path: root/priv/static/discord-embedded-app-sdk/Discord.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'priv/static/discord-embedded-app-sdk/Discord.js')
1 files changed, 7484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/priv/static/discord-embedded-app-sdk/Discord.js b/priv/static/discord-embedded-app-sdk/Discord.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f62749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/priv/static/discord-embedded-app-sdk/Discord.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7484 @@
+ var $parcel$global = globalThis;
+ var $b07963189a833f03$export$a441d440b06e3168 = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof $parcel$global !== "undefined" ? $parcel$global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
+function $b07963189a833f03$export$22b09f878622677a(x) {
+ return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, "default") ? x["default"] : x;
+var $5744ad4c006961b1$export$5edeffb658f039f4 = {
+ exports: {}
+(function(module) {
+ var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, prefix = "~";
+ /**
+ * Constructor to create a storage for our `EE` objects.
+ * An `Events` instance is a plain object whose properties are event names.
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @private
+ */ function Events() {}
+ //
+ // We try to not inherit from `Object.prototype`. In some engines creating an
+ // instance in this way is faster than calling `Object.create(null)` directly.
+ // If `Object.create(null)` is not supported we prefix the event names with a
+ // character to make sure that the built-in object properties are not
+ // overridden or used as an attack vector.
+ //
+ if (Object.create) {
+ Events.prototype = Object.create(null);
+ //
+ // This hack is needed because the `__proto__` property is still inherited in
+ // some old browsers like Android 4, iPhone 5.1, Opera 11 and Safari 5.
+ //
+ if (!new Events().__proto__) prefix = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Representation of a single event listener.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} fn The listener function.
+ * @param {*} context The context to invoke the listener with.
+ * @param {Boolean} [once=false] Specify if the listener is a one-time listener.
+ * @constructor
+ * @private
+ */ function EE(fn, context, once) {
+ this.fn = fn;
+ this.context = context;
+ this.once = once || false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a listener for a given event.
+ *
+ * @param {EventEmitter} emitter Reference to the `EventEmitter` instance.
+ * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
+ * @param {Function} fn The listener function.
+ * @param {*} context The context to invoke the listener with.
+ * @param {Boolean} once Specify if the listener is a one-time listener.
+ * @returns {EventEmitter}
+ * @private
+ */ function addListener(emitter, event, fn, context, once) {
+ if (typeof fn !== "function") throw new TypeError("The listener must be a function");
+ var listener = new EE(fn, context || emitter, once), evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
+ if (!emitter._events[evt]) emitter._events[evt] = listener, emitter._eventsCount++;
+ else if (!emitter._events[evt].fn) emitter._events[evt].push(listener);
+ else emitter._events[evt] = [
+ emitter._events[evt],
+ listener
+ ];
+ return emitter;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clear event by name.
+ *
+ * @param {EventEmitter} emitter Reference to the `EventEmitter` instance.
+ * @param {(String|Symbol)} evt The Event name.
+ * @private
+ */ function clearEvent(emitter, evt) {
+ if (--emitter._eventsCount === 0) emitter._events = new Events();
+ else delete emitter._events[evt];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Minimal `EventEmitter` interface that is molded against the Node.js
+ * `EventEmitter` interface.
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @public
+ */ function EventEmitter() {
+ this._events = new Events();
+ this._eventsCount = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered
+ * listeners.
+ *
+ * @returns {Array}
+ * @public
+ */ EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {
+ var names = [], events, name;
+ if (this._eventsCount === 0) return names;
+ for(name in events = this._events)if (has.call(events, name)) names.push(prefix ? name.slice(1) : name);
+ if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) return names.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(events));
+ return names;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Return the listeners registered for a given event.
+ *
+ * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
+ * @returns {Array} The registered listeners.
+ * @public
+ */ EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(event) {
+ var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, handlers = this._events[evt];
+ if (!handlers) return [];
+ if (handlers.fn) return [
+ handlers.fn
+ ];
+ for(var i = 0, l = handlers.length, ee = new Array(l); i < l; i++)ee[i] = handlers[i].fn;
+ return ee;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Return the number of listeners listening to a given event.
+ *
+ * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
+ * @returns {Number} The number of listeners.
+ * @public
+ */ EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = function listenerCount(event) {
+ var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, listeners = this._events[evt];
+ if (!listeners) return 0;
+ if (listeners.fn) return 1;
+ return listeners.length;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calls each of the listeners registered for a given event.
+ *
+ * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
+ * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the event had listeners, else `false`.
+ * @public
+ */ EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
+ var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
+ if (!this._events[evt]) return false;
+ var listeners = this._events[evt], len = arguments.length, args, i;
+ if (listeners.fn) {
+ if (listeners.once) this.removeListener(event, listeners.fn, undefined, true);
+ switch(len){
+ case 1:
+ return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context), true;
+ case 2:
+ return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1), true;
+ case 3:
+ return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2), true;
+ case 4:
+ return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3), true;
+ case 5:
+ return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4), true;
+ case 6:
+ return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5), true;
+ }
+ for(i = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); i < len; i++)args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
+ listeners.fn.apply(listeners.context, args);
+ } else {
+ var length = listeners.length, j;
+ for(i = 0; i < length; i++){
+ if (listeners[i].once) this.removeListener(event, listeners[i].fn, undefined, true);
+ switch(len){
+ case 1:
+ listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2, a3);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!args) for(j = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); j < len; j++)args[j - 1] = arguments[j];
+ listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i].context, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Add a listener for a given event.
+ *
+ * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
+ * @param {Function} fn The listener function.
+ * @param {*} [context=this] The context to invoke the listener with.
+ * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.
+ * @public
+ */ EventEmitter.prototype.on = function on(event, fn, context) {
+ return addListener(this, event, fn, context, false);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Add a one-time listener for a given event.
+ *
+ * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
+ * @param {Function} fn The listener function.
+ * @param {*} [context=this] The context to invoke the listener with.
+ * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.
+ * @public
+ */ EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(event, fn, context) {
+ return addListener(this, event, fn, context, true);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Remove the listeners of a given event.
+ *
+ * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.
+ * @param {Function} fn Only remove the listeners that match this function.
+ * @param {*} context Only remove the listeners that have this context.
+ * @param {Boolean} once Only remove one-time listeners.
+ * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.
+ * @public
+ */ EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(event, fn, context, once) {
+ var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
+ if (!this._events[evt]) return this;
+ if (!fn) {
+ clearEvent(this, evt);
+ return this;
+ }
+ var listeners = this._events[evt];
+ if (listeners.fn) {
+ if (listeners.fn === fn && (!once || listeners.once) && (!context || listeners.context === context)) clearEvent(this, evt);
+ } else {
+ for(var i = 0, events = [], length = listeners.length; i < length; i++)if (listeners[i].fn !== fn || once && !listeners[i].once || context && listeners[i].context !== context) events.push(listeners[i]);
+ //
+ // Reset the array, or remove it completely if we have no more listeners.
+ //
+ if (events.length) this._events[evt] = events.length === 1 ? events[0] : events;
+ else clearEvent(this, evt);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Remove all listeners, or those of the specified event.
+ *
+ * @param {(String|Symbol)} [event] The event name.
+ * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.
+ * @public
+ */ EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(event) {
+ var evt;
+ if (event) {
+ evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
+ if (this._events[evt]) clearEvent(this, evt);
+ } else {
+ this._events = new Events();
+ this._eventsCount = 0;
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ //
+ // Alias methods names because people roll like that.
+ //
+ EventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener;
+ EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on;
+ //
+ // Expose the prefix.
+ //
+ EventEmitter.prefixed = prefix;
+ //
+ // Allow `EventEmitter` to be imported as module namespace.
+ //
+ EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
+ module.exports = EventEmitter;
+})((0, $5744ad4c006961b1$export$5edeffb658f039f4));
+var $602d255db586a79f$var$eventemitter3Exports = (0, $5744ad4c006961b1$export$5edeffb658f039f4).exports;
+var $602d255db586a79f$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = /*@__PURE__*/ (0, $b07963189a833f03$export$22b09f878622677a)($602d255db586a79f$var$eventemitter3Exports);
+var $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b;
+(function(util) {
+ util.assertEqual = (val)=>val;
+ function assertIs(_arg) {}
+ util.assertIs = assertIs;
+ function assertNever(_x) {
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ util.assertNever = assertNever;
+ util.arrayToEnum = (items)=>{
+ const obj = {};
+ for (const item of items)obj[item] = item;
+ return obj;
+ };
+ util.getValidEnumValues = (obj)=>{
+ const validKeys = util.objectKeys(obj).filter((k)=>typeof obj[obj[k]] !== "number");
+ const filtered = {};
+ for (const k of validKeys)filtered[k] = obj[k];
+ return util.objectValues(filtered);
+ };
+ util.objectValues = (obj)=>{
+ return util.objectKeys(obj).map(function(e) {
+ return obj[e];
+ });
+ };
+ util.objectKeys = typeof Object.keys === "function" // eslint-disable-line ban/ban
+ ? (obj)=>Object.keys(obj) // eslint-disable-line ban/ban
+ : (object)=>{
+ const keys = [];
+ for(const key in object)if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) keys.push(key);
+ return keys;
+ };
+ util.find = (arr, checker)=>{
+ for (const item of arr){
+ if (checker(item)) return item;
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ };
+ util.isInteger = typeof Number.isInteger === "function" ? (val)=>Number.isInteger(val) // eslint-disable-line ban/ban
+ : (val)=>typeof val === "number" && isFinite(val) && Math.floor(val) === val;
+ function joinValues(array, separator = " | ") {
+ return array.map((val)=>typeof val === "string" ? `'${val}'` : val).join(separator);
+ }
+ util.joinValues = joinValues;
+ util.jsonStringifyReplacer = (_, value)=>{
+ if (typeof value === "bigint") return value.toString();
+ return value;
+ };
+})($508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b || ($508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b = {}));
+var $508449958c1d885a$export$4aa2142c225fd5c7;
+(function(objectUtil) {
+ objectUtil.mergeShapes = (first, second)=>{
+ return {
+ ...first,
+ ...second
+ };
+ };
+})($508449958c1d885a$export$4aa2142c225fd5c7 || ($508449958c1d885a$export$4aa2142c225fd5c7 = {}));
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d = $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.arrayToEnum([
+ "string",
+ "nan",
+ "number",
+ "integer",
+ "float",
+ "boolean",
+ "date",
+ "bigint",
+ "symbol",
+ "function",
+ "undefined",
+ "null",
+ "array",
+ "object",
+ "unknown",
+ "promise",
+ "void",
+ "never",
+ "map",
+ "set"
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$3e9057828ebd5c7a = (data)=>{
+ const t = typeof data;
+ switch(t){
+ case "undefined":
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.undefined;
+ case "string":
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.string;
+ case "number":
+ return isNaN(data) ? $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.nan : $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.number;
+ case "boolean":
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.boolean;
+ case "function":
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.function;
+ case "bigint":
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.bigint;
+ case "symbol":
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.symbol;
+ case "object":
+ if (Array.isArray(data)) return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.array;
+ if (data === null) return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.null;
+ if (data.then && typeof data.then === "function" && data.catch && typeof data.catch === "function") return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.promise;
+ if (typeof Map !== "undefined" && data instanceof Map) return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.map;
+ if (typeof Set !== "undefined" && data instanceof Set) return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.set;
+ if (typeof Date !== "undefined" && data instanceof Date) return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.date;
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.object;
+ default:
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.unknown;
+ }
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035 = $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.arrayToEnum([
+ "invalid_type",
+ "invalid_literal",
+ "custom",
+ "invalid_union",
+ "invalid_union_discriminator",
+ "invalid_enum_value",
+ "unrecognized_keys",
+ "invalid_arguments",
+ "invalid_return_type",
+ "invalid_date",
+ "invalid_string",
+ "too_small",
+ "too_big",
+ "invalid_intersection_types",
+ "not_multiple_of",
+ "not_finite"
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$913eddeaf297cfea = (obj)=>{
+ const json = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);
+ return json.replace(/"([^"]+)":/g, "$1:");
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333 extends Error {
+ constructor(issues){
+ super();
+ this.issues = [];
+ this.addIssue = (sub)=>{
+ this.issues = [
+ ...this.issues,
+ sub
+ ];
+ };
+ this.addIssues = (subs = [])=>{
+ this.issues = [
+ ...this.issues,
+ ...subs
+ ];
+ };
+ const actualProto = new.target.prototype;
+ if (Object.setPrototypeOf) // eslint-disable-next-line ban/ban
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(this, actualProto);
+ else this.__proto__ = actualProto;
+ this.name = "ZodError";
+ this.issues = issues;
+ }
+ get errors() {
+ return this.issues;
+ }
+ format(_mapper) {
+ const mapper = _mapper || function(issue) {
+ return issue.message;
+ };
+ const fieldErrors = {
+ _errors: []
+ };
+ const processError = (error)=>{
+ for (const issue of error.issues){
+ if (issue.code === "invalid_union") issue.unionErrors.map(processError);
+ else if (issue.code === "invalid_return_type") processError(issue.returnTypeError);
+ else if (issue.code === "invalid_arguments") processError(issue.argumentsError);
+ else if (issue.path.length === 0) fieldErrors._errors.push(mapper(issue));
+ else {
+ let curr = fieldErrors;
+ let i = 0;
+ while(i < issue.path.length){
+ const el = issue.path[i];
+ const terminal = i === issue.path.length - 1;
+ if (!terminal) curr[el] = curr[el] || {
+ _errors: []
+ };
+ else {
+ curr[el] = curr[el] || {
+ _errors: []
+ };
+ curr[el]._errors.push(mapper(issue));
+ }
+ curr = curr[el];
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ processError(this);
+ return fieldErrors;
+ }
+ static assert(value) {
+ if (!(value instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333)) throw new Error(`Not a ZodError: ${value}`);
+ }
+ toString() {
+ return this.message;
+ }
+ get message() {
+ return JSON.stringify(this.issues, $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.jsonStringifyReplacer, 2);
+ }
+ get isEmpty() {
+ return this.issues.length === 0;
+ }
+ flatten(mapper = (issue)=>issue.message) {
+ const fieldErrors = {};
+ const formErrors = [];
+ for (const sub of this.issues)if (sub.path.length > 0) {
+ fieldErrors[sub.path[0]] = fieldErrors[sub.path[0]] || [];
+ fieldErrors[sub.path[0]].push(mapper(sub));
+ } else formErrors.push(mapper(sub));
+ return {
+ formErrors: formErrors,
+ fieldErrors: fieldErrors
+ };
+ }
+ get formErrors() {
+ return this.flatten();
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333.create = (issues)=>{
+ const error = new $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333(issues);
+ return error;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$341b0b6e0a6f5099 = (issue, _ctx)=>{
+ let message;
+ switch(issue.code){
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type:
+ if (issue.received === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.undefined) message = "Required";
+ else message = `Expected ${issue.expected}, received ${issue.received}`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_literal:
+ message = `Invalid literal value, expected ${JSON.stringify(issue.expected, $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.jsonStringifyReplacer)}`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.unrecognized_keys:
+ message = `Unrecognized key(s) in object: ${$508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.joinValues(issue.keys, ", ")}`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_union:
+ message = `Invalid input`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_union_discriminator:
+ message = `Invalid discriminator value. Expected ${$508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.joinValues(issue.options)}`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_enum_value:
+ message = `Invalid enum value. Expected ${$508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.joinValues(issue.options)}, received '${issue.received}'`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_arguments:
+ message = `Invalid function arguments`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_return_type:
+ message = `Invalid function return type`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_date:
+ message = `Invalid date`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string:
+ if (typeof issue.validation === "object") {
+ if ("includes" in issue.validation) {
+ message = `Invalid input: must include "${issue.validation.includes}"`;
+ if (typeof issue.validation.position === "number") message = `${message} at one or more positions greater than or equal to ${issue.validation.position}`;
+ } else if ("startsWith" in issue.validation) message = `Invalid input: must start with "${issue.validation.startsWith}"`;
+ else if ("endsWith" in issue.validation) message = `Invalid input: must end with "${issue.validation.endsWith}"`;
+ else $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.assertNever(issue.validation);
+ } else if (issue.validation !== "regex") message = `Invalid ${issue.validation}`;
+ else message = "Invalid";
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_small:
+ if (issue.type === "array") message = `Array must contain ${issue.exact ? "exactly" : issue.inclusive ? `at least` : `more than`} ${issue.minimum} element(s)`;
+ else if (issue.type === "string") message = `String must contain ${issue.exact ? "exactly" : issue.inclusive ? `at least` : `over`} ${issue.minimum} character(s)`;
+ else if (issue.type === "number") message = `Number must be ${issue.exact ? `exactly equal to ` : issue.inclusive ? `greater than or equal to ` : `greater than `}${issue.minimum}`;
+ else if (issue.type === "date") message = `Date must be ${issue.exact ? `exactly equal to ` : issue.inclusive ? `greater than or equal to ` : `greater than `}${new Date(Number(issue.minimum))}`;
+ else message = "Invalid input";
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_big:
+ if (issue.type === "array") message = `Array must contain ${issue.exact ? `exactly` : issue.inclusive ? `at most` : `less than`} ${issue.maximum} element(s)`;
+ else if (issue.type === "string") message = `String must contain ${issue.exact ? `exactly` : issue.inclusive ? `at most` : `under`} ${issue.maximum} character(s)`;
+ else if (issue.type === "number") message = `Number must be ${issue.exact ? `exactly` : issue.inclusive ? `less than or equal to` : `less than`} ${issue.maximum}`;
+ else if (issue.type === "bigint") message = `BigInt must be ${issue.exact ? `exactly` : issue.inclusive ? `less than or equal to` : `less than`} ${issue.maximum}`;
+ else if (issue.type === "date") message = `Date must be ${issue.exact ? `exactly` : issue.inclusive ? `smaller than or equal to` : `smaller than`} ${new Date(Number(issue.maximum))}`;
+ else message = "Invalid input";
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.custom:
+ message = `Invalid input`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_intersection_types:
+ message = `Intersection results could not be merged`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.not_multiple_of:
+ message = `Number must be a multiple of ${issue.multipleOf}`;
+ break;
+ case $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.not_finite:
+ message = "Number must be finite";
+ break;
+ default:
+ message = _ctx.defaultError;
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.assertNever(issue);
+ }
+ return {
+ message: message
+ };
+let $508449958c1d885a$var$overrideErrorMap = $508449958c1d885a$export$341b0b6e0a6f5099;
+function $508449958c1d885a$export$1097a8289cfd22d7(map) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$var$overrideErrorMap = map;
+function $508449958c1d885a$export$32f27c719778d4c4() {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$var$overrideErrorMap;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$244a85fde9c419ed = (params)=>{
+ const { data: data, path: path, errorMaps: errorMaps, issueData: issueData } = params;
+ const fullPath = [
+ ...path,
+ ...issueData.path || []
+ ];
+ const fullIssue = {
+ ...issueData,
+ path: fullPath
+ };
+ if (issueData.message !== undefined) return {
+ ...issueData,
+ path: fullPath,
+ message: issueData.message
+ };
+ let errorMessage = "";
+ const maps = errorMaps.filter((m)=>!!m).slice().reverse();
+ for (const map of maps)errorMessage = map(fullIssue, {
+ data: data,
+ defaultError: errorMessage
+ }).message;
+ return {
+ ...issueData,
+ path: fullPath,
+ message: errorMessage
+ };
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$1526d2e05f74572 = [];
+function $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, issueData) {
+ const overrideMap = $508449958c1d885a$export$32f27c719778d4c4();
+ const issue = $508449958c1d885a$export$244a85fde9c419ed({
+ issueData: issueData,
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ errorMaps: [
+ ctx.common.contextualErrorMap,
+ ctx.schemaErrorMap,
+ overrideMap,
+ overrideMap === $508449958c1d885a$export$341b0b6e0a6f5099 ? undefined : $508449958c1d885a$export$341b0b6e0a6f5099
+ ].filter((x)=>!!x)
+ });
+ ctx.common.issues.push(issue);
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f {
+ constructor(){
+ this.value = "valid";
+ }
+ dirty() {
+ if (this.value === "valid") this.value = "dirty";
+ }
+ abort() {
+ if (this.value !== "aborted") this.value = "aborted";
+ }
+ static mergeArray(status, results) {
+ const arrayValue = [];
+ for (const s of results){
+ if (s.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (s.status === "dirty") status.dirty();
+ arrayValue.push(s.value);
+ }
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: arrayValue
+ };
+ }
+ static async mergeObjectAsync(status, pairs) {
+ const syncPairs = [];
+ for (const pair of pairs){
+ const key = await pair.key;
+ const value = await pair.value;
+ syncPairs.push({
+ key: key,
+ value: value
+ });
+ }
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f.mergeObjectSync(status, syncPairs);
+ }
+ static mergeObjectSync(status, pairs) {
+ const finalObject = {};
+ for (const pair of pairs){
+ const { key: key, value: value } = pair;
+ if (key.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (value.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (key.status === "dirty") status.dirty();
+ if (value.status === "dirty") status.dirty();
+ if (key.value !== "__proto__" && (typeof value.value !== "undefined" || pair.alwaysSet)) finalObject[key.value] = value.value;
+ }
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: finalObject
+ };
+ }
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0 = Object.freeze({
+ status: "aborted"
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$325a211da9693fcf = (value)=>({
+ status: "dirty",
+ value: value
+ });
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf = (value)=>({
+ status: "valid",
+ value: value
+ });
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$afa861e3c5730743 = (x)=>x.status === "aborted";
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$910b6cdd390341b3 = (x)=>x.status === "dirty";
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$1ea939691cdc45b8 = (x)=>x.status === "valid";
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$aefee5ebe1dcfd9e = (x)=>typeof Promise !== "undefined" && x instanceof Promise;
+Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
+***************************************************************************** */ function $508449958c1d885a$var$__classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {
+ if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
+ if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
+ return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
+function $508449958c1d885a$var$__classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
+ if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
+ if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
+ if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
+ return kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value), value;
+typeof SuppressedError === "function" && SuppressedError;
+var $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil;
