- Но...
-- НЕТ!
-00:06:59.708 --> 00:07:00.833
-00:07:00.833 --> 00:07:03.708
-Ещё вопросы. Имо?
-00:07:04.250 --> 00:07:05.875
-00:07:09.458 --> 00:07:10.792
-00:07:11.833 --> 00:07:13.500
-Имо. почему...
-00:07:13.542 --> 00:07:14.458
-00:07:14.500 --> 00:07:18.500
-...почему? почему ты не видишь
-красоты этого места?
-00:07:18.792 --> 00:07:20.708
-То как оно работает.
-00:07:20.833 --> 00:07:24.000
-Как совершенно оно.
-00:07:24.083 --> 00:07:27.417
-Нет. Пруг. я не вижу.
-00:07:27.500 --> 00:07:30.333
-Я не вижу. потому что здесь ничего нет.
-00:07:31.375 --> 00:07:35.333
-И почему я должен доверять свою жизнь
-чему-то. чего здесь нет?
-00:07:35.542 --> 00:07:37.125
-это ты мне можешь сказать?
-00:07:37.500 --> 00:07:39.167
-Ответь мне!
-00:07:43.208 --> 00:07:44.542
-00:07:45.500 --> 00:07:47.333
-Ты просто больной!
-00:07:47.375 --> 00:07:48.500
-Отстань от меня.
-00:07:48.625 --> 00:07:49.917
-00:07:52.542 --> 00:07:55.083
-Нет! Имо! Это ловушка!
-00:07:55.792 --> 00:07:57.167
-Это ловушка!
-00:07:57.208 --> 00:08:01.708
-Слева от себя вы можете увидеть
-Висящие сады Семирамиды!
-00:08:02.250 --> 00:08:04.292
-Сойдёт за ловушку?
-00:08:05.458 --> 00:08:07.125
-Нет. Имо.
-00:08:09.417 --> 00:08:12.750
-Справа от себя вы можете увидеть...
-...угадай кого...
-00:08:13.000 --> 00:08:14.708
-...Колосса Родосского!
-00:08:15.500 --> 00:08:16.625
-00:08:16.667 --> 00:08:21.125
-Колосс Родосский!
-И он здесь специально для тебя. Пруг.
-00:08:21.167 --> 00:08:22.208
-Специально для тебя...
-00:08:51.333 --> 00:08:53.167
-Она здесь есть!
-00:08:53.208 --> 00:08:55.500
-Говорю тебе.
-00:08:57.333 --> 00:09:00.000
-...она есть... есть... \ No newline at end of file
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-00:00:15.042 --> 00:00:18.250
-Till vänster kan vi se...
-Ser vi...
-00:00:18.708 --> 00:00:20.333
-Till höger ser vi...
-00:00:20.417 --> 00:00:21.958
-00:00:22.000 --> 00:00:24.792
-Allt är säkert.
-alldeles ofarligt.
-00:00:24.917 --> 00:00:26.833
-00:00:28.750 --> 00:00:30.167
-Se upp!
-00:00:46.708 --> 00:00:48.750
-Är du skadad?
-00:00:51.875 --> 00:00:54.458
-Jag tror inte det...
-Är du?
-00:00:55.292 --> 00:00:57.333
-Jag är ok.
-00:00:57.542 --> 00:01:01.625
-Res dig upp Emo.
-Det är inte säkert här.
-00:01:02.208 --> 00:01:03.625
-Kom så går vi.
-00:01:03.708 --> 00:01:05.708
-Vad nu då?
-00:01:05.833 --> 00:01:07.833
-Du får se...
-00:01:08.042 --> 00:01:10.417
-Du får se.
-00:01:15.958 --> 00:01:18.375
-Emo. den här vägen.
-00:01:34.417 --> 00:01:36.750
-Följ efter mig!
-00:02:11.250 --> 00:02:13.250
-Skynda dig. Emo!
-00:02:48.375 --> 00:02:50.583
-Du är inte uppmärksam!
-00:02:50.708 --> 00:02:54.500
-Jag vill bara svara...
-... i telefonen.
-00:02:54.500 --> 00:02:58.208
-Emo. se här...
-Lyssna menar jag.
-00:02:59.708 --> 00:03:02.292
-Du måste lära dig att lyssna.