+(function(errorUtil) {
+ errorUtil.errToObj = (message)=>typeof message === "string" ? {
+ message: message
+ } : message || {};
+ errorUtil.toString = (message)=>typeof message === "string" ? message : message === null || message === void 0 ? void 0 : message.message;
+})($508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil || ($508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil = {}));
+var $508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodEnum_cache, $508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodNativeEnum_cache;
+class $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath {
+ constructor(parent, value, path, key){
+ this._cachedPath = [];
+ this.parent = parent;
+ this.data = value;
+ this._path = path;
+ this._key = key;
+ }
+ get path() {
+ if (!this._cachedPath.length) {
+ if (this._key instanceof Array) this._cachedPath.push(...this._path, ...this._key);
+ else this._cachedPath.push(...this._path, this._key);
+ }
+ return this._cachedPath;
+ }
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$handleResult = (ctx, result)=>{
+ if ($508449958c1d885a$export$1ea939691cdc45b8(result)) return {
+ success: true,
+ data: result.value
+ };
+ else {
+ if (!ctx.common.issues.length) throw new Error("Validation failed but no issues detected.");
+ return {
+ success: false,
+ get error () {
+ if (this._error) return this._error;
+ const error = new $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333(ctx.common.issues);
+ this._error = error;
+ return this._error;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+function $508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params) {
+ if (!params) return {};
+ const { errorMap: errorMap, invalid_type_error: invalid_type_error, required_error: required_error, description: description } = params;
+ if (errorMap && (invalid_type_error || required_error)) throw new Error(`Can't use "invalid_type_error" or "required_error" in conjunction with custom error map.`);
+ if (errorMap) return {
+ errorMap: errorMap,
+ description: description
+ };
+ const customMap = (iss, ctx)=>{
+ var _a, _b;
+ const { message: message } = params;
+ if (iss.code === "invalid_enum_value") return {
+ message: message !== null && message !== void 0 ? message : ctx.defaultError
+ };
+ if (typeof ctx.data === "undefined") return {
+ message: (_a = message !== null && message !== void 0 ? message : required_error) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ctx.defaultError
+ };
+ if (iss.code !== "invalid_type") return {
+ message: ctx.defaultError
+ };
+ return {
+ message: (_b = message !== null && message !== void 0 ? message : invalid_type_error) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ctx.defaultError
+ };
+ };
+ return {
+ errorMap: customMap,
+ description: description
+ };
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ constructor(def){
+ /** Alias of safeParseAsync */ this.spa = this.safeParseAsync;
+ this._def = def;
+ this.parse = this.parse.bind(this);
+ this.safeParse = this.safeParse.bind(this);
+ this.parseAsync = this.parseAsync.bind(this);
+ this.safeParseAsync = this.safeParseAsync.bind(this);
+ this.spa = this.spa.bind(this);
+ this.refine = this.refine.bind(this);
+ this.refinement = this.refinement.bind(this);
+ this.superRefine = this.superRefine.bind(this);
+ this.optional = this.optional.bind(this);
+ this.nullable = this.nullable.bind(this);
+ this.nullish = this.nullish.bind(this);
+ this.array = this.array.bind(this);
+ this.promise = this.promise.bind(this);
+ this.or = this.or.bind(this);
+ this.and = this.and.bind(this);
+ this.transform = this.transform.bind(this);
+ this.brand = this.brand.bind(this);
+ this.default = this.default.bind(this);
+ this.catch = this.catch.bind(this);
+ this.describe = this.describe.bind(this);
+ this.pipe = this.pipe.bind(this);
+ this.readonly = this.readonly.bind(this);
+ this.isNullable = this.isNullable.bind(this);
+ this.isOptional = this.isOptional.bind(this);
+ }
+ get description() {
+ return this._def.description;
+ }
+ _getType(input) {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$3e9057828ebd5c7a(input.data);
+ }
+ _getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx) {
+ return ctx || {
+ common: input.parent.common,
+ data: input.data,
+ parsedType: $508449958c1d885a$export$3e9057828ebd5c7a(input.data),
+ schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap,
+ path: input.path,
+ parent: input.parent
+ };
+ }
+ _processInputParams(input) {
+ return {
+ status: new $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f(),
+ ctx: {
+ common: input.parent.common,
+ data: input.data,
+ parsedType: $508449958c1d885a$export$3e9057828ebd5c7a(input.data),
+ schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap,
+ path: input.path,
+ parent: input.parent
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ _parseSync(input) {
+ const result = this._parse(input);
+ if ($508449958c1d885a$export$aefee5ebe1dcfd9e(result)) throw new Error("Synchronous parse encountered promise.");
+ return result;
+ }
+ _parseAsync(input) {
+ const result = this._parse(input);
+ return Promise.resolve(result);
+ }
+ parse(data, params) {
+ const result = this.safeParse(data, params);
+ if (result.success) return result.data;
+ throw result.error;
+ }
+ safeParse(data, params) {
+ var _a;
+ const ctx = {
+ common: {
+ issues: [],
+ async: (_a = params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.async) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false,
+ contextualErrorMap: params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.errorMap
+ },
+ path: (params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.path) || [],
+ schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap,
+ parent: null,
+ data: data,
+ parsedType: $508449958c1d885a$export$3e9057828ebd5c7a(data)
+ };
+ const result = this._parseSync({
+ data: data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$var$handleResult(ctx, result);
+ }
+ async parseAsync(data, params) {
+ const result = await this.safeParseAsync(data, params);
+ if (result.success) return result.data;
+ throw result.error;
+ }
+ async safeParseAsync(data, params) {
+ const ctx = {
+ common: {
+ issues: [],
+ contextualErrorMap: params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.errorMap,
+ async: true
+ },
+ path: (params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.path) || [],
+ schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap,
+ parent: null,
+ data: data,
+ parsedType: $508449958c1d885a$export$3e9057828ebd5c7a(data)
+ };
+ const maybeAsyncResult = this._parse({
+ data: data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ const result = await ($508449958c1d885a$export$aefee5ebe1dcfd9e(maybeAsyncResult) ? maybeAsyncResult : Promise.resolve(maybeAsyncResult));
+ return $508449958c1d885a$var$handleResult(ctx, result);
+ }
+ refine(check, message) {
+ const getIssueProperties = (val)=>{
+ if (typeof message === "string" || typeof message === "undefined") return {
+ message: message
+ };
+ else if (typeof message === "function") return message(val);
+ else return message;
+ };
+ return this._refinement((val, ctx)=>{
+ const result = check(val);
+ const setError = ()=>ctx.addIssue({
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.custom,
+ ...getIssueProperties(val)
+ });
+ if (typeof Promise !== "undefined" && result instanceof Promise) return result.then((data)=>{
+ if (!data) {
+ setError();
+ return false;
+ } else return true;
+ });
+ if (!result) {
+ setError();
+ return false;
+ } else return true;
+ });
+ }
+ refinement(check, refinementData) {
+ return this._refinement((val, ctx)=>{
+ if (!check(val)) {
+ ctx.addIssue(typeof refinementData === "function" ? refinementData(val, ctx) : refinementData);
+ return false;
+ } else return true;
+ });
+ }
+ _refinement(refinement) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582({
+ schema: this,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodEffects,
+ effect: {
+ type: "refinement",
+ refinement: refinement
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ superRefine(refinement) {
+ return this._refinement(refinement);
+ }
+ optional() {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8.create(this, this._def);
+ }
+ nullable() {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$aaac0b8b429cef5.create(this, this._def);
+ }
+ nullish() {
+ return this.nullable().optional();
+ }
+ array() {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411.create(this, this._def);
+ }
+ promise() {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$3f196b0127d6e50a.create(this, this._def);
+ }
+ or(option) {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$a8b236cb5070a311.create([
+ this,
+ option
+ ], this._def);
+ }
+ and(incoming) {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c02deaf0bb5203d4.create(this, incoming, this._def);
+ }
+ transform(transform) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582({
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(this._def),
+ schema: this,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodEffects,
+ effect: {
+ type: "transform",
+ transform: transform
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ default(def) {
+ const defaultValueFunc = typeof def === "function" ? def : ()=>def;
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$bb19b37874861e7e({
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(this._def),
+ innerType: this,
+ defaultValue: defaultValueFunc,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodDefault
+ });
+ }
+ brand() {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$66b0c798a395271f({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodBranded,
+ type: this,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(this._def)
+ });
+ }
+ catch(def) {
+ const catchValueFunc = typeof def === "function" ? def : ()=>def;
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$75a44ec6249ac76b({
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(this._def),
+ innerType: this,
+ catchValue: catchValueFunc,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodCatch
+ });
+ }
+ describe(description) {
+ const This = this.constructor;
+ return new This({
+ ...this._def,
+ description: description
+ });
+ }
+ pipe(target) {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$a3c3ef8a0e95c6da.create(this, target);
+ }
+ readonly() {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5d1f7ef05c4e493a.create(this);
+ }
+ isOptional() {
+ return this.safeParse(undefined).success;
+ }
+ isNullable() {
+ return this.safeParse(null).success;
+ }
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$cuidRegex = /^c[^\s-]{8,}$/i;
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$cuid2Regex = /^[0-9a-z]+$/;
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$ulidRegex = /^[0-9A-HJKMNP-TV-Z]{26}$/;
+// const uuidRegex =
+// /^([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[1-5][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i;
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$uuidRegex = /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/i;
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$nanoidRegex = /^[a-z0-9_-]{21}$/i;
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$durationRegex = /^[-+]?P(?!$)(?:(?:[-+]?\d+Y)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+Y$))?(?:(?:[-+]?\d+M)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+M$))?(?:(?:[-+]?\d+W)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+W$))?(?:(?:[-+]?\d+D)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+D$))?(?:T(?=[\d+-])(?:(?:[-+]?\d+H)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+H$))?(?:(?:[-+]?\d+M)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+M$))?(?:[-+]?\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?S)?)??$/;
+// from https://stackoverflow.com/a/46181/1550155
+// old version: too slow, didn't support unicode
+// const emailRegex = /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))$/i;
+//old email regex
+// const emailRegex = /^(([^<>()[\].,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\].,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((?!-)([^<>()[\].,;:\s@"]+\.)+[^<>()[\].,;:\s@"]{1,})[^-<>()[\].,;:\s@"]$/i;
+// eslint-disable-next-line
+// const emailRegex =
+// /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2}))\.){3}((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2}))\])|(\[IPv6:(([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){7}|::([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,6}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){1}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,5}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){2}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,4}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){3}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,3}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){4}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,2}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){5}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,1})([a-f0-9]{1,4}|(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2}))\.){3}((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2})))\])|([A-Za-z0-9]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])*(\.[A-Za-z]{2,})+))$/;
+// const emailRegex =
+// /^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\/\=\?\^\_\`\{\|\}\~\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/;
+// const emailRegex =
+// /^(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|"(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*")@(?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x53-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)\])$/i;
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$emailRegex = /^(?!\.)(?!.*\.\.)([A-Z0-9_'+\-\.]*)[A-Z0-9_+-]@([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9\-]*\.)+[A-Z]{2,}$/i;
+// const emailRegex =
+// /^[a-z0-9.!#$%&’*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9\-]+)*$/i;
+// from https://thekevinscott.com/emojis-in-javascript/#writing-a-regular-expression
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$_emojiRegex = `^(\\p{Extended_Pictographic}|\\p{Emoji_Component})+$`;
+let $508449958c1d885a$var$emojiRegex;
+// faster, simpler, safer
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$ipv4Regex = /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])$/;
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$ipv6Regex = /^(([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){7}|::([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,6}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){1}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,5}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){2}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,4}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){3}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,3}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){4}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,2}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){5}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,1})([a-f0-9]{1,4}|(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2}))\.){3}((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2})))$/;
+// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7860392/determine-if-string-is-in-base64-using-javascript
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$base64Regex = /^([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{4})*(([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{2}==)|([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{3}=))?$/;
+// simple
+// const dateRegexSource = `\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}`;
+// no leap year validation
+// const dateRegexSource = `\\d{4}-((0[13578]|10|12)-31|(0[13-9]|1[0-2])-30|(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|1\\d|2\\d))`;
+// with leap year validation
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$dateRegexSource = `((\\d\\d[2468][048]|\\d\\d[13579][26]|\\d\\d0[48]|[02468][048]00|[13579][26]00)-02-29|\\d{4}-((0[13578]|1[02])-(0[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01])|(0[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[12]\\d|30)|(02)-(0[1-9]|1\\d|2[0-8])))`;
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$dateRegex = new RegExp(`^${$508449958c1d885a$var$dateRegexSource}$`);
+function $508449958c1d885a$var$timeRegexSource(args) {
+ // let regex = `\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}`;
+ let regex = `([01]\\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d`;
+ if (args.precision) regex = `${regex}\\.\\d{${args.precision}}`;
+ else if (args.precision == null) regex = `${regex}(\\.\\d+)?`;
+ return regex;
+function $508449958c1d885a$var$timeRegex(args) {
+ return new RegExp(`^${$508449958c1d885a$var$timeRegexSource(args)}$`);
+// Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/3143231
+function $508449958c1d885a$export$a4b563879add27a(args) {
+ let regex = `${$508449958c1d885a$var$dateRegexSource}T${$508449958c1d885a$var$timeRegexSource(args)}`;
+ const opts = [];
+ opts.push(args.local ? `Z?` : `Z`);
+ if (args.offset) opts.push(`([+-]\\d{2}:?\\d{2})`);
+ regex = `${regex}(${opts.join("|")})`;
+ return new RegExp(`^${regex}$`);
+function $508449958c1d885a$var$isValidIP(ip, version) {
+ if ((version === "v4" || !version) && $508449958c1d885a$var$ipv4Regex.test(ip)) return true;
+ if ((version === "v6" || !version) && $508449958c1d885a$var$ipv6Regex.test(ip)) return true;
+ return false;
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ if (this._def.coerce) input.data = String(input.data);
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.string) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.string,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ const status = new $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f();
+ let ctx = undefined;
+ for (const check of this._def.checks){
+ if (check.kind === "min") {
+ if (input.data.length < check.value) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_small,
+ minimum: check.value,
+ type: "string",
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: false,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "max") {
+ if (input.data.length > check.value) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_big,
+ maximum: check.value,
+ type: "string",
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: false,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "length") {
+ const tooBig = input.data.length > check.value;
+ const tooSmall = input.data.length < check.value;
+ if (tooBig || tooSmall) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ if (tooBig) $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_big,
+ maximum: check.value,
+ type: "string",
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: true,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ else if (tooSmall) $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_small,
+ minimum: check.value,
+ type: "string",
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: true,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "email") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$emailRegex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "email",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "emoji") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$emojiRegex) $508449958c1d885a$var$emojiRegex = new RegExp($508449958c1d885a$var$_emojiRegex, "u");
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$emojiRegex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "emoji",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "uuid") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$uuidRegex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "uuid",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "nanoid") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$nanoidRegex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "nanoid",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "cuid") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$cuidRegex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "cuid",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "cuid2") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$cuid2Regex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "cuid2",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "ulid") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$ulidRegex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "ulid",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "url") try {
+ new URL(input.data);
+ } catch (_a) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "url",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ else if (check.kind === "regex") {
+ check.regex.lastIndex = 0;
+ const testResult = check.regex.test(input.data);
+ if (!testResult) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "regex",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "trim") input.data = input.data.trim();
+ else if (check.kind === "includes") {
+ if (!input.data.includes(check.value, check.position)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ validation: {
+ includes: check.value,
+ position: check.position
+ },
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "toLowerCase") input.data = input.data.toLowerCase();
+ else if (check.kind === "toUpperCase") input.data = input.data.toUpperCase();
+ else if (check.kind === "startsWith") {
+ if (!input.data.startsWith(check.value)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ validation: {
+ startsWith: check.value
+ },
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "endsWith") {
+ if (!input.data.endsWith(check.value)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ validation: {
+ endsWith: check.value
+ },
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "datetime") {
+ const regex = $508449958c1d885a$export$a4b563879add27a(check);
+ if (!regex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ validation: "datetime",
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "date") {
+ const regex = $508449958c1d885a$var$dateRegex;
+ if (!regex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ validation: "date",
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "time") {
+ const regex = $508449958c1d885a$var$timeRegex(check);
+ if (!regex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ validation: "time",
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "duration") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$durationRegex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "duration",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "ip") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$isValidIP(input.data, check.version)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "ip",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "base64") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$base64Regex.test(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ validation: "base64",
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.assertNever(check);
+ }
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: input.data
+ };
+ }
+ _regex(regex, validation, message) {
+ return this.refinement((data)=>regex.test(data), {
+ validation: validation,
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_string,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ _addCheck(check) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502({
+ ...this._def,
+ checks: [
+ ...this._def.checks,
+ check
+ ]
+ });
+ }
+ email(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "email",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ url(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "url",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ emoji(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "emoji",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ uuid(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "uuid",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ nanoid(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "nanoid",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ cuid(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "cuid",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ cuid2(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "cuid2",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ ulid(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "ulid",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ base64(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "base64",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ ip(options) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "ip",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(options)
+ });
+ }
+ datetime(options) {
+ var _a, _b;
+ if (typeof options === "string") return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "datetime",
+ precision: null,
+ offset: false,
+ local: false,
+ message: options
+ });
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "datetime",
+ precision: typeof (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.precision) === "undefined" ? null : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.precision,
+ offset: (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.offset) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false,
+ local: (_b = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.local) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.message)
+ });
+ }
+ date(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "date",
+ message: message
+ });
+ }
+ time(options) {
+ if (typeof options === "string") return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "time",
+ precision: null,
+ message: options
+ });
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "time",
+ precision: typeof (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.precision) === "undefined" ? null : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.precision,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.message)
+ });
+ }
+ duration(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "duration",
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ regex(regex, message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "regex",
+ regex: regex,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ includes(value, options) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "includes",
+ value: value,
+ position: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.position,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.message)
+ });
+ }
+ startsWith(value, message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "startsWith",
+ value: value,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ endsWith(value, message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "endsWith",
+ value: value,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ min(minLength, message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "min",
+ value: minLength,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ max(maxLength, message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "max",
+ value: maxLength,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ length(len, message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "length",
+ value: len,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message)
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Use z.string().min(1) instead.
+ * @see {@link ZodString.min}
+ */ nonempty(message) {
+ return this.min(1, $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message));
+ }
+ trim() {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502({
+ ...this._def,
+ checks: [
+ ...this._def.checks,
+ {
+ kind: "trim"
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ }
+ toLowerCase() {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502({
+ ...this._def,
+ checks: [
+ ...this._def.checks,
+ {
+ kind: "toLowerCase"
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ }
+ toUpperCase() {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502({
+ ...this._def,
+ checks: [
+ ...this._def.checks,
+ {
+ kind: "toUpperCase"
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ }
+ get isDatetime() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "datetime");
+ }
+ get isDate() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "date");
+ }
+ get isTime() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "time");
+ }
+ get isDuration() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "duration");
+ }
+ get isEmail() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "email");
+ }
+ get isURL() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "url");
+ }
+ get isEmoji() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "emoji");
+ }
+ get isUUID() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "uuid");
+ }
+ get isNANOID() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "nanoid");
+ }
+ get isCUID() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "cuid");
+ }
+ get isCUID2() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "cuid2");
+ }
+ get isULID() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "ulid");
+ }
+ get isIP() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "ip");
+ }
+ get isBase64() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "base64");
+ }
+ get minLength() {
+ let min = null;
+ for (const ch of this._def.checks){
+ if (ch.kind === "min") {
+ if (min === null || ch.value > min) min = ch.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return min;
+ }
+ get maxLength() {
+ let max = null;
+ for (const ch of this._def.checks){
+ if (ch.kind === "max") {
+ if (max === null || ch.value < max) max = ch.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return max;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502.create = (params)=>{
+ var _a;
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502({
+ checks: [],
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodString,
+ coerce: (_a = params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.coerce) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3966484/why-does-modulus-operator-return-fractional-number-in-javascript/31711034#31711034
+function $508449958c1d885a$var$floatSafeRemainder(val, step) {
+ const valDecCount = (val.toString().split(".")[1] || "").length;
+ const stepDecCount = (step.toString().split(".")[1] || "").length;
+ const decCount = valDecCount > stepDecCount ? valDecCount : stepDecCount;
+ const valInt = parseInt(val.toFixed(decCount).replace(".", ""));
+ const stepInt = parseInt(step.toFixed(decCount).replace(".", ""));
+ return valInt % stepInt / Math.pow(10, decCount);
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$5b070a55c0c43e09 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ constructor(){
+ super(...arguments);
+ this.min = this.gte;
+ this.max = this.lte;
+ this.step = this.multipleOf;
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ if (this._def.coerce) input.data = Number(input.data);
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.number) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.number,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ let ctx = undefined;
+ const status = new $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f();
+ for (const check of this._def.checks){
+ if (check.kind === "int") {
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.isInteger(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: "integer",
+ received: "float",
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "min") {
+ const tooSmall = check.inclusive ? input.data < check.value : input.data <= check.value;
+ if (tooSmall) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_small,
+ minimum: check.value,
+ type: "number",
+ inclusive: check.inclusive,
+ exact: false,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "max") {
+ const tooBig = check.inclusive ? input.data > check.value : input.data >= check.value;
+ if (tooBig) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_big,
+ maximum: check.value,
+ type: "number",
+ inclusive: check.inclusive,
+ exact: false,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "multipleOf") {
+ if ($508449958c1d885a$var$floatSafeRemainder(input.data, check.value) !== 0) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.not_multiple_of,
+ multipleOf: check.value,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "finite") {
+ if (!Number.isFinite(input.data)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.not_finite,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.assertNever(check);
+ }
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: input.data
+ };
+ }
+ gte(value, message) {
+ return this.setLimit("min", value, true, $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message));
+ }
+ gt(value, message) {
+ return this.setLimit("min", value, false, $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message));
+ }
+ lte(value, message) {
+ return this.setLimit("max", value, true, $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message));
+ }
+ lt(value, message) {
+ return this.setLimit("max", value, false, $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message));
+ }
+ setLimit(kind, value, inclusive, message) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$5b070a55c0c43e09({
+ ...this._def,
+ checks: [
+ ...this._def.checks,
+ {
+ kind: kind,
+ value: value,
+ inclusive: inclusive,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ }
+ _addCheck(check) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$5b070a55c0c43e09({
+ ...this._def,
+ checks: [
+ ...this._def.checks,
+ check
+ ]
+ });
+ }
+ int(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "int",
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ positive(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "min",
+ value: 0,
+ inclusive: false,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ negative(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "max",
+ value: 0,
+ inclusive: false,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ nonpositive(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "max",
+ value: 0,
+ inclusive: true,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ nonnegative(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "min",
+ value: 0,
+ inclusive: true,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ multipleOf(value, message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "multipleOf",
+ value: value,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ finite(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "finite",
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ safe(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "min",
+ inclusive: true,
+ value: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ })._addCheck({
+ kind: "max",
+ inclusive: true,
+ value: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ get minValue() {
+ let min = null;
+ for (const ch of this._def.checks){
+ if (ch.kind === "min") {
+ if (min === null || ch.value > min) min = ch.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return min;
+ }
+ get maxValue() {
+ let max = null;
+ for (const ch of this._def.checks){
+ if (ch.kind === "max") {
+ if (max === null || ch.value < max) max = ch.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return max;
+ }
+ get isInt() {
+ return !!this._def.checks.find((ch)=>ch.kind === "int" || ch.kind === "multipleOf" && $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.isInteger(ch.value));
+ }
+ get isFinite() {
+ let max = null, min = null;
+ for (const ch of this._def.checks){
+ if (ch.kind === "finite" || ch.kind === "int" || ch.kind === "multipleOf") return true;
+ else if (ch.kind === "min") {
+ if (min === null || ch.value > min) min = ch.value;
+ } else if (ch.kind === "max") {
+ if (max === null || ch.value < max) max = ch.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return Number.isFinite(min) && Number.isFinite(max);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$5b070a55c0c43e09.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$5b070a55c0c43e09({
+ checks: [],
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodNumber,
+ coerce: (params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.coerce) || false,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$67d741fd70ff98f4 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ constructor(){
+ super(...arguments);
+ this.min = this.gte;
+ this.max = this.lte;
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ if (this._def.coerce) input.data = BigInt(input.data);
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.bigint) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.bigint,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ let ctx = undefined;
+ const status = new $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f();
+ for (const check of this._def.checks){
+ if (check.kind === "min") {
+ const tooSmall = check.inclusive ? input.data < check.value : input.data <= check.value;
+ if (tooSmall) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_small,
+ type: "bigint",
+ minimum: check.value,
+ inclusive: check.inclusive,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "max") {
+ const tooBig = check.inclusive ? input.data > check.value : input.data >= check.value;
+ if (tooBig) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_big,
+ type: "bigint",
+ maximum: check.value,
+ inclusive: check.inclusive,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "multipleOf") {
+ if (input.data % check.value !== BigInt(0)) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.not_multiple_of,
+ multipleOf: check.value,
+ message: check.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.assertNever(check);
+ }
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: input.data
+ };
+ }
+ gte(value, message) {
+ return this.setLimit("min", value, true, $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message));
+ }
+ gt(value, message) {
+ return this.setLimit("min", value, false, $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message));
+ }
+ lte(value, message) {
+ return this.setLimit("max", value, true, $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message));
+ }
+ lt(value, message) {
+ return this.setLimit("max", value, false, $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message));
+ }
+ setLimit(kind, value, inclusive, message) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$67d741fd70ff98f4({
+ ...this._def,
+ checks: [
+ ...this._def.checks,
+ {
+ kind: kind,
+ value: value,
+ inclusive: inclusive,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ }
+ _addCheck(check) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$67d741fd70ff98f4({
+ ...this._def,
+ checks: [
+ ...this._def.checks,
+ check
+ ]
+ });
+ }
+ positive(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "min",
+ value: BigInt(0),
+ inclusive: false,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ negative(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "max",
+ value: BigInt(0),
+ inclusive: false,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ nonpositive(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "max",
+ value: BigInt(0),
+ inclusive: true,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ nonnegative(message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "min",
+ value: BigInt(0),
+ inclusive: true,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ multipleOf(value, message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "multipleOf",
+ value: value,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ get minValue() {
+ let min = null;
+ for (const ch of this._def.checks){
+ if (ch.kind === "min") {
+ if (min === null || ch.value > min) min = ch.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return min;
+ }
+ get maxValue() {
+ let max = null;
+ for (const ch of this._def.checks){
+ if (ch.kind === "max") {
+ if (max === null || ch.value < max) max = ch.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return max;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$67d741fd70ff98f4.create = (params)=>{
+ var _a;
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$67d741fd70ff98f4({
+ checks: [],
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodBigInt,
+ coerce: (_a = params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.coerce) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$723d146f80596191 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ if (this._def.coerce) input.data = Boolean(input.data);
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.boolean) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.boolean,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(input.data);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$723d146f80596191.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$723d146f80596191({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodBoolean,
+ coerce: (params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.coerce) || false,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$e974be33bdc55521 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ if (this._def.coerce) input.data = new Date(input.data);
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.date) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.date,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ if (isNaN(input.data.getTime())) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_date
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ const status = new $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f();
+ let ctx = undefined;
+ for (const check of this._def.checks){
+ if (check.kind === "min") {
+ if (input.data.getTime() < check.value) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_small,
+ message: check.message,
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: false,
+ minimum: check.value,
+ type: "date"
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (check.kind === "max") {
+ if (input.data.getTime() > check.value) {
+ ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input, ctx);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_big,
+ message: check.message,
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: false,
+ maximum: check.value,
+ type: "date"
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.assertNever(check);
+ }
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: new Date(input.data.getTime())
+ };
+ }
+ _addCheck(check) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$e974be33bdc55521({
+ ...this._def,
+ checks: [
+ ...this._def.checks,
+ check
+ ]
+ });
+ }
+ min(minDate, message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "min",
+ value: minDate.getTime(),
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ max(maxDate, message) {
+ return this._addCheck({
+ kind: "max",
+ value: maxDate.getTime(),
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ });
+ }
+ get minDate() {
+ let min = null;
+ for (const ch of this._def.checks){
+ if (ch.kind === "min") {
+ if (min === null || ch.value > min) min = ch.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return min != null ? new Date(min) : null;
+ }
+ get maxDate() {
+ let max = null;
+ for (const ch of this._def.checks){
+ if (ch.kind === "max") {
+ if (max === null || ch.value < max) max = ch.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return max != null ? new Date(max) : null;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$e974be33bdc55521.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$e974be33bdc55521({
+ checks: [],
+ coerce: (params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.coerce) || false,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodDate,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$bcc3b40f6b638044 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.symbol) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.symbol,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(input.data);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$bcc3b40f6b638044.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$bcc3b40f6b638044({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodSymbol,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$4e780e961c30340d extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.undefined) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.undefined,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(input.data);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$4e780e961c30340d.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$4e780e961c30340d({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodUndefined,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$a96281f914484f2d extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.null) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.null,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(input.data);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$a96281f914484f2d.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$a96281f914484f2d({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodNull,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$b9d1edb536b4e4eb extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ constructor(){
+ super(...arguments);
+ // to prevent instances of other classes from extending ZodAny. this causes issues with catchall in ZodObject.
+ this._any = true;
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(input.data);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$b9d1edb536b4e4eb.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$b9d1edb536b4e4eb({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodAny,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$ef3b1bb1630977ae extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ constructor(){
+ super(...arguments);
+ // required
+ this._unknown = true;
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(input.data);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$ef3b1bb1630977ae.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$ef3b1bb1630977ae({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodUnknown,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$1e576a20c3ce9fb5 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.never,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$1e576a20c3ce9fb5.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$1e576a20c3ce9fb5({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodNever,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$7d39f5df85f21031 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.undefined) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.void,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(input.data);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$7d39f5df85f21031.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$7d39f5df85f21031({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodVoid,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { ctx: ctx, status: status } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ const def = this._def;
+ if (ctx.parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.array) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.array,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ if (def.exactLength !== null) {
+ const tooBig = ctx.data.length > def.exactLength.value;
+ const tooSmall = ctx.data.length < def.exactLength.value;
+ if (tooBig || tooSmall) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: tooBig ? $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_big : $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_small,
+ minimum: tooSmall ? def.exactLength.value : undefined,
+ maximum: tooBig ? def.exactLength.value : undefined,
+ type: "array",
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: true,
+ message: def.exactLength.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ }
+ if (def.minLength !== null) {
+ if (ctx.data.length < def.minLength.value) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_small,
+ minimum: def.minLength.value,
+ type: "array",
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: false,
+ message: def.minLength.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ }
+ if (def.maxLength !== null) {
+ if (ctx.data.length > def.maxLength.value) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_big,
+ maximum: def.maxLength.value,
+ type: "array",
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: false,
+ message: def.maxLength.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ }
+ if (ctx.common.async) return Promise.all([
+ ...ctx.data
+ ].map((item, i)=>{
+ return def.type._parseAsync(new $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath(ctx, item, ctx.path, i));
+ })).then((result)=>{
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f.mergeArray(status, result);
+ });
+ const result = [
+ ...ctx.data
+ ].map((item, i)=>{
+ return def.type._parseSync(new $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath(ctx, item, ctx.path, i));
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f.mergeArray(status, result);
+ }
+ get element() {
+ return this._def.type;
+ }
+ min(minLength, message) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411({
+ ...this._def,
+ minLength: {
+ value: minLength,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ max(maxLength, message) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411({
+ ...this._def,
+ maxLength: {
+ value: maxLength,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ length(len, message) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411({
+ ...this._def,
+ exactLength: {
+ value: len,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ nonempty(message) {
+ return this.min(1, message);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411.create = (schema, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411({
+ type: schema,
+ minLength: null,
+ maxLength: null,
+ exactLength: null,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodArray,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+function $508449958c1d885a$var$deepPartialify(schema) {
+ if (schema instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad) {
+ const newShape = {};
+ for(const key in schema.shape){
+ const fieldSchema = schema.shape[key];
+ newShape[key] = $508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8.create($508449958c1d885a$var$deepPartialify(fieldSchema));
+ }
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ ...schema._def,
+ shape: ()=>newShape
+ });
+ } else if (schema instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411) return new $508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411({
+ ...schema._def,
+ type: $508449958c1d885a$var$deepPartialify(schema.element)
+ });
+ else if (schema instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8) return $508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8.create($508449958c1d885a$var$deepPartialify(schema.unwrap()));
+ else if (schema instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$aaac0b8b429cef5) return $508449958c1d885a$export$aaac0b8b429cef5.create($508449958c1d885a$var$deepPartialify(schema.unwrap()));
+ else if (schema instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$e2a18bb771d8e6a3) return $508449958c1d885a$export$e2a18bb771d8e6a3.create(schema.items.map((item)=>$508449958c1d885a$var$deepPartialify(item)));
+ else return schema;
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ constructor(){
+ super(...arguments);
+ this._cached = null;
+ /**
+ * @deprecated In most cases, this is no longer needed - unknown properties are now silently stripped.
+ * If you want to pass through unknown properties, use `.passthrough()` instead.
+ */ this.nonstrict = this.passthrough;
+ // extend<
+ // Augmentation extends ZodRawShape,
+ // NewOutput extends util.flatten<{
+ // [k in keyof Augmentation | keyof Output]: k extends keyof Augmentation
+ // ? Augmentation[k]["_output"]
+ // : k extends keyof Output
+ // ? Output[k]
+ // : never;
+ // }>,
+ // NewInput extends util.flatten<{
+ // [k in keyof Augmentation | keyof Input]: k extends keyof Augmentation
+ // ? Augmentation[k]["_input"]
+ // : k extends keyof Input
+ // ? Input[k]
+ // : never;
+ // }>
+ // >(
+ // augmentation: Augmentation
+ // ): ZodObject<
+ // extendShape<T, Augmentation>,
+ // UnknownKeys,
+ // Catchall,
+ // NewOutput,
+ // NewInput
+ // > {
+ // return new ZodObject({
+ // ...this._def,
+ // shape: () => ({
+ // ...this._def.shape(),
+ // ...augmentation,
+ // }),
+ // }) as any;
+ // }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Use `.extend` instead
+ * */ this.augment = this.extend;
+ }
+ _getCached() {
+ if (this._cached !== null) return this._cached;
+ const shape = this._def.shape();
+ const keys = $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectKeys(shape);
+ return this._cached = {
+ shape: shape,
+ keys: keys
+ };
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.object) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.object,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ const { status: status, ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ const { shape: shape, keys: shapeKeys } = this._getCached();
+ const extraKeys = [];
+ if (!(this._def.catchall instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$1e576a20c3ce9fb5 && this._def.unknownKeys === "strip")) {
+ for(const key in ctx.data)if (!shapeKeys.includes(key)) extraKeys.push(key);
+ }
+ const pairs = [];
+ for (const key of shapeKeys){
+ const keyValidator = shape[key];
+ const value = ctx.data[key];
+ pairs.push({
+ key: {
+ status: "valid",
+ value: key
+ },
+ value: keyValidator._parse(new $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath(ctx, value, ctx.path, key)),
+ alwaysSet: key in ctx.data
+ });
+ }
+ if (this._def.catchall instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$1e576a20c3ce9fb5) {
+ const unknownKeys = this._def.unknownKeys;
+ if (unknownKeys === "passthrough") for (const key of extraKeys)pairs.push({
+ key: {
+ status: "valid",
+ value: key
+ },
+ value: {
+ status: "valid",
+ value: ctx.data[key]
+ }
+ });
+ else if (unknownKeys === "strict") {
+ if (extraKeys.length > 0) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.unrecognized_keys,
+ keys: extraKeys
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ } else if (unknownKeys === "strip") ;
+ else throw new Error(`Internal ZodObject error: invalid unknownKeys value.`);
+ } else {
+ // run catchall validation
+ const catchall = this._def.catchall;
+ for (const key of extraKeys){
+ const value = ctx.data[key];
+ pairs.push({
+ key: {
+ status: "valid",
+ value: key
+ },
+ value: catchall._parse(new $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath(ctx, value, ctx.path, key) //, ctx.child(key), value, getParsedType(value)
+ ),
+ alwaysSet: key in ctx.data
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (ctx.common.async) return Promise.resolve().then(async ()=>{
+ const syncPairs = [];
+ for (const pair of pairs){
+ const key = await pair.key;
+ const value = await pair.value;
+ syncPairs.push({
+ key: key,
+ value: value,
+ alwaysSet: pair.alwaysSet
+ });
+ }
+ return syncPairs;
+ }).then((syncPairs)=>{
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f.mergeObjectSync(status, syncPairs);
+ });
+ else return $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f.mergeObjectSync(status, pairs);
+ }
+ get shape() {
+ return this._def.shape();
+ }
+ strict(message) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj;
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ ...this._def,
+ unknownKeys: "strict",
+ ...message !== undefined ? {
+ errorMap: (issue, ctx)=>{
+ var _a, _b, _c, _d;
+ const defaultError = (_c = (_b = (_a = this._def).errorMap) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, issue, ctx).message) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : ctx.defaultError;
+ if (issue.code === "unrecognized_keys") return {
+ message: (_d = $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.errToObj(message).message) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : defaultError
+ };
+ return {
+ message: defaultError
+ };
+ }
+ } : {}
+ });
+ }
+ strip() {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ ...this._def,
+ unknownKeys: "strip"
+ });
+ }
+ passthrough() {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ ...this._def,
+ unknownKeys: "passthrough"
+ });
+ }
+ // const AugmentFactory =
+ // <Def extends ZodObjectDef>(def: Def) =>
+ // <Augmentation extends ZodRawShape>(
+ // augmentation: Augmentation
+ // ): ZodObject<
+ // extendShape<ReturnType<Def["shape"]>, Augmentation>,
+ // Def["unknownKeys"],
+ // Def["catchall"]
+ // > => {
+ // return new ZodObject({
+ // ...def,
+ // shape: () => ({
+ // ...def.shape(),
+ // ...augmentation,
+ // }),
+ // }) as any;
+ // };
+ extend(augmentation) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ ...this._def,
+ shape: ()=>({
+ ...this._def.shape(),
+ ...augmentation
+ })
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prior to zod@1.0.12 there was a bug in the
+ * inferred type of merged objects. Please
+ * upgrade if you are experiencing issues.