-00:03:03.292 --> 00:03:05.208
-Det här är ingen lek.
-00:03:05.250 --> 00:03:08.917
-Du... Jag menar vi.
-vi skulle kunna dö här ute.
-00:03:09.917 --> 00:03:11.417
-00:03:11.708 --> 00:03:14.833
-Lyssna på ljuden från maskinen.
-00:03:18.125 --> 00:03:21.417
-Lyssna på dina andetag.
-00:04:26.625 --> 00:04:29.250
-Tröttnar du aldrig på det här?
-00:04:29.542 --> 00:04:31.083
-00:04:31.208 --> 00:04:33.458
-Emo. maskinen är som...
-00:04:33.458 --> 00:04:35.333
-Som ett urverk.
-00:04:35.417 --> 00:04:37.167
-Ett felsteg...
-00:04:37.208 --> 00:04:39.750
-...och du blir krossad.
-00:04:41.042 --> 00:04:42.292
-Men är det inte -
-00:04:42.292 --> 00:04:47.000
-Krossad. Emo!
-Är det vad du vill bli? Krossad till mos?
-00:04:47.500 --> 00:04:50.542
-Emo. är det ditt mål i livet?
-00:04:50.667 --> 00:04:53.250
-Att bli mos!?
-00:05:41.375 --> 00:05:43.458
-Emo. blunda.
-00:05:44.375 --> 00:05:46.542
-Varför då?
-- Blunda!
-00:05:51.292 --> 00:05:55.042
-- Bra.
-00:05:59.500 --> 00:06:02.750
-Vad ser du till vänster om dig Emo?
-00:06:04.125 --> 00:06:06.292
-- Säker?
-00:06:06.333 --> 00:06:07.958
-Ingenting alls.
-00:06:08.042 --> 00:06:12.625
-Jaså. och till höger om dig...
-Vad ser du där. Emo?
-00:06:13.750 --> 00:06:15.583
-Samma där Proog...
-00:06:15.583 --> 00:06:18.083
-Exakt samma där. ingenting!
-00:06:18.083 --> 00:06:19.667
-00:06:40.500 --> 00:06:42.917
-Lyssna Proog! Hör du?
-00:06:43.500 --> 00:06:45.125
-Kan vi gå dit?
-00:06:45.208 --> 00:06:48.125
-Gå dit?
-Det är inte tryggt.
-00:06:49.583 --> 00:06:52.583
-Men. men...
-- Tro mig. det inte säkert.
-00:06:53.000 --> 00:06:54.292
-Men kanske om jag -
-00:06:54.292 --> 00:06:56.333
-00:06:57.208 --> 00:07:00.167
-Men -
-- Nej. NEJ!
-00:07:00.917 --> 00:07:03.792
-Några fler frågor Emo?
-00:07:04.250 --> 00:07:05.875
-00:07:09.542 --> 00:07:11.375
-- Ja?
-00:07:11.542 --> 00:07:15.667
-Emo. varför...
-00:07:15.792 --> 00:07:18.583
-Varför kan du inte se skönheten i det här?
-00:07:18.792 --> 00:07:21.708
-Hur det fungerar.
-00:07:21.833 --> 00:07:24.000
-Hur perfekt det är.
-00:07:24.083 --> 00:07:27.333
-Nej Proog. jag kan inte se det.
-00:07:27.333 --> 00:07:30.333
-Jag ser det inte. för det finns inget där.
-00:07:31.292 --> 00:07:35.333
-Och varför skulle jag lägga mitt liv
-i händerna på något som inte finns?
-00:07:35.333 --> 00:07:37.083
-Kan du berätta det för mig?
-- Emo...
-00:07:37.083 --> 00:07:39.167
-Svara mig!
-00:07:43.500 --> 00:07:45.208
-00:07:45.208 --> 00:07:47.083
-Du är inte frisk!
-00:07:47.167 --> 00:07:49.292
-Håll dig borta från mig!
-00:07:52.292 --> 00:07:55.083
-Nej! Emo!
-Det är en fälla!
-00:07:55.375 --> 00:07:57.208
-Heh. det är en fälla.
-00:07:57.208 --> 00:08:01.708
-På vänster sida ser vi...
-Babylons hängande trädgårdar!
-00:08:01.958 --> 00:08:04.000
-Vad sägs om den fällan?