+ */ merge(merging) {
+ const merged = new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ unknownKeys: merging._def.unknownKeys,
+ catchall: merging._def.catchall,
+ shape: ()=>({
+ ...this._def.shape(),
+ ...merging._def.shape()
+ }),
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodObject
+ });
+ return merged;
+ }
+ // merge<
+ // Incoming extends AnyZodObject,
+ // Augmentation extends Incoming["shape"],
+ // NewOutput extends {
+ // [k in keyof Augmentation | keyof Output]: k extends keyof Augmentation
+ // ? Augmentation[k]["_output"]
+ // : k extends keyof Output
+ // ? Output[k]
+ // : never;
+ // },
+ // NewInput extends {
+ // [k in keyof Augmentation | keyof Input]: k extends keyof Augmentation
+ // ? Augmentation[k]["_input"]
+ // : k extends keyof Input
+ // ? Input[k]
+ // : never;
+ // }
+ // >(
+ // merging: Incoming
+ // ): ZodObject<
+ // extendShape<T, ReturnType<Incoming["_def"]["shape"]>>,
+ // Incoming["_def"]["unknownKeys"],
+ // Incoming["_def"]["catchall"],
+ // NewOutput,
+ // NewInput
+ // > {
+ // const merged: any = new ZodObject({
+ // unknownKeys: merging._def.unknownKeys,
+ // catchall: merging._def.catchall,
+ // shape: () =>
+ // objectUtil.mergeShapes(this._def.shape(), merging._def.shape()),
+ // typeName: ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodObject,
+ // }) as any;
+ // return merged;
+ // }
+ setKey(key, schema) {
+ return this.augment({
+ [key]: schema
+ });
+ }
+ // merge<Incoming extends AnyZodObject>(
+ // merging: Incoming
+ // ): //ZodObject<T & Incoming["_shape"], UnknownKeys, Catchall> = (merging) => {
+ // ZodObject<
+ // extendShape<T, ReturnType<Incoming["_def"]["shape"]>>,
+ // Incoming["_def"]["unknownKeys"],
+ // Incoming["_def"]["catchall"]
+ // > {
+ // // const mergedShape = objectUtil.mergeShapes(
+ // // this._def.shape(),
+ // // merging._def.shape()
+ // // );
+ // const merged: any = new ZodObject({
+ // unknownKeys: merging._def.unknownKeys,
+ // catchall: merging._def.catchall,
+ // shape: () =>
+ // objectUtil.mergeShapes(this._def.shape(), merging._def.shape()),
+ // typeName: ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodObject,
+ // }) as any;
+ // return merged;
+ // }
+ catchall(index) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ ...this._def,
+ catchall: index
+ });
+ }
+ pick(mask) {
+ const shape = {};
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectKeys(mask).forEach((key)=>{
+ if (mask[key] && this.shape[key]) shape[key] = this.shape[key];
+ });
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ ...this._def,
+ shape: ()=>shape
+ });
+ }
+ omit(mask) {
+ const shape = {};
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectKeys(this.shape).forEach((key)=>{
+ if (!mask[key]) shape[key] = this.shape[key];
+ });
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ ...this._def,
+ shape: ()=>shape
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated
+ */ deepPartial() {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$var$deepPartialify(this);
+ }
+ partial(mask) {
+ const newShape = {};
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectKeys(this.shape).forEach((key)=>{
+ const fieldSchema = this.shape[key];
+ if (mask && !mask[key]) newShape[key] = fieldSchema;
+ else newShape[key] = fieldSchema.optional();
+ });
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ ...this._def,
+ shape: ()=>newShape
+ });
+ }
+ required(mask) {
+ const newShape = {};
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectKeys(this.shape).forEach((key)=>{
+ if (mask && !mask[key]) newShape[key] = this.shape[key];
+ else {
+ const fieldSchema = this.shape[key];
+ let newField = fieldSchema;
+ while(newField instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8)newField = newField._def.innerType;
+ newShape[key] = newField;
+ }
+ });
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ ...this._def,
+ shape: ()=>newShape
+ });
+ }
+ keyof() {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$var$createZodEnum($508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectKeys(this.shape));
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad.create = (shape, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ shape: ()=>shape,
+ unknownKeys: "strip",
+ catchall: $508449958c1d885a$export$1e576a20c3ce9fb5.create(),
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodObject,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+$508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad.strictCreate = (shape, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ shape: ()=>shape,
+ unknownKeys: "strict",
+ catchall: $508449958c1d885a$export$1e576a20c3ce9fb5.create(),
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodObject,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+$508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad.lazycreate = (shape, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad({
+ shape: shape,
+ unknownKeys: "strip",
+ catchall: $508449958c1d885a$export$1e576a20c3ce9fb5.create(),
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodObject,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$a8b236cb5070a311 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ const options = this._def.options;
+ function handleResults(results) {
+ // return first issue-free validation if it exists
+ for (const result of results){
+ if (result.result.status === "valid") return result.result;
+ }
+ for (const result of results)if (result.result.status === "dirty") {
+ // add issues from dirty option
+ ctx.common.issues.push(...result.ctx.common.issues);
+ return result.result;
+ }
+ // return invalid
+ const unionErrors = results.map((result)=>new $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333(result.ctx.common.issues));
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_union,
+ unionErrors: unionErrors
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ if (ctx.common.async) return Promise.all(options.map(async (option)=>{
+ const childCtx = {
+ ...ctx,
+ common: {
+ ...ctx.common,
+ issues: []
+ },
+ parent: null
+ };
+ return {
+ result: await option._parseAsync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: childCtx
+ }),
+ ctx: childCtx
+ };
+ })).then(handleResults);
+ else {
+ let dirty = undefined;
+ const issues = [];
+ for (const option of options){
+ const childCtx = {
+ ...ctx,
+ common: {
+ ...ctx.common,
+ issues: []
+ },
+ parent: null
+ };
+ const result = option._parseSync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: childCtx
+ });
+ if (result.status === "valid") return result;
+ else if (result.status === "dirty" && !dirty) dirty = {
+ result: result,
+ ctx: childCtx
+ };
+ if (childCtx.common.issues.length) issues.push(childCtx.common.issues);
+ }
+ if (dirty) {
+ ctx.common.issues.push(...dirty.ctx.common.issues);
+ return dirty.result;
+ }
+ const unionErrors = issues.map((issues)=>new $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333(issues));
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_union,
+ unionErrors: unionErrors
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ }
+ get options() {
+ return this._def.options;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$a8b236cb5070a311.create = (types, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$a8b236cb5070a311({
+ options: types,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodUnion,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+////////// //////////
+////////// ZodDiscriminatedUnion //////////
+////////// //////////
+const $508449958c1d885a$var$getDiscriminator = (type)=>{
+ if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$378d0cfce37406e6) return $508449958c1d885a$var$getDiscriminator(type.schema);
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582) return $508449958c1d885a$var$getDiscriminator(type.innerType());
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$7e44096782a165d3) return [
+ type.value
+ ];
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$d325d1f0e1c20179) return type.options;
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$370b2e8d6d6f5c56) // eslint-disable-next-line ban/ban
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectValues(type.enum);
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$bb19b37874861e7e) return $508449958c1d885a$var$getDiscriminator(type._def.innerType);
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$4e780e961c30340d) return [
+ undefined
+ ];
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$a96281f914484f2d) return [
+ null
+ ];
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8) return [
+ undefined,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$getDiscriminator(type.unwrap())
+ ];
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$aaac0b8b429cef5) return [
+ null,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$getDiscriminator(type.unwrap())
+ ];
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$66b0c798a395271f) return $508449958c1d885a$var$getDiscriminator(type.unwrap());
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$5d1f7ef05c4e493a) return $508449958c1d885a$var$getDiscriminator(type.unwrap());
+ else if (type instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$75a44ec6249ac76b) return $508449958c1d885a$var$getDiscriminator(type._def.innerType);
+ else return [];
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$5ef2424805ac76a3 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ if (ctx.parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.object) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.object,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ const discriminator = this.discriminator;
+ const discriminatorValue = ctx.data[discriminator];
+ const option = this.optionsMap.get(discriminatorValue);
+ if (!option) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_union_discriminator,
+ options: Array.from(this.optionsMap.keys()),
+ path: [
+ discriminator
+ ]
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ if (ctx.common.async) return option._parseAsync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ else return option._parseSync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ }
+ get discriminator() {
+ return this._def.discriminator;
+ }
+ get options() {
+ return this._def.options;
+ }
+ get optionsMap() {
+ return this._def.optionsMap;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The constructor of the discriminated union schema. Its behaviour is very similar to that of the normal z.union() constructor.
+ * However, it only allows a union of objects, all of which need to share a discriminator property. This property must
+ * have a different value for each object in the union.
+ * @param discriminator the name of the discriminator property
+ * @param types an array of object schemas
+ * @param params
+ */ static create(discriminator, options, params) {
+ // Get all the valid discriminator values
+ const optionsMap = new Map();
+ // try {
+ for (const type of options){
+ const discriminatorValues = $508449958c1d885a$var$getDiscriminator(type.shape[discriminator]);
+ if (!discriminatorValues.length) throw new Error(`A discriminator value for key \`${discriminator}\` could not be extracted from all schema options`);
+ for (const value of discriminatorValues){
+ if (optionsMap.has(value)) throw new Error(`Discriminator property ${String(discriminator)} has duplicate value ${String(value)}`);
+ optionsMap.set(value, type);
+ }
+ }
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$5ef2424805ac76a3({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodDiscriminatedUnion,
+ discriminator: discriminator,
+ options: options,
+ optionsMap: optionsMap,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+ }
+function $508449958c1d885a$var$mergeValues(a, b) {
+ const aType = $508449958c1d885a$export$3e9057828ebd5c7a(a);
+ const bType = $508449958c1d885a$export$3e9057828ebd5c7a(b);
+ if (a === b) return {
+ valid: true,
+ data: a
+ };
+ else if (aType === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.object && bType === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.object) {
+ const bKeys = $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectKeys(b);
+ const sharedKeys = $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectKeys(a).filter((key)=>bKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1);
+ const newObj = {
+ ...a,
+ ...b
+ };
+ for (const key of sharedKeys){
+ const sharedValue = $508449958c1d885a$var$mergeValues(a[key], b[key]);
+ if (!sharedValue.valid) return {
+ valid: false
+ };
+ newObj[key] = sharedValue.data;
+ }
+ return {
+ valid: true,
+ data: newObj
+ };
+ } else if (aType === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.array && bType === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.array) {
+ if (a.length !== b.length) return {
+ valid: false
+ };
+ const newArray = [];
+ for(let index = 0; index < a.length; index++){
+ const itemA = a[index];
+ const itemB = b[index];
+ const sharedValue = $508449958c1d885a$var$mergeValues(itemA, itemB);
+ if (!sharedValue.valid) return {
+ valid: false
+ };
+ newArray.push(sharedValue.data);
+ }
+ return {
+ valid: true,
+ data: newArray
+ };
+ } else if (aType === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.date && bType === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.date && +a === +b) return {
+ valid: true,
+ data: a
+ };
+ else return {
+ valid: false
+ };
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$c02deaf0bb5203d4 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { status: status, ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ const handleParsed = (parsedLeft, parsedRight)=>{
+ if ($508449958c1d885a$export$afa861e3c5730743(parsedLeft) || $508449958c1d885a$export$afa861e3c5730743(parsedRight)) return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ const merged = $508449958c1d885a$var$mergeValues(parsedLeft.value, parsedRight.value);
+ if (!merged.valid) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_intersection_types
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ if ($508449958c1d885a$export$910b6cdd390341b3(parsedLeft) || $508449958c1d885a$export$910b6cdd390341b3(parsedRight)) status.dirty();
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: merged.data
+ };
+ };
+ if (ctx.common.async) return Promise.all([
+ this._def.left._parseAsync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ }),
+ this._def.right._parseAsync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ })
+ ]).then(([left, right])=>handleParsed(left, right));
+ else return handleParsed(this._def.left._parseSync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ }), this._def.right._parseSync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ }));
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$c02deaf0bb5203d4.create = (left, right, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$c02deaf0bb5203d4({
+ left: left,
+ right: right,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodIntersection,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$e2a18bb771d8e6a3 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { status: status, ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ if (ctx.parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.array) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.array,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ if (ctx.data.length < this._def.items.length) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_small,
+ minimum: this._def.items.length,
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: false,
+ type: "array"
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ const rest = this._def.rest;
+ if (!rest && ctx.data.length > this._def.items.length) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_big,
+ maximum: this._def.items.length,
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: false,
+ type: "array"
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ const items = [
+ ...ctx.data
+ ].map((item, itemIndex)=>{
+ const schema = this._def.items[itemIndex] || this._def.rest;
+ if (!schema) return null;
+ return schema._parse(new $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath(ctx, item, ctx.path, itemIndex));
+ }).filter((x)=>!!x); // filter nulls
+ if (ctx.common.async) return Promise.all(items).then((results)=>{
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f.mergeArray(status, results);
+ });
+ else return $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f.mergeArray(status, items);
+ }
+ get items() {
+ return this._def.items;
+ }
+ rest(rest) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$e2a18bb771d8e6a3({
+ ...this._def,
+ rest: rest
+ });
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$e2a18bb771d8e6a3.create = (schemas, params)=>{
+ if (!Array.isArray(schemas)) throw new Error("You must pass an array of schemas to z.tuple([ ... ])");
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$e2a18bb771d8e6a3({
+ items: schemas,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodTuple,
+ rest: null,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$a2acc09968cb4b7f extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ get keySchema() {
+ return this._def.keyType;
+ }
+ get valueSchema() {
+ return this._def.valueType;
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { status: status, ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ if (ctx.parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.object) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.object,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ const pairs = [];
+ const keyType = this._def.keyType;
+ const valueType = this._def.valueType;
+ for(const key in ctx.data)pairs.push({
+ key: keyType._parse(new $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath(ctx, key, ctx.path, key)),
+ value: valueType._parse(new $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath(ctx, ctx.data[key], ctx.path, key)),
+ alwaysSet: key in ctx.data
+ });
+ if (ctx.common.async) return $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f.mergeObjectAsync(status, pairs);
+ else return $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f.mergeObjectSync(status, pairs);
+ }
+ get element() {
+ return this._def.valueType;
+ }
+ static create(first, second, third) {
+ if (second instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7) return new $508449958c1d885a$export$a2acc09968cb4b7f({
+ keyType: first,
+ valueType: second,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodRecord,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(third)
+ });
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$a2acc09968cb4b7f({
+ keyType: $508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502.create(),
+ valueType: first,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodRecord,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(second)
+ });
+ }
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$163b6a2b712d9542 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ get keySchema() {
+ return this._def.keyType;
+ }
+ get valueSchema() {
+ return this._def.valueType;
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { status: status, ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ if (ctx.parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.map) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.map,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ const keyType = this._def.keyType;
+ const valueType = this._def.valueType;
+ const pairs = [
+ ...ctx.data.entries()
+ ].map(([key, value], index)=>{
+ return {
+ key: keyType._parse(new $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath(ctx, key, ctx.path, [
+ index,
+ "key"
+ ])),
+ value: valueType._parse(new $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath(ctx, value, ctx.path, [
+ index,
+ "value"
+ ]))
+ };
+ });
+ if (ctx.common.async) {
+ const finalMap = new Map();
+ return Promise.resolve().then(async ()=>{
+ for (const pair of pairs){
+ const key = await pair.key;
+ const value = await pair.value;
+ if (key.status === "aborted" || value.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (key.status === "dirty" || value.status === "dirty") status.dirty();
+ finalMap.set(key.value, value.value);
+ }
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: finalMap
+ };
+ });
+ } else {
+ const finalMap = new Map();
+ for (const pair of pairs){
+ const key = pair.key;
+ const value = pair.value;
+ if (key.status === "aborted" || value.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (key.status === "dirty" || value.status === "dirty") status.dirty();
+ finalMap.set(key.value, value.value);
+ }
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: finalMap
+ };
+ }
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$163b6a2b712d9542.create = (keyType, valueType, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$163b6a2b712d9542({
+ valueType: valueType,
+ keyType: keyType,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodMap,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$977057706f816712 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { status: status, ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ if (ctx.parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.set) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.set,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ const def = this._def;
+ if (def.minSize !== null) {
+ if (ctx.data.size < def.minSize.value) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_small,
+ minimum: def.minSize.value,
+ type: "set",
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: false,
+ message: def.minSize.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ }
+ if (def.maxSize !== null) {
+ if (ctx.data.size > def.maxSize.value) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.too_big,
+ maximum: def.maxSize.value,
+ type: "set",
+ inclusive: true,
+ exact: false,
+ message: def.maxSize.message
+ });
+ status.dirty();
+ }
+ }
+ const valueType = this._def.valueType;
+ function finalizeSet(elements) {
+ const parsedSet = new Set();
+ for (const element of elements){
+ if (element.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (element.status === "dirty") status.dirty();
+ parsedSet.add(element.value);
+ }
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: parsedSet
+ };
+ }
+ const elements = [
+ ...ctx.data.values()
+ ].map((item, i)=>valueType._parse(new $508449958c1d885a$var$ParseInputLazyPath(ctx, item, ctx.path, i)));
+ if (ctx.common.async) return Promise.all(elements).then((elements)=>finalizeSet(elements));
+ else return finalizeSet(elements);
+ }
+ min(minSize, message) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$977057706f816712({
+ ...this._def,
+ minSize: {
+ value: minSize,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ max(maxSize, message) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$977057706f816712({
+ ...this._def,
+ maxSize: {
+ value: maxSize,
+ message: $508449958c1d885a$var$errorUtil.toString(message)
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ size(size, message) {
+ return this.min(size, message).max(size, message);
+ }
+ nonempty(message) {
+ return this.min(1, message);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$977057706f816712.create = (valueType, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$977057706f816712({
+ valueType: valueType,
+ minSize: null,
+ maxSize: null,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodSet,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$d4602ba55673f53c extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ constructor(){
+ super(...arguments);
+ this.validate = this.implement;
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ if (ctx.parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.function) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.function,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ function makeArgsIssue(args, error) {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$244a85fde9c419ed({
+ data: args,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ errorMaps: [
+ ctx.common.contextualErrorMap,
+ ctx.schemaErrorMap,
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$32f27c719778d4c4(),
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$341b0b6e0a6f5099
+ ].filter((x)=>!!x),
+ issueData: {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_arguments,
+ argumentsError: error
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function makeReturnsIssue(returns, error) {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$244a85fde9c419ed({
+ data: returns,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ errorMaps: [
+ ctx.common.contextualErrorMap,
+ ctx.schemaErrorMap,
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$32f27c719778d4c4(),
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$341b0b6e0a6f5099
+ ].filter((x)=>!!x),
+ issueData: {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_return_type,
+ returnTypeError: error
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ const params = {
+ errorMap: ctx.common.contextualErrorMap
+ };
+ const fn = ctx.data;
+ if (this._def.returns instanceof $508449958c1d885a$export$3f196b0127d6e50a) {
+ // Would love a way to avoid disabling this rule, but we need
+ // an alias (using an arrow function was what caused 2651).
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
+ const me = this;
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(async function(...args) {
+ const error = new $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333([]);
+ const parsedArgs = await me._def.args.parseAsync(args, params).catch((e)=>{
+ error.addIssue(makeArgsIssue(args, e));
+ throw error;
+ });
+ const result = await Reflect.apply(fn, this, parsedArgs);
+ const parsedReturns = await me._def.returns._def.type.parseAsync(result, params).catch((e)=>{
+ error.addIssue(makeReturnsIssue(result, e));
+ throw error;
+ });
+ return parsedReturns;
+ });
+ } else {
+ // Would love a way to avoid disabling this rule, but we need
+ // an alias (using an arrow function was what caused 2651).
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
+ const me = this;
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(function(...args) {
+ const parsedArgs = me._def.args.safeParse(args, params);
+ if (!parsedArgs.success) throw new $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333([
+ makeArgsIssue(args, parsedArgs.error)
+ ]);
+ const result = Reflect.apply(fn, this, parsedArgs.data);
+ const parsedReturns = me._def.returns.safeParse(result, params);
+ if (!parsedReturns.success) throw new $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333([
+ makeReturnsIssue(result, parsedReturns.error)
+ ]);
+ return parsedReturns.data;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ parameters() {
+ return this._def.args;
+ }
+ returnType() {
+ return this._def.returns;
+ }
+ args(...items) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$d4602ba55673f53c({
+ ...this._def,
+ args: $508449958c1d885a$export$e2a18bb771d8e6a3.create(items).rest($508449958c1d885a$export$ef3b1bb1630977ae.create())
+ });
+ }
+ returns(returnType) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$d4602ba55673f53c({
+ ...this._def,
+ returns: returnType
+ });
+ }
+ implement(func) {
+ const validatedFunc = this.parse(func);
+ return validatedFunc;
+ }
+ strictImplement(func) {
+ const validatedFunc = this.parse(func);
+ return validatedFunc;
+ }
+ static create(args, returns, params) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$d4602ba55673f53c({
+ args: args ? args : $508449958c1d885a$export$e2a18bb771d8e6a3.create([]).rest($508449958c1d885a$export$ef3b1bb1630977ae.create()),
+ returns: returns || $508449958c1d885a$export$ef3b1bb1630977ae.create(),
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodFunction,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+ }
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$378d0cfce37406e6 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ get schema() {
+ return this._def.getter();
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ const lazySchema = this._def.getter();
+ return lazySchema._parse({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$378d0cfce37406e6.create = (getter, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$378d0cfce37406e6({
+ getter: getter,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodLazy,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$7e44096782a165d3 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ if (input.data !== this._def.value) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ received: ctx.data,
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_literal,
+ expected: this._def.value
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ return {
+ status: "valid",
+ value: input.data
+ };
+ }
+ get value() {
+ return this._def.value;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$7e44096782a165d3.create = (value, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$7e44096782a165d3({
+ value: value,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodLiteral,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+function $508449958c1d885a$var$createZodEnum(values, params) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$d325d1f0e1c20179({
+ values: values,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodEnum,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$d325d1f0e1c20179 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ constructor(){
+ super(...arguments);
+ $508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodEnum_cache.set(this, void 0);
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ if (typeof input.data !== "string") {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ const expectedValues = this._def.values;
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.joinValues(expectedValues),
+ received: ctx.parsedType,
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$__classPrivateFieldGet(this, $508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodEnum_cache, "f")) $508449958c1d885a$var$__classPrivateFieldSet(this, $508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodEnum_cache, new Set(this._def.values), "f");
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$__classPrivateFieldGet(this, $508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodEnum_cache, "f").has(input.data)) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ const expectedValues = this._def.values;
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ received: ctx.data,
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_enum_value,
+ options: expectedValues
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(input.data);
+ }
+ get options() {
+ return this._def.values;
+ }
+ get enum() {
+ const enumValues = {};
+ for (const val of this._def.values)enumValues[val] = val;
+ return enumValues;
+ }
+ get Values() {
+ const enumValues = {};
+ for (const val of this._def.values)enumValues[val] = val;
+ return enumValues;
+ }
+ get Enum() {
+ const enumValues = {};
+ for (const val of this._def.values)enumValues[val] = val;
+ return enumValues;
+ }
+ extract(values, newDef = this._def) {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$d325d1f0e1c20179.create(values, {
+ ...this._def,
+ ...newDef
+ });
+ }
+ exclude(values, newDef = this._def) {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$d325d1f0e1c20179.create(this.options.filter((opt)=>!values.includes(opt)), {
+ ...this._def,
+ ...newDef
+ });
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodEnum_cache = new WeakMap();
+$508449958c1d885a$export$d325d1f0e1c20179.create = $508449958c1d885a$var$createZodEnum;
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$370b2e8d6d6f5c56 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ constructor(){
+ super(...arguments);
+ $508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodNativeEnum_cache.set(this, void 0);
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ const nativeEnumValues = $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.getValidEnumValues(this._def.values);
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ if (ctx.parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.string && ctx.parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.number) {
+ const expectedValues = $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectValues(nativeEnumValues);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.joinValues(expectedValues),
+ received: ctx.parsedType,
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$__classPrivateFieldGet(this, $508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodNativeEnum_cache, "f")) $508449958c1d885a$var$__classPrivateFieldSet(this, $508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodNativeEnum_cache, new Set($508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.getValidEnumValues(this._def.values)), "f");
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$var$__classPrivateFieldGet(this, $508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodNativeEnum_cache, "f").has(input.data)) {
+ const expectedValues = $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.objectValues(nativeEnumValues);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ received: ctx.data,
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_enum_value,
+ options: expectedValues
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(input.data);
+ }
+ get enum() {
+ return this._def.values;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$var$_ZodNativeEnum_cache = new WeakMap();
+$508449958c1d885a$export$370b2e8d6d6f5c56.create = (values, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$370b2e8d6d6f5c56({
+ values: values,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodNativeEnum,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$3f196b0127d6e50a extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ unwrap() {
+ return this._def.type;
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ if (ctx.parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.promise && ctx.common.async === false) {
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.promise,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ const promisified = ctx.parsedType === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.promise ? ctx.data : Promise.resolve(ctx.data);
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(promisified.then((data)=>{
+ return this._def.type.parseAsync(data, {
+ path: ctx.path,
+ errorMap: ctx.common.contextualErrorMap
+ });
+ }));
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$3f196b0127d6e50a.create = (schema, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$3f196b0127d6e50a({
+ type: schema,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodPromise,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ innerType() {
+ return this._def.schema;
+ }
+ sourceType() {
+ return this._def.schema._def.typeName === $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodEffects ? this._def.schema.sourceType() : this._def.schema;
+ }
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { status: status, ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ const effect = this._def.effect || null;
+ const checkCtx = {
+ addIssue: (arg)=>{
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, arg);
+ if (arg.fatal) status.abort();
+ else status.dirty();
+ },
+ get path () {
+ return ctx.path;
+ }
+ };
+ checkCtx.addIssue = checkCtx.addIssue.bind(checkCtx);
+ if (effect.type === "preprocess") {
+ const processed = effect.transform(ctx.data, checkCtx);
+ if (ctx.common.async) return Promise.resolve(processed).then(async (processed)=>{
+ if (status.value === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ const result = await this._def.schema._parseAsync({
+ data: processed,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ if (result.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (result.status === "dirty") return $508449958c1d885a$export$325a211da9693fcf(result.value);
+ if (status.value === "dirty") return $508449958c1d885a$export$325a211da9693fcf(result.value);
+ return result;
+ });
+ else {
+ if (status.value === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ const result = this._def.schema._parseSync({
+ data: processed,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ if (result.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (result.status === "dirty") return $508449958c1d885a$export$325a211da9693fcf(result.value);
+ if (status.value === "dirty") return $508449958c1d885a$export$325a211da9693fcf(result.value);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ if (effect.type === "refinement") {
+ const executeRefinement = (acc)=>{
+ const result = effect.refinement(acc, checkCtx);
+ if (ctx.common.async) return Promise.resolve(result);
+ if (result instanceof Promise) throw new Error("Async refinement encountered during synchronous parse operation. Use .parseAsync instead.");
+ return acc;
+ };
+ if (ctx.common.async === false) {
+ const inner = this._def.schema._parseSync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ if (inner.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (inner.status === "dirty") status.dirty();
+ // return value is ignored
+ executeRefinement(inner.value);
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: inner.value
+ };
+ } else return this._def.schema._parseAsync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ }).then((inner)=>{
+ if (inner.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (inner.status === "dirty") status.dirty();
+ return executeRefinement(inner.value).then(()=>{
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: inner.value
+ };
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (effect.type === "transform") {
+ if (ctx.common.async === false) {
+ const base = this._def.schema._parseSync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$export$1ea939691cdc45b8(base)) return base;
+ const result = effect.transform(base.value, checkCtx);
+ if (result instanceof Promise) throw new Error(`Asynchronous transform encountered during synchronous parse operation. Use .parseAsync instead.`);
+ return {
+ status: status.value,
+ value: result
+ };
+ } else return this._def.schema._parseAsync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ }).then((base)=>{
+ if (!$508449958c1d885a$export$1ea939691cdc45b8(base)) return base;
+ return Promise.resolve(effect.transform(base.value, checkCtx)).then((result)=>({
+ status: status.value,
+ value: result
+ }));
+ });
+ }
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b.assertNever(effect);
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582.create = (schema, effect, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582({
+ schema: schema,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodEffects,
+ effect: effect,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+$508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582.createWithPreprocess = (preprocess, schema, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582({
+ schema: schema,
+ effect: {
+ type: "preprocess",
+ transform: preprocess
+ },
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodEffects,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.undefined) return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(undefined);
+ return this._def.innerType._parse(input);
+ }
+ unwrap() {
+ return this._def.innerType;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8.create = (type, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8({
+ innerType: type,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodOptional,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$aaac0b8b429cef5 extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.null) return $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf(null);
+ return this._def.innerType._parse(input);
+ }
+ unwrap() {
+ return this._def.innerType;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$aaac0b8b429cef5.create = (type, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$aaac0b8b429cef5({
+ innerType: type,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodNullable,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$bb19b37874861e7e extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ let data = ctx.data;
+ if (ctx.parsedType === $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.undefined) data = this._def.defaultValue();
+ return this._def.innerType._parse({
+ data: data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ }
+ removeDefault() {
+ return this._def.innerType;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$bb19b37874861e7e.create = (type, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$bb19b37874861e7e({
+ innerType: type,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodDefault,
+ defaultValue: typeof params.default === "function" ? params.default : ()=>params.default,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$75a44ec6249ac76b extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ // newCtx is used to not collect issues from inner types in ctx
+ const newCtx = {
+ ...ctx,
+ common: {
+ ...ctx.common,
+ issues: []
+ }
+ };
+ const result = this._def.innerType._parse({
+ data: newCtx.data,
+ path: newCtx.path,
+ parent: {
+ ...newCtx
+ }
+ });
+ if ($508449958c1d885a$export$aefee5ebe1dcfd9e(result)) return result.then((result)=>{
+ return {
+ status: "valid",
+ value: result.status === "valid" ? result.value : this._def.catchValue({
+ get error () {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333(newCtx.common.issues);
+ },
+ input: newCtx.data
+ })
+ };
+ });
+ else return {
+ status: "valid",
+ value: result.status === "valid" ? result.value : this._def.catchValue({
+ get error () {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333(newCtx.common.issues);
+ },
+ input: newCtx.data
+ })
+ };
+ }
+ removeCatch() {
+ return this._def.innerType;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$75a44ec6249ac76b.create = (type, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$75a44ec6249ac76b({
+ innerType: type,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodCatch,
+ catchValue: typeof params.catch === "function" ? params.catch : ()=>params.catch,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$26ccfa0145e8511f extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const parsedType = this._getType(input);
+ if (parsedType !== $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.nan) {
+ const ctx = this._getOrReturnCtx(input);
+ $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d(ctx, {
+ code: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035.invalid_type,
+ expected: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d.nan,
+ received: ctx.parsedType
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ }
+ return {
+ status: "valid",
+ value: input.data
+ };
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$26ccfa0145e8511f.create = (params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$26ccfa0145e8511f({
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodNaN,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$cf2deea74cde46b4 = Symbol("zod_brand");
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$66b0c798a395271f extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ const data = ctx.data;
+ return this._def.type._parse({
+ data: data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ }
+ unwrap() {
+ return this._def.type;
+ }
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$a3c3ef8a0e95c6da extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const { status: status, ctx: ctx } = this._processInputParams(input);
+ if (ctx.common.async) {
+ const handleAsync = async ()=>{
+ const inResult = await this._def.in._parseAsync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ if (inResult.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (inResult.status === "dirty") {
+ status.dirty();
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$325a211da9693fcf(inResult.value);
+ } else return this._def.out._parseAsync({
+ data: inResult.value,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ };
+ return handleAsync();
+ } else {
+ const inResult = this._def.in._parseSync({
+ data: ctx.data,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ if (inResult.status === "aborted") return $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+ if (inResult.status === "dirty") {
+ status.dirty();
+ return {
+ status: "dirty",
+ value: inResult.value
+ };
+ } else return this._def.out._parseSync({
+ data: inResult.value,
+ path: ctx.path,
+ parent: ctx
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ static create(a, b) {
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$a3c3ef8a0e95c6da({
+ in: a,
+ out: b,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodPipeline
+ });
+ }
+class $508449958c1d885a$export$5d1f7ef05c4e493a extends $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7 {
+ _parse(input) {
+ const result = this._def.innerType._parse(input);
+ if ($508449958c1d885a$export$1ea939691cdc45b8(result)) result.value = Object.freeze(result.value);
+ return result;
+ }
+ unwrap() {
+ return this._def.innerType;
+ }
+$508449958c1d885a$export$5d1f7ef05c4e493a.create = (type, params)=>{
+ return new $508449958c1d885a$export$5d1f7ef05c4e493a({
+ innerType: type,
+ typeName: $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011.ZodReadonly,
+ ...$508449958c1d885a$var$processCreateParams(params)
+ });
+function $508449958c1d885a$export$4c00f665f0d4b443(check, params = {}, /**
+ * @deprecated
+ *
+ * Pass `fatal` into the params object instead:
+ *
+ * ```ts
+ * z.string().custom((val) => val.length > 5, { fatal: false })
+ * ```
+ *
+ */ fatal) {
+ if (check) return $508449958c1d885a$export$b9d1edb536b4e4eb.create().superRefine((data, ctx)=>{
+ var _a, _b;
+ if (!check(data)) {
+ const p = typeof params === "function" ? params(data) : typeof params === "string" ? {
+ message: params
+ } : params;
+ const _fatal = (_b = (_a = p.fatal) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : fatal) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true;
+ const p2 = typeof p === "string" ? {
+ message: p
+ } : p;
+ ctx.addIssue({
+ code: "custom",
+ ...p2,
+ fatal: _fatal
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$b9d1edb536b4e4eb.create();
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$1ee8ee30835eab8b = {
+ object: $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad.lazycreate
+var $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011;
+(function(ZodFirstPartyTypeKind) {
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodString"] = "ZodString";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodNumber"] = "ZodNumber";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodNaN"] = "ZodNaN";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodBigInt"] = "ZodBigInt";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodBoolean"] = "ZodBoolean";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodDate"] = "ZodDate";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodSymbol"] = "ZodSymbol";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodUndefined"] = "ZodUndefined";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodNull"] = "ZodNull";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodAny"] = "ZodAny";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodUnknown"] = "ZodUnknown";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodNever"] = "ZodNever";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodVoid"] = "ZodVoid";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodArray"] = "ZodArray";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodObject"] = "ZodObject";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodUnion"] = "ZodUnion";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodDiscriminatedUnion"] = "ZodDiscriminatedUnion";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodIntersection"] = "ZodIntersection";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodTuple"] = "ZodTuple";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodRecord"] = "ZodRecord";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodMap"] = "ZodMap";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodSet"] = "ZodSet";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodFunction"] = "ZodFunction";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodLazy"] = "ZodLazy";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodLiteral"] = "ZodLiteral";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodEnum"] = "ZodEnum";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodEffects"] = "ZodEffects";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodNativeEnum"] = "ZodNativeEnum";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodOptional"] = "ZodOptional";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodNullable"] = "ZodNullable";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodDefault"] = "ZodDefault";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodCatch"] = "ZodCatch";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodPromise"] = "ZodPromise";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodBranded"] = "ZodBranded";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodPipeline"] = "ZodPipeline";
+ ZodFirstPartyTypeKind["ZodReadonly"] = "ZodReadonly";
+})($508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011 || ($508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011 = {}));
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$3d916e7c22dbd8b5 = (// const instanceOfType = <T extends new (...args: any[]) => any>(
+cls, params = {
+ message: `Input not instance of ${cls.name}`
+})=>$508449958c1d885a$export$4c00f665f0d4b443((data)=>data instanceof cls, params);