-00:08:05.458 --> 00:08:07.333
-Nej. Emo.
-00:08:08.917 --> 00:08:12.667
-Till höger ser vi...
-00:08:12.750 --> 00:08:15.125
-Rhodos koloss!
-00:08:15.375 --> 00:08:16.500
-00:08:16.500 --> 00:08:20.250
-Kolossen på Rhodos!
-Och den är här för din skull. Proog...
-00:08:20.250 --> 00:08:23.250
-Bara för din skull.
-00:08:50.917 --> 00:08:53.250
-Den är där...
-00:08:53.625 --> 00:08:56.417
-Tro mig.
-00:08:57.000 --> 00:09:00.000
-Det är den.
-Det är den... \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/chapters.en.vtt
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@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-NOTE Created by Owen Edwards 2015.
-NOTE Based on 'finalbreakdown.rtf', part of the prepoduction notes, which are:
-NOTE (c) Copyright 2006, Blender Foundation /
-NOTE Netherlands Media Art Institute /
-00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:27.500
-00:00:27.500 --> 00:01:10.000
-Switchboard trap
-00:01:10.000 --> 00:03:25.000
-00:03:25.000 --> 00:04:52.000
-00:04:52.000 --> 00:06:19.500
-Proog shows Emo stuff
-00:06:19.500 --> 00:07:09.000
-Which way
-00:07:09.000 --> 00:07:45.000
-Emo flips out
-00:07:45.000 --> 00:09:25.000
-Emo creates
-00:09:25.000 --> 00:10:53.000
-Closing credits
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--- a/priv/static/video.js/examples/elephantsdream/descriptions.en.vtt
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@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-License: CC BY 4.0
-Author: Silvia Pfeiffer
-00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.000
-The orange open movie project presents
-00:00:05.010 --> 00:00:12.000
-Introductory titles are showing on the background of a water pool with fishes swimming and mechanical objects lying on a stone floor.
-00:00:12.010 --> 00:00:14.800
-elephants dream
-00:00:26.100 --> 00:00:28.206
-Two people stand on a small bridge.
-00:00:30.010 --> 00:00:40.000
-The old man, Proog, shoves the younger and less experienced Emo on the ground to save him from being mowed down by a barrage of jack plugs that whir back and forth between the two massive switch-board-like walls.
-00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:47.000
-The plugs are oblivious of the two, endlessly channeling streams of bizarre sounds and data.
-00:00:48.494 --> 00:00:51.994
-Emo sits on the bridge and checks his limbs.
-00:01:09.150 --> 00:01:16.030
-After the squealing plugs move on, Proog makes sure that Emo is unharmed and urges him onwards through a crack in one of the plug-walls.
-00:01:18.050 --> 00:01:24.000
-They walk through the narrow hall into a massive room that fades away into blackness on all sides.
-00:01:24.050 --> 00:01:34.200
-Only one path is visible, suspended in mid-air that runs between thousands of dangling electric cables on which sit crowds of robin-like robotic birds.
-00:01:36.000 --> 00:01:40.000
-As Proog and Emo enter the room, the birds begin to wake up and notice them.
-00:01:42.000 --> 00:01:50.000
-Realizing the danger, Proog grabs Emo by the arm.
-00:01:50.050 --> 00:02:00.000
-They run along the increasingly bizarre path as the birds begin to swarm.
-00:02:00.050 --> 00:02:11.000
-All sound is blocked out by the birds which are making the same noises as the jack-plugs, garbled screaming and obscure sentences and static.
-00:02:12.600 --> 00:02:17.000
-The path dead-ends, stopping in the middle of no-where above the infinite drop.
-00:02:17.600 --> 00:02:22.000
-Proog turns around as the birds reach them and begin to dive-bomb at them.
-00:02:22.600 --> 00:02:28.000
-At the last moment, Proog takes out an old candlestick phone and the birds dive into the speaker piece.
-00:02:28.600 --> 00:02:31.000
-The screen cuts to black.
-00:02:31.600 --> 00:02:38.000
-In the next scene, Proog stands at one end of a room, suspiciously watching what is probably the same candlestick phone, which is ringing.
-00:02:38.500 --> 00:02:41.000
-Emo watches from the other side of the room.
-00:02:41.500 --> 00:02:43.000
-The phone continues to ring.