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3 = $508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e = $508449958c1d885a$export$5b070a55c0c43e09.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$9e06de0973666692 = $508449958c1d885a$export$26ccfa0145e8511f.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$a0f65b52274bcc00 = $508449958c1d885a$export$67d741fd70ff98f4.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377 = $508449958c1d885a$export$723d146f80596191.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$324d90190a8b822a = $508449958c1d885a$export$e974be33bdc55521.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$8f701197936bc2a6 = $508449958c1d885a$export$bcc3b40f6b638044.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$1db45310990710a5 = $508449958c1d885a$export$4e780e961c30340d.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$7b1b591b262c240 = $508449958c1d885a$export$a96281f914484f2d.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$4154a199d7d90455 = $508449958c1d885a$export$b9d1edb536b4e4eb.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$19282c40b967aec6 = $508449958c1d885a$export$ef3b1bb1630977ae.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$b3e22bcfd64c1022 = $508449958c1d885a$export$1e576a20c3ce9fb5.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$490e536ee7389aeb = $508449958c1d885a$export$7d39f5df85f21031.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630 = $508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe = $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$8fb0df5f40d0b477 = $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad.strictCreate;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$971dd5b0dfd021b6 = $508449958c1d885a$export$a8b236cb5070a311.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$4b888e40c4ee26dd = $508449958c1d885a$export$5ef2424805ac76a3.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$bc86dfbf7795668c = $508449958c1d885a$export$c02deaf0bb5203d4.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$65e3907585753458 = $508449958c1d885a$export$e2a18bb771d8e6a3.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$e5185e241753e543 = $508449958c1d885a$export$a2acc09968cb4b7f.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$871de8747c9eaa88 = $508449958c1d885a$export$163b6a2b712d9542.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$adaa4cf7ef1b65be = $508449958c1d885a$export$977057706f816712.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$44e51c8aac7c2deb = $508449958c1d885a$export$d4602ba55673f53c.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$488013bae63b21da = $508449958c1d885a$export$378d0cfce37406e6.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0 = $508449958c1d885a$export$7e44096782a165d3.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$78a99c8d44d72635 = $508449958c1d885a$export$d325d1f0e1c20179.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$6fe7eca19ebe5199 = $508449958c1d885a$export$370b2e8d6d6f5c56.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$c957ef27a0ebfd4 = $508449958c1d885a$export$3f196b0127d6e50a.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$dc573d8a6576cdb3 = $508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$516e28dec6a4b6d4 = $508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$133fc36489ac9add = $508449958c1d885a$export$aaac0b8b429cef5.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$fc37fe19dfda43ee = $508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582.createWithPreprocess;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$43f28b24e1eb8181 = $508449958c1d885a$export$a3c3ef8a0e95c6da.create;
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$3b3d07727c5b702c = ()=>$508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3().optional();
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$eb150471a61fced6 = ()=>$508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e().optional();
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$269251733cdcbbf1 = ()=>$508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377().optional();
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$8c14e57e778d3873 = {
+ string: (arg)=>$508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502.create({
+ ...arg,
+ coerce: true
+ }),
+ number: (arg)=>$508449958c1d885a$export$5b070a55c0c43e09.create({
+ ...arg,
+ coerce: true
+ }),
+ boolean: (arg)=>$508449958c1d885a$export$723d146f80596191.create({
+ ...arg,
+ coerce: true
+ }),
+ bigint: (arg)=>$508449958c1d885a$export$67d741fd70ff98f4.create({
+ ...arg,
+ coerce: true
+ }),
+ date: (arg)=>$508449958c1d885a$export$e974be33bdc55521.create({
+ ...arg,
+ coerce: true
+ })
+const $508449958c1d885a$export$96c94437c95d7862 = $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0;
+var $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = /*#__PURE__*/ Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ defaultErrorMap: $508449958c1d885a$export$341b0b6e0a6f5099,
+ setErrorMap: $508449958c1d885a$export$1097a8289cfd22d7,
+ getErrorMap: $508449958c1d885a$export$32f27c719778d4c4,
+ makeIssue: $508449958c1d885a$export$244a85fde9c419ed,
+ EMPTY_PATH: $508449958c1d885a$export$1526d2e05f74572,
+ addIssueToContext: $508449958c1d885a$export$db7caee60e5d514d,
+ ParseStatus: $508449958c1d885a$export$5b20a5c3d05c1f6f,
+ INVALID: $508449958c1d885a$export$9a105a556e65c2c0,
+ DIRTY: $508449958c1d885a$export$325a211da9693fcf,
+ OK: $508449958c1d885a$export$c6813a8d51f77eaf,
+ isAborted: $508449958c1d885a$export$afa861e3c5730743,
+ isDirty: $508449958c1d885a$export$910b6cdd390341b3,
+ isValid: $508449958c1d885a$export$1ea939691cdc45b8,
+ isAsync: $508449958c1d885a$export$aefee5ebe1dcfd9e,
+ get util () {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$7debb50ef11d5e0b;
+ },
+ get objectUtil () {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$4aa2142c225fd5c7;
+ },
+ ZodParsedType: $508449958c1d885a$export$5716da67bfaa244d,
+ getParsedType: $508449958c1d885a$export$3e9057828ebd5c7a,
+ ZodType: $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7,
+ datetimeRegex: $508449958c1d885a$export$a4b563879add27a,
+ ZodString: $508449958c1d885a$export$1230eb29b8d3b502,
+ ZodNumber: $508449958c1d885a$export$5b070a55c0c43e09,
+ ZodBigInt: $508449958c1d885a$export$67d741fd70ff98f4,
+ ZodBoolean: $508449958c1d885a$export$723d146f80596191,
+ ZodDate: $508449958c1d885a$export$e974be33bdc55521,
+ ZodSymbol: $508449958c1d885a$export$bcc3b40f6b638044,
+ ZodUndefined: $508449958c1d885a$export$4e780e961c30340d,
+ ZodNull: $508449958c1d885a$export$a96281f914484f2d,
+ ZodAny: $508449958c1d885a$export$b9d1edb536b4e4eb,
+ ZodUnknown: $508449958c1d885a$export$ef3b1bb1630977ae,
+ ZodNever: $508449958c1d885a$export$1e576a20c3ce9fb5,
+ ZodVoid: $508449958c1d885a$export$7d39f5df85f21031,
+ ZodArray: $508449958c1d885a$export$7acfc3e64785411,
+ ZodObject: $508449958c1d885a$export$736315c5b55efbad,
+ ZodUnion: $508449958c1d885a$export$a8b236cb5070a311,
+ ZodDiscriminatedUnion: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ef2424805ac76a3,
+ ZodIntersection: $508449958c1d885a$export$c02deaf0bb5203d4,
+ ZodTuple: $508449958c1d885a$export$e2a18bb771d8e6a3,
+ ZodRecord: $508449958c1d885a$export$a2acc09968cb4b7f,
+ ZodMap: $508449958c1d885a$export$163b6a2b712d9542,
+ ZodSet: $508449958c1d885a$export$977057706f816712,
+ ZodFunction: $508449958c1d885a$export$d4602ba55673f53c,
+ ZodLazy: $508449958c1d885a$export$378d0cfce37406e6,
+ ZodLiteral: $508449958c1d885a$export$7e44096782a165d3,
+ ZodEnum: $508449958c1d885a$export$d325d1f0e1c20179,
+ ZodNativeEnum: $508449958c1d885a$export$370b2e8d6d6f5c56,
+ ZodPromise: $508449958c1d885a$export$3f196b0127d6e50a,
+ ZodEffects: $508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582,
+ ZodTransformer: $508449958c1d885a$export$a60af00cc0ce2582,
+ ZodOptional: $508449958c1d885a$export$aa56fec1e9d629b8,
+ ZodNullable: $508449958c1d885a$export$aaac0b8b429cef5,
+ ZodDefault: $508449958c1d885a$export$bb19b37874861e7e,
+ ZodCatch: $508449958c1d885a$export$75a44ec6249ac76b,
+ ZodNaN: $508449958c1d885a$export$26ccfa0145e8511f,
+ BRAND: $508449958c1d885a$export$cf2deea74cde46b4,
+ ZodBranded: $508449958c1d885a$export$66b0c798a395271f,
+ ZodPipeline: $508449958c1d885a$export$a3c3ef8a0e95c6da,
+ ZodReadonly: $508449958c1d885a$export$5d1f7ef05c4e493a,
+ custom: $508449958c1d885a$export$4c00f665f0d4b443,
+ Schema: $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7,
+ ZodSchema: $508449958c1d885a$export$19342e026b58ebb7,
+ late: $508449958c1d885a$export$1ee8ee30835eab8b,
+ get ZodFirstPartyTypeKind () {
+ return $508449958c1d885a$export$558106ce543bd011;
+ },
+ coerce: $508449958c1d885a$export$8c14e57e778d3873,
+ any: $508449958c1d885a$export$4154a199d7d90455,
+ array: $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630,
+ bigint: $508449958c1d885a$export$a0f65b52274bcc00,
+ boolean: $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377,
+ date: $508449958c1d885a$export$324d90190a8b822a,
+ discriminatedUnion: $508449958c1d885a$export$4b888e40c4ee26dd,
+ effect: $508449958c1d885a$export$dc573d8a6576cdb3,
+ "enum": $508449958c1d885a$export$78a99c8d44d72635,
+ "function": $508449958c1d885a$export$44e51c8aac7c2deb,
+ "instanceof": $508449958c1d885a$export$3d916e7c22dbd8b5,
+ intersection: $508449958c1d885a$export$bc86dfbf7795668c,
+ lazy: $508449958c1d885a$export$488013bae63b21da,
+ literal: $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0,
+ map: $508449958c1d885a$export$871de8747c9eaa88,
+ nan: $508449958c1d885a$export$9e06de0973666692,
+ nativeEnum: $508449958c1d885a$export$6fe7eca19ebe5199,
+ never: $508449958c1d885a$export$b3e22bcfd64c1022,
+ "null": $508449958c1d885a$export$7b1b591b262c240,
+ nullable: $508449958c1d885a$export$133fc36489ac9add,
+ number: $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e,
+ object: $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe,
+ oboolean: $508449958c1d885a$export$269251733cdcbbf1,
+ onumber: $508449958c1d885a$export$eb150471a61fced6,
+ optional: $508449958c1d885a$export$516e28dec6a4b6d4,
+ ostring: $508449958c1d885a$export$3b3d07727c5b702c,
+ pipeline: $508449958c1d885a$export$43f28b24e1eb8181,
+ preprocess: $508449958c1d885a$export$fc37fe19dfda43ee,
+ promise: $508449958c1d885a$export$c957ef27a0ebfd4,
+ record: $508449958c1d885a$export$e5185e241753e543,
+ set: $508449958c1d885a$export$adaa4cf7ef1b65be,
+ strictObject: $508449958c1d885a$export$8fb0df5f40d0b477,
+ string: $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3,
+ symbol: $508449958c1d885a$export$8f701197936bc2a6,
+ transformer: $508449958c1d885a$export$dc573d8a6576cdb3,
+ tuple: $508449958c1d885a$export$65e3907585753458,
+ "undefined": $508449958c1d885a$export$1db45310990710a5,
+ union: $508449958c1d885a$export$971dd5b0dfd021b6,
+ unknown: $508449958c1d885a$export$19282c40b967aec6,
+ "void": $508449958c1d885a$export$490e536ee7389aeb,
+ NEVER: $508449958c1d885a$export$96c94437c95d7862,
+ ZodIssueCode: $508449958c1d885a$export$5ba560653e4a1035,
+ quotelessJson: $508449958c1d885a$export$913eddeaf297cfea,
+ ZodError: $508449958c1d885a$export$f98dac4b251ab333
+var $d5eeb9bff661e905$export$5edeffb658f039f4 = {
+ exports: {}
+(function(module) {
+ var bigInt = function(undefined$1) {
+ var BASE = 1e7, LOG_BASE = 7, MAX_INT = 9007199254740992, MAX_INT_ARR = smallToArray(MAX_INT), DEFAULT_ALPHABET = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ var supportsNativeBigInt = typeof BigInt === "function";
+ function Integer(v, radix, alphabet, caseSensitive) {
+ if (typeof v === "undefined") return Integer[0];
+ if (typeof radix !== "undefined") return +radix === 10 && !alphabet ? parseValue(v) : parseBase(v, radix, alphabet, caseSensitive);
+ return parseValue(v);
+ }
+ function BigInteger(value, sign) {
+ this.value = value;
+ this.sign = sign;
+ this.isSmall = false;
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype = Object.create(Integer.prototype);
+ function SmallInteger(value) {
+ this.value = value;
+ this.sign = value < 0;
+ this.isSmall = true;
+ }
+ SmallInteger.prototype = Object.create(Integer.prototype);
+ function NativeBigInt(value) {
+ this.value = value;
+ }
+ NativeBigInt.prototype = Object.create(Integer.prototype);
+ function isPrecise(n) {
+ return -MAX_INT < n && n < MAX_INT;
+ }
+ function smallToArray(n) {
+ if (n < 1e7) return [
+ n
+ ];
+ if (n < 1e14) return [
+ n % 1e7,
+ Math.floor(n / 1e7)
+ ];
+ return [
+ n % 1e7,
+ Math.floor(n / 1e7) % 1e7,
+ Math.floor(n / 1e14)
+ ];
+ }
+ function arrayToSmall(arr) {
+ trim(arr);
+ var length = arr.length;
+ if (length < 4 && compareAbs(arr, MAX_INT_ARR) < 0) switch(length){
+ case 0:
+ return 0;
+ case 1:
+ return arr[0];
+ case 2:
+ return arr[0] + arr[1] * BASE;
+ default:
+ return arr[0] + (arr[1] + arr[2] * BASE) * BASE;
+ }
+ return arr;
+ }
+ function trim(v) {
+ var i = v.length;
+ while(v[--i] === 0);
+ v.length = i + 1;
+ }
+ function createArray(length) {
+ var x = new Array(length);
+ var i = -1;
+ while(++i < length)x[i] = 0;
+ return x;
+ }
+ function truncate(n) {
+ if (n > 0) return Math.floor(n);
+ return Math.ceil(n);
+ }
+ function add(a, b) {
+ var l_a = a.length, l_b = b.length, r = new Array(l_a), carry = 0, base = BASE, sum, i;
+ for(i = 0; i < l_b; i++){
+ sum = a[i] + b[i] + carry;
+ carry = sum >= base ? 1 : 0;
+ r[i] = sum - carry * base;
+ }
+ while(i < l_a){
+ sum = a[i] + carry;
+ carry = sum === base ? 1 : 0;
+ r[i++] = sum - carry * base;
+ }
+ if (carry > 0) r.push(carry);
+ return r;
+ }
+ function addAny(a, b) {
+ if (a.length >= b.length) return add(a, b);
+ return add(b, a);
+ }
+ function addSmall(a, carry) {
+ var l = a.length, r = new Array(l), base = BASE, sum, i;
+ for(i = 0; i < l; i++){
+ sum = a[i] - base + carry;
+ carry = Math.floor(sum / base);
+ r[i] = sum - carry * base;
+ carry += 1;
+ }
+ while(carry > 0){
+ r[i++] = carry % base;
+ carry = Math.floor(carry / base);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype.add = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v);
+ if (this.sign !== n.sign) return this.subtract(n.negate());
+ var a = this.value, b = n.value;
+ if (n.isSmall) return new BigInteger(addSmall(a, Math.abs(b)), this.sign);
+ return new BigInteger(addAny(a, b), this.sign);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.plus = BigInteger.prototype.add;
+ SmallInteger.prototype.add = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v);
+ var a = this.value;
+ if (a < 0 !== n.sign) return this.subtract(n.negate());
+ var b = n.value;
+ if (n.isSmall) {
+ if (isPrecise(a + b)) return new SmallInteger(a + b);
+ b = smallToArray(Math.abs(b));
+ }
+ return new BigInteger(addSmall(b, Math.abs(a)), a < 0);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.plus = SmallInteger.prototype.add;
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.add = function(v) {
+ return new NativeBigInt(this.value + parseValue(v).value);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.plus = NativeBigInt.prototype.add;
+ function subtract(a, b) {
+ var a_l = a.length, b_l = b.length, r = new Array(a_l), borrow = 0, base = BASE, i, difference;
+ for(i = 0; i < b_l; i++){
+ difference = a[i] - borrow - b[i];
+ if (difference < 0) {
+ difference += base;
+ borrow = 1;
+ } else borrow = 0;
+ r[i] = difference;
+ }
+ for(i = b_l; i < a_l; i++){
+ difference = a[i] - borrow;
+ if (difference < 0) difference += base;
+ else {
+ r[i++] = difference;
+ break;
+ }
+ r[i] = difference;
+ }
+ for(; i < a_l; i++)r[i] = a[i];
+ trim(r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ function subtractAny(a, b, sign) {
+ var value;
+ if (compareAbs(a, b) >= 0) value = subtract(a, b);
+ else {
+ value = subtract(b, a);
+ sign = !sign;
+ }
+ value = arrayToSmall(value);
+ if (typeof value === "number") {
+ if (sign) value = -value;
+ return new SmallInteger(value);
+ }
+ return new BigInteger(value, sign);
+ }
+ function subtractSmall(a, b, sign) {
+ var l = a.length, r = new Array(l), carry = -b, base = BASE, i, difference;
+ for(i = 0; i < l; i++){
+ difference = a[i] + carry;
+ carry = Math.floor(difference / base);
+ difference %= base;
+ r[i] = difference < 0 ? difference + base : difference;
+ }
+ r = arrayToSmall(r);
+ if (typeof r === "number") {
+ if (sign) r = -r;
+ return new SmallInteger(r);
+ }
+ return new BigInteger(r, sign);
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype.subtract = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v);
+ if (this.sign !== n.sign) return this.add(n.negate());
+ var a = this.value, b = n.value;
+ if (n.isSmall) return subtractSmall(a, Math.abs(b), this.sign);
+ return subtractAny(a, b, this.sign);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.minus = BigInteger.prototype.subtract;
+ SmallInteger.prototype.subtract = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v);
+ var a = this.value;
+ if (a < 0 !== n.sign) return this.add(n.negate());
+ var b = n.value;
+ if (n.isSmall) return new SmallInteger(a - b);
+ return subtractSmall(b, Math.abs(a), a >= 0);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.minus = SmallInteger.prototype.subtract;
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.subtract = function(v) {
+ return new NativeBigInt(this.value - parseValue(v).value);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.minus = NativeBigInt.prototype.subtract;
+ BigInteger.prototype.negate = function() {
+ return new BigInteger(this.value, !this.sign);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.negate = function() {
+ var sign = this.sign;
+ var small = new SmallInteger(-this.value);
+ small.sign = !sign;
+ return small;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.negate = function() {
+ return new NativeBigInt(-this.value);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.abs = function() {
+ return new BigInteger(this.value, false);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.abs = function() {
+ return new SmallInteger(Math.abs(this.value));
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.abs = function() {
+ return new NativeBigInt(this.value >= 0 ? this.value : -this.value);
+ };
+ function multiplyLong(a, b) {
+ var a_l = a.length, b_l = b.length, l = a_l + b_l, r = createArray(l), base = BASE, product, carry, i, a_i, b_j;
+ for(i = 0; i < a_l; ++i){
+ a_i = a[i];
+ for(var j = 0; j < b_l; ++j){
+ b_j = b[j];
+ product = a_i * b_j + r[i + j];
+ carry = Math.floor(product / base);
+ r[i + j] = product - carry * base;
+ r[i + j + 1] += carry;
+ }
+ }
+ trim(r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ function multiplySmall(a, b) {
+ var l = a.length, r = new Array(l), base = BASE, carry = 0, product, i;
+ for(i = 0; i < l; i++){
+ product = a[i] * b + carry;
+ carry = Math.floor(product / base);
+ r[i] = product - carry * base;
+ }
+ while(carry > 0){
+ r[i++] = carry % base;
+ carry = Math.floor(carry / base);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ function shiftLeft(x, n) {
+ var r = [];
+ while(n-- > 0)r.push(0);
+ return r.concat(x);
+ }
+ function multiplyKaratsuba(x, y) {
+ var n = Math.max(x.length, y.length);
+ if (n <= 30) return multiplyLong(x, y);
+ n = Math.ceil(n / 2);
+ var b = x.slice(n), a = x.slice(0, n), d = y.slice(n), c = y.slice(0, n);
+ var ac = multiplyKaratsuba(a, c), bd = multiplyKaratsuba(b, d), abcd = multiplyKaratsuba(addAny(a, b), addAny(c, d));
+ var product = addAny(addAny(ac, shiftLeft(subtract(subtract(abcd, ac), bd), n)), shiftLeft(bd, 2 * n));
+ trim(product);
+ return product;
+ }
+ // The following function is derived from a surface fit of a graph plotting the performance difference
+ // between long multiplication and karatsuba multiplication versus the lengths of the two arrays.
+ function useKaratsuba(l1, l2) {
+ return -0.012 * l1 - 0.012 * l2 + 0.000015 * l1 * l2 > 0;
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype.multiply = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v), a = this.value, b = n.value, sign = this.sign !== n.sign, abs;
+ if (n.isSmall) {
+ if (b === 0) return Integer[0];
+ if (b === 1) return this;
+ if (b === -1) return this.negate();
+ abs = Math.abs(b);
+ if (abs < BASE) return new BigInteger(multiplySmall(a, abs), sign);
+ b = smallToArray(abs);
+ }
+ if (useKaratsuba(a.length, b.length)) return new BigInteger(multiplyKaratsuba(a, b), sign);
+ return new BigInteger(multiplyLong(a, b), sign);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.times = BigInteger.prototype.multiply;
+ function multiplySmallAndArray(a, b, sign) {
+ if (a < BASE) return new BigInteger(multiplySmall(b, a), sign);
+ return new BigInteger(multiplyLong(b, smallToArray(a)), sign);
+ }
+ SmallInteger.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(a) {
+ if (isPrecise(a.value * this.value)) return new SmallInteger(a.value * this.value);
+ return multiplySmallAndArray(Math.abs(a.value), smallToArray(Math.abs(this.value)), this.sign !== a.sign);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(a) {
+ if (a.value === 0) return Integer[0];
+ if (a.value === 1) return this;
+ if (a.value === -1) return this.negate();
+ return multiplySmallAndArray(Math.abs(a.value), this.value, this.sign !== a.sign);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.multiply = function(v) {
+ return parseValue(v)._multiplyBySmall(this);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.times = SmallInteger.prototype.multiply;
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.multiply = function(v) {
+ return new NativeBigInt(this.value * parseValue(v).value);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.times = NativeBigInt.prototype.multiply;
+ function square(a) {
+ //console.assert(2 * BASE * BASE < MAX_INT);
+ var l = a.length, r = createArray(l + l), base = BASE, product, carry, i, a_i, a_j;
+ for(i = 0; i < l; i++){
+ a_i = a[i];
+ carry = 0 - a_i * a_i;
+ for(var j = i; j < l; j++){
+ a_j = a[j];
+ product = 2 * (a_i * a_j) + r[i + j] + carry;
+ carry = Math.floor(product / base);
+ r[i + j] = product - carry * base;
+ }
+ r[i + l] = carry;
+ }
+ trim(r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype.square = function() {
+ return new BigInteger(square(this.value), false);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.square = function() {
+ var value = this.value * this.value;
+ if (isPrecise(value)) return new SmallInteger(value);
+ return new BigInteger(square(smallToArray(Math.abs(this.value))), false);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.square = function(v) {
+ return new NativeBigInt(this.value * this.value);
+ };
+ function divMod1(a, b) {
+ var a_l = a.length, b_l = b.length, base = BASE, result = createArray(b.length), divisorMostSignificantDigit = b[b_l - 1], // normalization
+ lambda = Math.ceil(base / (2 * divisorMostSignificantDigit)), remainder = multiplySmall(a, lambda), divisor = multiplySmall(b, lambda), quotientDigit, shift, carry, borrow, i, l, q;
+ if (remainder.length <= a_l) remainder.push(0);
+ divisor.push(0);
+ divisorMostSignificantDigit = divisor[b_l - 1];
+ for(shift = a_l - b_l; shift >= 0; shift--){
+ quotientDigit = base - 1;
+ if (remainder[shift + b_l] !== divisorMostSignificantDigit) quotientDigit = Math.floor((remainder[shift + b_l] * base + remainder[shift + b_l - 1]) / divisorMostSignificantDigit);
+ // quotientDigit <= base - 1
+ carry = 0;
+ borrow = 0;
+ l = divisor.length;
+ for(i = 0; i < l; i++){
+ carry += quotientDigit * divisor[i];
+ q = Math.floor(carry / base);
+ borrow += remainder[shift + i] - (carry - q * base);
+ carry = q;
+ if (borrow < 0) {
+ remainder[shift + i] = borrow + base;
+ borrow = -1;
+ } else {
+ remainder[shift + i] = borrow;
+ borrow = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ while(borrow !== 0){
+ quotientDigit -= 1;
+ carry = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < l; i++){
+ carry += remainder[shift + i] - base + divisor[i];
+ if (carry < 0) {
+ remainder[shift + i] = carry + base;
+ carry = 0;
+ } else {
+ remainder[shift + i] = carry;
+ carry = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ borrow += carry;
+ }
+ result[shift] = quotientDigit;
+ }
+ // denormalization
+ remainder = divModSmall(remainder, lambda)[0];
+ return [
+ arrayToSmall(result),
+ arrayToSmall(remainder)
+ ];
+ }
+ function divMod2(a, b) {
+ // Performs faster than divMod1 on larger input sizes.
+ var a_l = a.length, b_l = b.length, result = [], part = [], base = BASE, guess, xlen, highx, highy, check;
+ while(a_l){
+ part.unshift(a[--a_l]);
+ trim(part);
+ if (compareAbs(part, b) < 0) {
+ result.push(0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ xlen = part.length;
+ highx = part[xlen - 1] * base + part[xlen - 2];
+ highy = b[b_l - 1] * base + b[b_l - 2];
+ if (xlen > b_l) highx = (highx + 1) * base;
+ guess = Math.ceil(highx / highy);
+ do {
+ check = multiplySmall(b, guess);
+ if (compareAbs(check, part) <= 0) break;
+ guess--;
+ }while (guess);
+ result.push(guess);
+ part = subtract(part, check);
+ }
+ result.reverse();
+ return [
+ arrayToSmall(result),
+ arrayToSmall(part)
+ ];
+ }
+ function divModSmall(value, lambda) {
+ var length = value.length, quotient = createArray(length), base = BASE, i, q, remainder, divisor;
+ remainder = 0;
+ for(i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
+ divisor = remainder * base + value[i];
+ q = truncate(divisor / lambda);
+ remainder = divisor - q * lambda;
+ quotient[i] = q | 0;
+ }
+ return [
+ quotient,
+ remainder | 0
+ ];
+ }
+ function divModAny(self, v) {
+ var value, n = parseValue(v);
+ if (supportsNativeBigInt) return [
+ new NativeBigInt(self.value / n.value),
+ new NativeBigInt(self.value % n.value)
+ ];
+ var a = self.value, b = n.value;
+ var quotient;
+ if (b === 0) throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero");
+ if (self.isSmall) {
+ if (n.isSmall) return [
+ new SmallInteger(truncate(a / b)),
+ new SmallInteger(a % b)
+ ];
+ return [
+ Integer[0],
+ self
+ ];
+ }
+ if (n.isSmall) {
+ if (b === 1) return [
+ self,
+ Integer[0]
+ ];
+ if (b == -1) return [
+ self.negate(),
+ Integer[0]
+ ];
+ var abs = Math.abs(b);
+ if (abs < BASE) {
+ value = divModSmall(a, abs);
+ quotient = arrayToSmall(value[0]);
+ var remainder = value[1];
+ if (self.sign) remainder = -remainder;
+ if (typeof quotient === "number") {
+ if (self.sign !== n.sign) quotient = -quotient;
+ return [
+ new SmallInteger(quotient),
+ new SmallInteger(remainder)
+ ];
+ }
+ return [
+ new BigInteger(quotient, self.sign !== n.sign),
+ new SmallInteger(remainder)
+ ];
+ }
+ b = smallToArray(abs);
+ }
+ var comparison = compareAbs(a, b);
+ if (comparison === -1) return [
+ Integer[0],
+ self
+ ];
+ if (comparison === 0) return [
+ Integer[self.sign === n.sign ? 1 : -1],
+ Integer[0]
+ ];
+ // divMod1 is faster on smaller input sizes
+ if (a.length + b.length <= 200) value = divMod1(a, b);
+ else value = divMod2(a, b);
+ quotient = value[0];
+ var qSign = self.sign !== n.sign, mod = value[1], mSign = self.sign;
+ if (typeof quotient === "number") {
+ if (qSign) quotient = -quotient;
+ quotient = new SmallInteger(quotient);
+ } else quotient = new BigInteger(quotient, qSign);
+ if (typeof mod === "number") {
+ if (mSign) mod = -mod;
+ mod = new SmallInteger(mod);
+ } else mod = new BigInteger(mod, mSign);
+ return [
+ quotient,
+ mod
+ ];
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype.divmod = function(v) {
+ var result = divModAny(this, v);
+ return {
+ quotient: result[0],
+ remainder: result[1]
+ };
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.divmod = SmallInteger.prototype.divmod = BigInteger.prototype.divmod;
+ BigInteger.prototype.divide = function(v) {
+ return divModAny(this, v)[0];
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.over = NativeBigInt.prototype.divide = function(v) {
+ return new NativeBigInt(this.value / parseValue(v).value);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.over = SmallInteger.prototype.divide = BigInteger.prototype.over = BigInteger.prototype.divide;
+ BigInteger.prototype.mod = function(v) {
+ return divModAny(this, v)[1];
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.mod = NativeBigInt.prototype.remainder = function(v) {
+ return new NativeBigInt(this.value % parseValue(v).value);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.remainder = SmallInteger.prototype.mod = BigInteger.prototype.remainder = BigInteger.prototype.mod;
+ BigInteger.prototype.pow = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v), a = this.value, b = n.value, value, x, y;
+ if (b === 0) return Integer[1];
+ if (a === 0) return Integer[0];
+ if (a === 1) return Integer[1];
+ if (a === -1) return n.isEven() ? Integer[1] : Integer[-1];
+ if (n.sign) return Integer[0];
+ if (!n.isSmall) throw new Error("The exponent " + n.toString() + " is too large.");
+ if (this.isSmall) {
+ if (isPrecise(value = Math.pow(a, b))) return new SmallInteger(truncate(value));
+ }
+ x = this;
+ y = Integer[1];
+ while(true){
+ if (b & true) {
+ y = y.times(x);
+ --b;
+ }
+ if (b === 0) break;
+ b /= 2;
+ x = x.square();
+ }
+ return y;
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.pow = BigInteger.prototype.pow;
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.pow = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v);
+ var a = this.value, b = n.value;
+ var _0 = BigInt(0), _1 = BigInt(1), _2 = BigInt(2);
+ if (b === _0) return Integer[1];
+ if (a === _0) return Integer[0];
+ if (a === _1) return Integer[1];
+ if (a === BigInt(-1)) return n.isEven() ? Integer[1] : Integer[-1];
+ if (n.isNegative()) return new NativeBigInt(_0);
+ var x = this;
+ var y = Integer[1];
+ while(true){
+ if ((b & _1) === _1) {
+ y = y.times(x);
+ --b;
+ }
+ if (b === _0) break;
+ b /= _2;
+ x = x.square();
+ }
+ return y;
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.modPow = function(exp, mod) {
+ exp = parseValue(exp);
+ mod = parseValue(mod);
+ if (mod.isZero()) throw new Error("Cannot take modPow with modulus 0");
+ var r = Integer[1], base = this.mod(mod);
+ if (exp.isNegative()) {
+ exp = exp.multiply(Integer[-1]);
+ base = base.modInv(mod);
+ }
+ while(exp.isPositive()){
+ if (base.isZero()) return Integer[0];
+ if (exp.isOdd()) r = r.multiply(base).mod(mod);
+ exp = exp.divide(2);
+ base = base.square().mod(mod);
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.modPow = SmallInteger.prototype.modPow = BigInteger.prototype.modPow;
+ function compareAbs(a, b) {
+ if (a.length !== b.length) return a.length > b.length ? 1 : -1;
+ for(var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
+ if (a[i] !== b[i]) return a[i] > b[i] ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype.compareAbs = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v), a = this.value, b = n.value;
+ if (n.isSmall) return 1;
+ return compareAbs(a, b);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.compareAbs = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v), a = Math.abs(this.value), b = n.value;
+ if (n.isSmall) {
+ b = Math.abs(b);
+ return a === b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.compareAbs = function(v) {
+ var a = this.value;
+ var b = parseValue(v).value;
+ a = a >= 0 ? a : -a;
+ b = b >= 0 ? b : -b;
+ return a === b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1;
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.compare = function(v) {
+ // See discussion about comparison with Infinity:
+ // https://github.com/peterolson/BigInteger.js/issues/61
+ if (v === Infinity) return -1;
+ if (v === -Infinity) return 1;
+ var n = parseValue(v), a = this.value, b = n.value;
+ if (this.sign !== n.sign) return n.sign ? 1 : -1;
+ if (n.isSmall) return this.sign ? -1 : 1;
+ return compareAbs(a, b) * (this.sign ? -1 : 1);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.compareTo = BigInteger.prototype.compare;
+ SmallInteger.prototype.compare = function(v) {
+ if (v === Infinity) return -1;
+ if (v === -Infinity) return 1;
+ var n = parseValue(v), a = this.value, b = n.value;
+ if (n.isSmall) return a == b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1;
+ if (a < 0 !== n.sign) return a < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ return a < 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.compareTo = SmallInteger.prototype.compare;
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.compare = function(v) {
+ if (v === Infinity) return -1;
+ if (v === -Infinity) return 1;
+ var a = this.value;
+ var b = parseValue(v).value;
+ return a === b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.compareTo = NativeBigInt.prototype.compare;
+ BigInteger.prototype.equals = function(v) {
+ return this.compare(v) === 0;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.eq = NativeBigInt.prototype.equals = SmallInteger.prototype.eq = SmallInteger.prototype.equals = BigInteger.prototype.eq = BigInteger.prototype.equals;
+ BigInteger.prototype.notEquals = function(v) {
+ return this.compare(v) !== 0;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.neq = NativeBigInt.prototype.notEquals = SmallInteger.prototype.neq = SmallInteger.prototype.notEquals = BigInteger.prototype.neq = BigInteger.prototype.notEquals;
+ BigInteger.prototype.greater = function(v) {
+ return this.compare(v) > 0;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.gt = NativeBigInt.prototype.greater = SmallInteger.prototype.gt = SmallInteger.prototype.greater = BigInteger.prototype.gt = BigInteger.prototype.greater;
+ BigInteger.prototype.lesser = function(v) {
+ return this.compare(v) < 0;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.lt = NativeBigInt.prototype.lesser = SmallInteger.prototype.lt = SmallInteger.prototype.lesser = BigInteger.prototype.lt = BigInteger.prototype.lesser;
+ BigInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals = function(v) {
+ return this.compare(v) >= 0;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.geq = NativeBigInt.prototype.greaterOrEquals = SmallInteger.prototype.geq = SmallInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals = BigInteger.prototype.geq = BigInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals;
+ BigInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals = function(v) {
+ return this.compare(v) <= 0;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.leq = NativeBigInt.prototype.lesserOrEquals = SmallInteger.prototype.leq = SmallInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals = BigInteger.prototype.leq = BigInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals;
+ BigInteger.prototype.isEven = function() {
+ return (this.value[0] & 1) === 0;
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.isEven = function() {
+ return (this.value & 1) === 0;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.isEven = function() {
+ return (this.value & BigInt(1)) === BigInt(0);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.isOdd = function() {
+ return (this.value[0] & 1) === 1;
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.isOdd = function() {
+ return (this.value & 1) === 1;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.isOdd = function() {
+ return (this.value & BigInt(1)) === BigInt(1);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.isPositive = function() {
+ return !this.sign;
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.isPositive = function() {
+ return this.value > 0;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.isPositive = SmallInteger.prototype.isPositive;
+ BigInteger.prototype.isNegative = function() {
+ return this.sign;
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.isNegative = function() {
+ return this.value < 0;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.isNegative = SmallInteger.prototype.isNegative;
+ BigInteger.prototype.isUnit = function() {
+ return false;
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.isUnit = function() {
+ return Math.abs(this.value) === 1;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.isUnit = function() {
+ return this.abs().value === BigInt(1);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.isZero = function() {
+ return false;
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.isZero = function() {
+ return this.value === 0;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.isZero = function() {
+ return this.value === BigInt(0);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v);
+ if (n.isZero()) return false;
+ if (n.isUnit()) return true;
+ if (n.compareAbs(2) === 0) return this.isEven();
+ return this.mod(n).isZero();
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.isDivisibleBy = SmallInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy = BigInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy;
+ function isBasicPrime(v) {
+ var n = v.abs();
+ if (n.isUnit()) return false;
+ if (n.equals(2) || n.equals(3) || n.equals(5)) return true;
+ if (n.isEven() || n.isDivisibleBy(3) || n.isDivisibleBy(5)) return false;
+ if (n.lesser(49)) return true;
+ // we don't know if it's prime: let the other functions figure it out
+ }
+ function millerRabinTest(n, a) {
+ var nPrev = n.prev(), b = nPrev, r = 0, d, i, x;
+ while(b.isEven())b = b.divide(2), r++;
+ next: for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
+ if (n.lesser(a[i])) continue;
+ x = bigInt(a[i]).modPow(b, n);
+ if (x.isUnit() || x.equals(nPrev)) continue;
+ for(d = r - 1; d != 0; d--){
+ x = x.square().mod(n);
+ if (x.isUnit()) return false;
+ if (x.equals(nPrev)) continue next;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Set "strict" to true to force GRH-supported lower bound of 2*log(N)^2
+ BigInteger.prototype.isPrime = function(strict) {
+ var isPrime = isBasicPrime(this);
+ if (isPrime !== undefined$1) return isPrime;
+ var n = this.abs();
+ var bits = n.bitLength();
+ if (bits <= 64) return millerRabinTest(n, [
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 5,
+ 7,
+ 11,
+ 13,
+ 17,
+ 19,
+ 23,
+ 29,
+ 31,
+ 37
+ ]);
+ var logN = Math.log(2) * bits.toJSNumber();
+ var t = Math.ceil(strict === true ? 2 * Math.pow(logN, 2) : logN);
+ for(var a = [], i = 0; i < t; i++)a.push(bigInt(i + 2));
+ return millerRabinTest(n, a);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.isPrime = SmallInteger.prototype.isPrime = BigInteger.prototype.isPrime;
+ BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = function(iterations, rng) {
+ var isPrime = isBasicPrime(this);
+ if (isPrime !== undefined$1) return isPrime;
+ var n = this.abs();
+ var t = iterations === undefined$1 ? 5 : iterations;
+ for(var a = [], i = 0; i < t; i++)a.push(bigInt.randBetween(2, n.minus(2), rng));
+ return millerRabinTest(n, a);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.isProbablePrime = SmallInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime;
+ BigInteger.prototype.modInv = function(n) {
+ var t = bigInt.zero, newT = bigInt.one, r = parseValue(n), newR = this.abs(), q, lastT, lastR;
+ while(!newR.isZero()){
+ q = r.divide(newR);
+ lastT = t;
+ lastR = r;
+ t = newT;
+ r = newR;
+ newT = lastT.subtract(q.multiply(newT));
+ newR = lastR.subtract(q.multiply(newR));
+ }
+ if (!r.isUnit()) throw new Error(this.toString() + " and " + n.toString() + " are not co-prime");
+ if (t.compare(0) === -1) t = t.add(n);
+ if (this.isNegative()) return t.negate();
+ return t;
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.modInv = SmallInteger.prototype.modInv = BigInteger.prototype.modInv;
+ BigInteger.prototype.next = function() {
+ var value = this.value;
+ if (this.sign) return subtractSmall(value, 1, this.sign);
+ return new BigInteger(addSmall(value, 1), this.sign);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.next = function() {
+ var value = this.value;
+ if (value + 1 < MAX_INT) return new SmallInteger(value + 1);
+ return new BigInteger(MAX_INT_ARR, false);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.next = function() {
+ return new NativeBigInt(this.value + BigInt(1));
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.prev = function() {
+ var value = this.value;
+ if (this.sign) return new BigInteger(addSmall(value, 1), true);
+ return subtractSmall(value, 1, this.sign);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.prev = function() {
+ var value = this.value;
+ if (value - 1 > -MAX_INT) return new SmallInteger(value - 1);
+ return new BigInteger(MAX_INT_ARR, true);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.prev = function() {
+ return new NativeBigInt(this.value - BigInt(1));
+ };
+ var powersOfTwo = [
+ 1
+ ];
+ while(2 * powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.length - 1] <= BASE)powersOfTwo.push(2 * powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.length - 1]);
+ var powers2Length = powersOfTwo.length, highestPower2 = powersOfTwo[powers2Length - 1];
+ function shift_isSmall(n) {
+ return Math.abs(n) <= BASE;
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = function(v) {
+ var n = parseValue(v).toJSNumber();
+ if (!shift_isSmall(n)) throw new Error(String(n) + " is too large for shifting.");
+ if (n < 0) return this.shiftRight(-n);
+ var result = this;
+ if (result.isZero()) return result;
+ while(n >= powers2Length){
+ result = result.multiply(highestPower2);
+ n -= powers2Length - 1;
+ }
+ return result.multiply(powersOfTwo[n]);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.shiftLeft = SmallInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft;
+ BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = function(v) {
+ var remQuo;
+ var n = parseValue(v).toJSNumber();
+ if (!shift_isSmall(n)) throw new Error(String(n) + " is too large for shifting.");
+ if (n < 0) return this.shiftLeft(-n);
+ var result = this;
+ while(n >= powers2Length){
+ if (result.isZero() || result.isNegative() && result.isUnit()) return result;
+ remQuo = divModAny(result, highestPower2);
+ result = remQuo[1].isNegative() ? remQuo[0].prev() : remQuo[0];
+ n -= powers2Length - 1;
+ }
+ remQuo = divModAny(result, powersOfTwo[n]);
+ return remQuo[1].isNegative() ? remQuo[0].prev() : remQuo[0];
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.shiftRight = SmallInteger.prototype.shiftRight = BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight;
+ function bitwise(x, y, fn) {
+ y = parseValue(y);
+ var xSign = x.isNegative(), ySign = y.isNegative();
+ var xRem = xSign ? x.not() : x, yRem = ySign ? y.not() : y;
+ var xDigit = 0, yDigit = 0;
+ var xDivMod = null, yDivMod = null;
+ var result = [];
+ while(!xRem.isZero() || !yRem.isZero()){
+ xDivMod = divModAny(xRem, highestPower2);
+ xDigit = xDivMod[1].toJSNumber();
+ if (xSign) xDigit = highestPower2 - 1 - xDigit; // two's complement for negative numbers
+ yDivMod = divModAny(yRem, highestPower2);
+ yDigit = yDivMod[1].toJSNumber();
+ if (ySign) yDigit = highestPower2 - 1 - yDigit; // two's complement for negative numbers
+ xRem = xDivMod[0];
+ yRem = yDivMod[0];
+ result.push(fn(xDigit, yDigit));
+ }
+ var sum = fn(xSign ? 1 : 0, ySign ? 1 : 0) !== 0 ? bigInt(-1) : bigInt(0);
+ for(var i = result.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1)sum = sum.multiply(highestPower2).add(bigInt(result[i]));
+ return sum;
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype.not = function() {
+ return this.negate().prev();
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.not = SmallInteger.prototype.not = BigInteger.prototype.not;
+ BigInteger.prototype.and = function(n) {
+ return bitwise(this, n, function(a, b) {
+ return a & b;
+ });
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.and = SmallInteger.prototype.and = BigInteger.prototype.and;
+ BigInteger.prototype.or = function(n) {
+ return bitwise(this, n, function(a, b) {
+ return a | b;
+ });
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.or = SmallInteger.prototype.or = BigInteger.prototype.or;
+ BigInteger.prototype.xor = function(n) {
+ return bitwise(this, n, function(a, b) {
+ return a ^ b;
+ });
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.xor = SmallInteger.prototype.xor = BigInteger.prototype.xor;
+ var LOBMASK_I = 1073741824, LOBMASK_BI = (BASE & -BASE) * (BASE & -BASE) | LOBMASK_I;
+ function roughLOB(n) {
+ // SmallInteger: return Min(lowestOneBit(n), 1 << 30)
+ // BigInteger: return Min(lowestOneBit(n), 1 << 14) [BASE=1e7]
+ var v = n.value, x = typeof v === "number" ? v | LOBMASK_I : typeof v === "bigint" ? v | BigInt(LOBMASK_I) : v[0] + v[1] * BASE | LOBMASK_BI;
+ return x & -x;
+ }
+ function integerLogarithm(value, base) {
+ if (base.compareTo(value) <= 0) {
+ var tmp = integerLogarithm(value, base.square(base));
+ var p = tmp.p;
+ var e = tmp.e;
+ var t = p.multiply(base);
+ return t.compareTo(value) <= 0 ? {
+ p: t,
+ e: e * 2 + 1
+ } : {
+ p: p,
+ e: e * 2
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ p: bigInt(1),
+ e: 0
+ };
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = function() {
+ var n = this;
+ if (n.compareTo(bigInt(0)) < 0) n = n.negate().subtract(bigInt(1));
+ if (n.compareTo(bigInt(0)) === 0) return bigInt(0);
+ return bigInt(integerLogarithm(n, bigInt(2)).e).add(bigInt(1));
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.bitLength = SmallInteger.prototype.bitLength = BigInteger.prototype.bitLength;
+ function max(a, b) {
+ a = parseValue(a);
+ b = parseValue(b);
+ return a.greater(b) ? a : b;
+ }
+ function min(a, b) {
+ a = parseValue(a);
+ b = parseValue(b);
+ return a.lesser(b) ? a : b;
+ }
+ function gcd(a, b) {
+ a = parseValue(a).abs();
+ b = parseValue(b).abs();
+ if (a.equals(b)) return a;
+ if (a.isZero()) return b;
+ if (b.isZero()) return a;
+ var c = Integer[1], d, t;
+ while(a.isEven() && b.isEven()){
+ d = min(roughLOB(a), roughLOB(b));
+ a = a.divide(d);
+ b = b.divide(d);
+ c = c.multiply(d);
+ }
+ while(a.isEven())a = a.divide(roughLOB(a));
+ do {
+ while(b.isEven())b = b.divide(roughLOB(b));
+ if (a.greater(b)) {
+ t = b;
+ b = a;
+ a = t;
+ }
+ b = b.subtract(a);
+ }while (!b.isZero());
+ return c.isUnit() ? a : a.multiply(c);
+ }
+ function lcm(a, b) {
+ a = parseValue(a).abs();
+ b = parseValue(b).abs();
+ return a.divide(gcd(a, b)).multiply(b);
+ }
+ function randBetween(a, b, rng) {
+ a = parseValue(a);
+ b = parseValue(b);
+ var usedRNG = rng || Math.random;
+ var low = min(a, b), high = max(a, b);
+ var range = high.subtract(low).add(1);
+ if (range.isSmall) return low.add(Math.floor(usedRNG() * range));
+ var digits = toBase(range, BASE).value;
+ var result = [], restricted = true;
+ for(var i = 0; i < digits.length; i++){
+ var top = restricted ? digits[i] + (i + 1 < digits.length ? digits[i + 1] / BASE : 0) : BASE;