-00:02:43.500 --> 00:02:48.000
-After a while Emo approaches it to answer it, but Proog slaps his hand away.
-00:02:57.972 --> 00:02:59.100
-Proog takes the ear-piece off the hook.
-00:03:13.500 --> 00:03:18.054
-The phone speaker revealed a mass of clawed, fleshy polyps which scream and gibber obscenely.
-00:03:25.000 --> 00:03:33.000
-There is a solemn silence as Emo looks around the room and the technical objects therein.
-00:03:38.000 --> 00:03:44.000
-Emo laughs disbelievingly and Proog walks away.
-00:03:46.000 --> 00:03:54.000
-In the next scene, the two enter another massive black room.
-00:03:54.500 --> 00:04:04.000
-There is no path, the entry platform is the only structure that seems to be there except for another exit, lit distantly at the far side.
-00:04:04.500 --> 00:04:14.000
-Proog takes a step forward into the void, and his feet are suddenly caught by giant typewriter arms that rocket up out of the blackness to catch his feet as he dances across mid-air.
-00:04:14.500 --> 00:04:22.000
-Emo follows Proog with somewhat less enthusiasm as the older man leads the way.
-00:04:52.000 --> 00:04:58.000
-They reach the end of the room and go through a hall into a small compartment.
-00:05:02.000 --> 00:05:06.000
-Proog presses a button, and the door shuts.
-00:05:06.500 --> 00:05:09.000
-It is an elevator.
-00:05:09.500 --> 00:05:24.000
-The elevator lurches suddenly as it is grabbed by a giant mechanical arm and thrown upwards, rushing up through an ever-widening tunnel.
-00:05:26.500 --> 00:05:32.000
-When it begins to slow down, another arm grabs the capsule and throws it even further up.
-00:05:32.500 --> 00:05:40.000
-As it moves up, the walls unlock and fall away, leaving only the floor with the two on it, rushing higher and higher.
-00:05:54.500 --> 00:05:59.000
-They exit the tunnel into a black sky and the platform reaches the peak of its arc.
-00:06:19.500 --> 00:06:26.000
-The elevator begins to drop down another shaft, coming to rest as it slams into the floor of another room and bringing the two to a level stop.
-00:06:26.500 --> 00:06:28.000
-A camera briefly illumiates.
-00:06:28.010 --> 00:06:34.000
-They are in a large, dingy room filled with strange, generator-like devices and dotted with boxy holographic projectors.
-00:06:34.500 --> 00:06:38.000
-One of them is projecting a portion of wall with a door in it right beside them.
-00:06:38.500 --> 00:06:40.000
-The door seems harmless enough.
-00:06:42.800 --> 00:06:45.100
-From behind the door comes light music.
-00:06:56.000 --> 00:07:00.100
-Proog presses a button on his cane, which changes the holograph to another wall.
-00:07:05.100 --> 00:07:11.000
-Proog finishes the wall, and boxes them into a Safe Room, out of the view of anything outside.
-00:07:39.000 --> 00:07:42.500
-Proog slaps him, trying to bring him to his senses.
-00:07:45.000 --> 00:07:52.000
-Emo storms away down the length of the room towards a wall he apparently cannot see and the wall begins to move, extending the length of the room.
-00:08:00.000 --> 00:08:07.000
-The walls begin to discolour and mechanical roots start tearing through the walls to his left.
-00:08:07.010 --> 00:08:09.000
-The roots move forwards toward Proog.
-00:08:22.000 --> 00:08:31.000
-The rest of the safety wall crumples away as a pair of massive hands heave out of the ground and begin to attack.
-00:08:31.010 --> 00:08:37.000
-Proog is knocked down by the shockwave, while Emo turns and begins to walk away, waving his finger around his temple in the 'crazy' sign.
-00:08:37.010 --> 00:08:44.000
-In a last effort, Proog extricates himself from the tentacle roots, and cracks Emo over the back of the head with his cane.
-00:08:44.500 --> 00:08:51.000
-As Emo collapses, everything falls away, and Proog and Emo are left in one tiny patch of light in the middle of blackness.
-00:09:00.000 --> 00:09:20.000
-The scene fades to black while panning over a pile of tentacle roots lying on the ground.
-00:09:26.000 --> 00:09:28.000
-Credits begin:
-00:09:28.500 --> 00:09:35.000
-Orange Open Movie Team
-Director: Bassum Kurdali
-Art Director: Andreas Goralczyk
-00:09:35.500 --> 00:09:39.000
-Music and Sound Design: Jan Morgenstern
-00:09:39.500 --> 00:09:44.000
-Emo: Cas Jansen
-Proog: Tygo Gernandt
-00:09:44.500 --> 00:09:50.000
-Screenplay: Pepijn Zwanenberg
-Original Concept & Scenario: Andreas Goralczyk, Bassam Kurdali, Ton Roosendaal
-00:09:50.500 --> 00:10:24.000
-More people for
-Additional Artwork and Animation
-Texture Photography
-Software Development
-3D Modelling, Animation, Rendering, Compiling Software
-Special Thanks to Open Source Projects
-Rendering Services Provided
-Hardware Sponsored
-Sound FX, Foley, Dialogue Editing, Audio Mix and Post
-Voice Recording
-HDCam conversion
-Netherlands Media Art Institute Staff
-Blender Foundation Staff
-00:10:24.500 --> 00:10:30.000
-Many Thanks to our Donation and DVD sponsors
-00:10:30.500 --> 00:10:47.000
-Elephants Dream has been realised with financial support from
-The Netherlands Film Fund
-Mondriaan Foundation
-Uni-Verse / EU Sixth Framework Programme
-00:10:47.500 --> 00:10:53.000
-Produced By
-Ton Roosendaal
-Copyright 2006
-Netherlands Media Art Institute / Montevideo
-Blender Foundation
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
- <meta charset="utf-8" />
- <title>Video.js Text Descriptions, Chapters &amp; Captions Example</title>
- <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
- <script src=""></script>
- <!-- NOTE: we have to disable native Text Track support for the HTML5 tech,
- since even HTML5 video players with native Text Track support
- don't currently support 'description' text tracks in any
- useful way! Currently this means that iOS will not display
- ANY text tracks -->
- <video id="example_video_1" class="video-js" controls preload="none" width="640" height="360"
- data-setup='{ "html5" : { "nativeTextTracks" : false } }'
- poster="">
- <source src="//" type="video/mp4">
- <source src="//" type="video/ogg">
- <track kind="captions" src="captions.en.vtt" srclang="en" label="English" default>
- <track kind="captions" src="" srclang="sv" label="Swedish">
- <track kind="captions" src="" srclang="ru" label="Russian">
- <track kind="captions" src="captions.ja.vtt" srclang="ja" label="Japanese">
- <track kind="captions" src="" srclang="ar" label="Arabic">
- <track kind="descriptions" src="descriptions.en.vtt" srclang="en" label="English">
- <track kind="chapters" src="chapters.en.vtt" srclang="en" label="English">
- <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a></p>
- </video>
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
- <meta charset="utf-8" />
- <title>Index of video.js examples</title>
- <h1>Index of video.js examples</h1>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="simple-embed">Video.js HTML5 video player simple example</a></li>
- <li><a href="elephantsdream">Elephants Dream video with text descriptions, chapters &amp; captions example</a></li>
- </ul>
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-00:00.700 --> 00:04.110
-Captions describe all relevant audio for the hearing impaired.
-[ Heroic music playing for a seagull ]
-00:04.500 --> 00:05.000
-[ Splash!!! ]
-00:05.100 --> 00:06.000
-[ Sploosh!!! ]
-00:08.000 --> 00:09.225
-[ Splash...splash...splash splash splash ]
-00:10.525 --> 00:11.255
-[ Splash, Sploosh again ]
-00:13.500 --> 00:14.984
-Dolphin: eeeEEEEEeeee!
-00:14.984 --> 00:16.984
-Dolphin: Squawk! eeeEEE?
-00:25.000 --> 00:28.284
-[ A whole ton of splashes ]
-00:29.500 --> 00:31.000
-Mine. Mine. Mine.
-00:34.300 --> 00:36.000
-Shark: Chomp
-00:36.800 --> 00:37.900
-Shark: CHOMP!!!
-00:37.861 --> 00:41.193
-00:42.593 --> 00:45.611
-[ BIG SPLASH ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/priv/static/video.js/examples/simple-embed/index.html b/priv/static/video.js/examples/simple-embed/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f10924..0000000
--- a/priv/static/video.js/examples/simple-embed/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
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