+ var digit = truncate(usedRNG() * top);
+ result.push(digit);
+ if (digit < digits[i]) restricted = false;
+ }
+ return low.add(Integer.fromArray(result, BASE, false));
+ }
+ var parseBase = function(text, base, alphabet, caseSensitive) {
+ alphabet = alphabet || DEFAULT_ALPHABET;
+ text = String(text);
+ if (!caseSensitive) {
+ text = text.toLowerCase();
+ alphabet = alphabet.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ var length = text.length;
+ var i;
+ var absBase = Math.abs(base);
+ var alphabetValues = {};
+ for(i = 0; i < alphabet.length; i++)alphabetValues[alphabet[i]] = i;
+ for(i = 0; i < length; i++){
+ var c = text[i];
+ if (c === "-") continue;
+ if (c in alphabetValues) {
+ if (alphabetValues[c] >= absBase) {
+ if (c === "1" && absBase === 1) continue;
+ throw new Error(c + " is not a valid digit in base " + base + ".");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ base = parseValue(base);
+ var digits = [];
+ var isNegative = text[0] === "-";
+ for(i = isNegative ? 1 : 0; i < text.length; i++){
+ var c = text[i];
+ if (c in alphabetValues) digits.push(parseValue(alphabetValues[c]));
+ else if (c === "<") {
+ var start = i;
+ do i++;
+ while (text[i] !== ">" && i < text.length);
+ digits.push(parseValue(text.slice(start + 1, i)));
+ } else throw new Error(c + " is not a valid character");
+ }
+ return parseBaseFromArray(digits, base, isNegative);
+ };
+ function parseBaseFromArray(digits, base, isNegative) {
+ var val = Integer[0], pow = Integer[1], i;
+ for(i = digits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
+ val = val.add(digits[i].times(pow));
+ pow = pow.times(base);
+ }
+ return isNegative ? val.negate() : val;
+ }
+ function stringify(digit, alphabet) {
+ alphabet = alphabet || DEFAULT_ALPHABET;
+ if (digit < alphabet.length) return alphabet[digit];
+ return "<" + digit + ">";
+ }
+ function toBase(n, base) {
+ base = bigInt(base);
+ if (base.isZero()) {
+ if (n.isZero()) return {
+ value: [
+ 0
+ ],
+ isNegative: false
+ };
+ throw new Error("Cannot convert nonzero numbers to base 0.");
+ }
+ if (base.equals(-1)) {
+ if (n.isZero()) return {
+ value: [
+ 0
+ ],
+ isNegative: false
+ };
+ if (n.isNegative()) return {
+ value: [].concat.apply([], Array.apply(null, Array(-n.toJSNumber())).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, [
+ 1,
+ 0
+ ])),
+ isNegative: false
+ };
+ var arr = Array.apply(null, Array(n.toJSNumber() - 1)).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, [
+ 0,
+ 1
+ ]);
+ arr.unshift([
+ 1
+ ]);
+ return {
+ value: [].concat.apply([], arr),
+ isNegative: false
+ };
+ }
+ var neg = false;
+ if (n.isNegative() && base.isPositive()) {
+ neg = true;
+ n = n.abs();
+ }
+ if (base.isUnit()) {
+ if (n.isZero()) return {
+ value: [
+ 0
+ ],
+ isNegative: false
+ };
+ return {
+ value: Array.apply(null, Array(n.toJSNumber())).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 1),
+ isNegative: neg
+ };
+ }
+ var out = [];
+ var left = n, divmod;
+ while(left.isNegative() || left.compareAbs(base) >= 0){
+ divmod = left.divmod(base);
+ left = divmod.quotient;
+ var digit = divmod.remainder;
+ if (digit.isNegative()) {
+ digit = base.minus(digit).abs();
+ left = left.next();
+ }
+ out.push(digit.toJSNumber());
+ }
+ out.push(left.toJSNumber());
+ return {
+ value: out.reverse(),
+ isNegative: neg
+ };
+ }
+ function toBaseString(n, base, alphabet) {
+ var arr = toBase(n, base);
+ return (arr.isNegative ? "-" : "") + arr.value.map(function(x) {
+ return stringify(x, alphabet);
+ }).join("");
+ }
+ BigInteger.prototype.toArray = function(radix) {
+ return toBase(this, radix);
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.toArray = function(radix) {
+ return toBase(this, radix);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.toArray = function(radix) {
+ return toBase(this, radix);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.toString = function(radix, alphabet) {
+ if (radix === undefined$1) radix = 10;
+ if (radix !== 10 || alphabet) return toBaseString(this, radix, alphabet);
+ var v = this.value, l = v.length, str = String(v[--l]), zeros = "0000000", digit;
+ while(--l >= 0){
+ digit = String(v[l]);
+ str += zeros.slice(digit.length) + digit;
+ }
+ var sign = this.sign ? "-" : "";
+ return sign + str;
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.toString = function(radix, alphabet) {
+ if (radix === undefined$1) radix = 10;
+ if (radix != 10 || alphabet) return toBaseString(this, radix, alphabet);
+ return String(this.value);
+ };
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.toString = SmallInteger.prototype.toString;
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.toJSON = BigInteger.prototype.toJSON = SmallInteger.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return this.toString();
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.valueOf = function() {
+ return parseInt(this.toString(), 10);
+ };
+ BigInteger.prototype.toJSNumber = BigInteger.prototype.valueOf;
+ SmallInteger.prototype.valueOf = function() {
+ return this.value;
+ };
+ SmallInteger.prototype.toJSNumber = SmallInteger.prototype.valueOf;
+ NativeBigInt.prototype.valueOf = NativeBigInt.prototype.toJSNumber = function() {
+ return parseInt(this.toString(), 10);
+ };
+ function parseStringValue(v) {
+ if (isPrecise(+v)) {
+ var x = +v;
+ if (x === truncate(x)) return supportsNativeBigInt ? new NativeBigInt(BigInt(x)) : new SmallInteger(x);
+ throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + v);
+ }
+ var sign = v[0] === "-";
+ if (sign) v = v.slice(1);
+ var split = v.split(/e/i);
+ if (split.length > 2) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + split.join("e"));
+ if (split.length === 2) {
+ var exp = split[1];
+ if (exp[0] === "+") exp = exp.slice(1);
+ exp = +exp;
+ if (exp !== truncate(exp) || !isPrecise(exp)) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + exp + " is not a valid exponent.");
+ var text = split[0];
+ var decimalPlace = text.indexOf(".");
+ if (decimalPlace >= 0) {
+ exp -= text.length - decimalPlace - 1;
+ text = text.slice(0, decimalPlace) + text.slice(decimalPlace + 1);
+ }
+ if (exp < 0) throw new Error("Cannot include negative exponent part for integers");
+ text += new Array(exp + 1).join("0");
+ v = text;
+ }
+ var isValid = /^([0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(v);
+ if (!isValid) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + v);
+ if (supportsNativeBigInt) return new NativeBigInt(BigInt(sign ? "-" + v : v));
+ var r = [], max = v.length, l = LOG_BASE, min = max - l;
+ while(max > 0){
+ r.push(+v.slice(min, max));
+ min -= l;
+ if (min < 0) min = 0;
+ max -= l;
+ }
+ trim(r);
+ return new BigInteger(r, sign);
+ }
+ function parseNumberValue(v) {
+ if (supportsNativeBigInt) return new NativeBigInt(BigInt(v));
+ if (isPrecise(v)) {
+ if (v !== truncate(v)) throw new Error(v + " is not an integer.");
+ return new SmallInteger(v);
+ }
+ return parseStringValue(v.toString());
+ }
+ function parseValue(v) {
+ if (typeof v === "number") return parseNumberValue(v);
+ if (typeof v === "string") return parseStringValue(v);
+ if (typeof v === "bigint") return new NativeBigInt(v);
+ return v;
+ }
+ // Pre-define numbers in range [-999,999]
+ for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
+ Integer[i] = parseValue(i);
+ if (i > 0) Integer[-i] = parseValue(-i);
+ }
+ // Backwards compatibility
+ Integer.one = Integer[1];
+ Integer.zero = Integer[0];
+ Integer.minusOne = Integer[-1];
+ Integer.max = max;
+ Integer.min = min;
+ Integer.gcd = gcd;
+ Integer.lcm = lcm;
+ Integer.isInstance = function(x) {
+ return x instanceof BigInteger || x instanceof SmallInteger || x instanceof NativeBigInt;
+ };
+ Integer.randBetween = randBetween;
+ Integer.fromArray = function(digits, base, isNegative) {
+ return parseBaseFromArray(digits.map(parseValue), parseValue(base || 10), isNegative);
+ };
+ return Integer;
+ }();
+ // Node.js check
+ if (module.hasOwnProperty("exports")) module.exports = bigInt;
+})((0, $d5eeb9bff661e905$export$5edeffb658f039f4));
+var $37ac08ad601c671a$var$BigIntegerExports = (0, $d5eeb9bff661e905$export$5edeffb658f039f4).exports;
+var $37ac08ad601c671a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = /*@__PURE__*/ (0, $b07963189a833f03$export$22b09f878622677a)($37ac08ad601c671a$var$BigIntegerExports);
+ * Context: Due to Discord supporting more than 32 permissions, permission calculation has become more complicated than naive
+ * bit operations on `number`s. To support this generically, we have created BigFlagUtils to work with bit-flags greater
+ * than 32-bits in size.
+ *
+ * Ideally, we would like to use BigInt, which is pretty efficient, but some JavaScript engines do not support it.
+ *
+ * This file is intended to be a set of lower-level operators that act directly on "BigFlags".
+ *
+ * If you're working with permissions, in most cases you can probably use PermissionUtils.
+ */ const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$MAX_BIG_INT = 64;
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SMALL_INT = 16;
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$PARTS = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$MAX_BIG_INT / $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SMALL_INT;
+function $eb9554ea197019e4$var$checkBrowserSupportsBigInt() {
+ try {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions
+ BigInt;
+ return true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ * Takes the sliced output of `toHexReverseArray` and converts hex to decimal.
+ */ function $eb9554ea197019e4$var$fromHexReverseArray(hexValues, start, size) {
+ let value = 0;
+ for(let i = 0; i < size; i++){
+ const byte = hexValues[start + i];
+ if (byte === undefined) break;
+ value += byte * 16 ** i;
+ }
+ return value;
+ * Converts a number string to array of hex bytes based on the implementation found at
+ * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18626844/convert-a-large-integer-to-a-hex-string-in-javascript
+ *
+ * To avoid extra allocations it returns the values in reverse.
+ */ function $eb9554ea197019e4$var$toHexReverseArray(value) {
+ const sum = [];
+ for(let i = 0; i < value.length; i++){
+ let s = Number(value[i]);
+ for(let j = 0; s || j < sum.length; j++){
+ s += (sum[j] || 0) * 10;
+ sum[j] = s % 16;
+ s = (s - sum[j]) / 16;
+ }
+ }
+ return sum;
+ * Splits a big integers into array of small integers to perform fast bitwise operations.
+ */ function $eb9554ea197019e4$var$splitBigInt(value) {
+ const sum = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$toHexReverseArray(value);
+ const parts = Array($eb9554ea197019e4$var$PARTS);
+ for(let i = 0; i < $eb9554ea197019e4$var$PARTS; i++)// Highest bits to lowest bits.
+ parts[$eb9554ea197019e4$var$PARTS - 1 - i] = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$fromHexReverseArray(sum, i * $eb9554ea197019e4$var$PARTS, $eb9554ea197019e4$var$PARTS);
+ return parts;
+class $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HighLow {
+ static fromString(value) {
+ return new $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HighLow($eb9554ea197019e4$var$splitBigInt(value), value);
+ }
+ static fromBit(index) {
+ const parts = Array($eb9554ea197019e4$var$PARTS);
+ const offset = Math.floor(index / $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SMALL_INT);
+ for(let i = 0; i < $eb9554ea197019e4$var$PARTS; i++)// Highest bits to lowest bits.
+ parts[$eb9554ea197019e4$var$PARTS - 1 - i] = i === offset ? 1 << index - offset * $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SMALL_INT : 0;
+ return new $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HighLow(parts);
+ }
+ constructor(parts, str){
+ this.parts = parts;
+ this.str = str;
+ }
+ and({ parts: parts }) {
+ return new $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HighLow(this.parts.map((v, i)=>v & parts[i]));
+ }
+ or({ parts: parts }) {
+ return new $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HighLow(this.parts.map((v, i)=>v | parts[i]));
+ }
+ xor({ parts: parts }) {
+ return new $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HighLow(this.parts.map((v, i)=>v ^ parts[i]));
+ }
+ not() {
+ return new $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HighLow(this.parts.map((v)=>~v));
+ }
+ equals({ parts: parts }) {
+ return this.parts.every((v, i)=>v === parts[i]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * For the average case the string representation is provided, but
+ * when we need to convert high and low to string we just let the
+ * slower big-integer library do it.
+ */ toString() {
+ if (this.str != null) return this.str;
+ const array = new Array($eb9554ea197019e4$var$MAX_BIG_INT / 4);
+ this.parts.forEach((value, offset)=>{
+ const hex = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$toHexReverseArray(value.toString());
+ for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++)array[i + offset * 4] = hex[3 - i] || 0;
+ });
+ return this.str = (0, $37ac08ad601c671a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromArray(array, 16).toString();
+ }
+ toJSON() {
+ return this.toString();
+ }
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SUPPORTS_BIGINT = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$checkBrowserSupportsBigInt();
+// Polyfill toJSON on BigInt if necessary.
+if ($eb9554ea197019e4$var$SUPPORTS_BIGINT && BigInt.prototype.toJSON == null) BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return this.toString();
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HIGH_LOW_CACHE = {};
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$convertToBigFlag = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SUPPORTS_BIGINT ? function convertToBigFlagBigInt(value) {
+ return BigInt(value);
+} : function convertToBigFlagHighLow(value) {
+ if (value instanceof $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HighLow) return value;
+ if (typeof value === "number") value = value.toString();
+ // These type assertions are ugly, but there doesn't seem to be a
+ // runtime costless way to do a type assertion above.
+ if ($eb9554ea197019e4$var$HIGH_LOW_CACHE[value] != null) return $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HIGH_LOW_CACHE[value];
+ $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HIGH_LOW_CACHE[value] = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HighLow.fromString(value);
+ return $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HIGH_LOW_CACHE[value];
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$convertToBigFlag(0);
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagAnd = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SUPPORTS_BIGINT ? function flagAndBigInt(first = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG, second = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG) {
+ return first & second;
+} : function flagAndHighLow(first = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG, second = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG) {
+ return first.and(second);
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagOr = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SUPPORTS_BIGINT ? function flagOrBigInt(first = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG, second = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG) {
+ return first | second;
+} : function flagOrHighLow(first = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG, second = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG) {
+ return first.or(second);
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagXor = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SUPPORTS_BIGINT ? function flagXorBigInt(first = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG, second = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG) {
+ return first ^ second;
+} : function flagXorHighLow(first = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG, second = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG) {
+ return first.xor(second);
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagNot = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SUPPORTS_BIGINT ? function flagNotBigInt(first = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG) {
+ return ~first;
+} : function flagNotHighLow(first = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG) {
+ return first.not();
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagEquals = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SUPPORTS_BIGINT ? function flagEqualsBigInt(first, second) {
+ return first === second;
+} : function flagEqualsHighLow(first, second) {
+ if (first == null || second == null) // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
+ return first == second;
+ return first.equals(second);
+function $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagOrMultiple(...flags) {
+ let result = flags[0];
+ for(let i = 1; i < flags.length; i++)result = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagOr(result, flags[i]);
+ return result;
+function $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagHas(base, flag) {
+ return $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagEquals($eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagAnd(base, flag), flag);
+function $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagHasAny(base, flag) {
+ return !$eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagEquals($eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagAnd(base, flag), $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG);
+function $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagAdd(base, flag) {
+ return flag === $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG ? base : $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagOr(base, flag);
+function $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagRemove(base, flag) {
+ return flag === $eb9554ea197019e4$var$EMPTY_FLAG ? base : $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagXor(base, $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagAnd(base, flag));
+const $eb9554ea197019e4$var$getFlag = $eb9554ea197019e4$var$SUPPORTS_BIGINT ? function getFlagBigInt(index) {
+ return BigInt(1) << BigInt(index);
+} : function getFlagHighLow(index) {
+ return $eb9554ea197019e4$var$HighLow.fromBit(index);
+var $eb9554ea197019e4$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = {
+ combine: $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagOrMultiple,
+ add: $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagAdd,
+ remove: $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagRemove,
+ filter: $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagAnd,
+ invert: $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagNot,
+ has: $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagHas,
+ hasAny: $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagHasAny,
+ equals: $eb9554ea197019e4$var$flagEquals,
+ deserialize: $eb9554ea197019e4$var$convertToBigFlag,
+ getFlag: $eb9554ea197019e4$var$getFlag
+var $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$b87f1ea3076d6f58;
+(function(RPCCloseCodes) {
+ RPCCloseCodes[RPCCloseCodes["CLOSE_NORMAL"] = 1000] = "CLOSE_NORMAL";
+ RPCCloseCodes[RPCCloseCodes["CLOSE_ABNORMAL"] = 1006] = "CLOSE_ABNORMAL";
+ RPCCloseCodes[RPCCloseCodes["INVALID_ORIGIN"] = 4001] = "INVALID_ORIGIN";
+ RPCCloseCodes[RPCCloseCodes["RATELIMITED"] = 4002] = "RATELIMITED";
+ RPCCloseCodes[RPCCloseCodes["TOKEN_REVOKED"] = 4003] = "TOKEN_REVOKED";
+ RPCCloseCodes[RPCCloseCodes["INVALID_VERSION"] = 4004] = "INVALID_VERSION";
+})($a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$b87f1ea3076d6f58 || ($a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$b87f1ea3076d6f58 = {}));
+var $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$9ebb08d40ecbafd9;
+(function(RPCErrorCodes) {
+ RPCErrorCodes[RPCErrorCodes["INVALID_PAYLOAD"] = 4000] = "INVALID_PAYLOAD";
+ RPCErrorCodes[RPCErrorCodes["INVALID_COMMAND"] = 4002] = "INVALID_COMMAND";
+ RPCErrorCodes[RPCErrorCodes["INVALID_EVENT"] = 4004] = "INVALID_EVENT";
+})($a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$9ebb08d40ecbafd9 || ($a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$9ebb08d40ecbafd9 = {}));
+ * @deprecated use OrientationTypeObject instead
+ */ var $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$df54d73aa0ec5e82;
+(function(Orientation) {
+ Orientation["LANDSCAPE"] = "landscape";
+ Orientation["PORTRAIT"] = "portrait";
+})($a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$df54d73aa0ec5e82 || ($a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$df54d73aa0ec5e82 = {}));
+var $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$2dffd0b5373a4389;
+(function(Platform) {
+ Platform["MOBILE"] = "mobile";
+ Platform["DESKTOP"] = "desktop";
+})($a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$2dffd0b5373a4389 || ($a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$2dffd0b5373a4389 = {}));
+const $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$2d41982586bbb6be = Object.freeze({
+ CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE: (0, $eb9554ea197019e4$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getFlag(0),
+ ADMINISTRATOR: (0, $eb9554ea197019e4$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getFlag(3)
+ * This is a helper function which coerces an unsupported arg value to the key/value UNHANDLED: -1
+ * This is necessary to handle a scenario where a new enum value is added in the Discord Client,
+ * so that the sdk will not throw an error when given a (newly) valid enum value.
+ *
+ * To remove the requirement for consumers of this sdk to import an enum when parsing data,
+ * we instead use an object cast as const (readonly). This maintains parity with the previous
+ * schema (which used zod.enum), and behaves more like a union type, i.e. 'foo' | 'bar' | -1
+ *
+ * @param inputObject This object must include the key/value pair UNHANDLED = -1
+ */ function $349b88e1f39306ed$export$5989705faed03747(inputObject) {
+ return (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$fc37fe19dfda43ee)((arg)=>{
+ var _a;
+ const [objectKey] = (_a = Object.entries(inputObject).find(([, value])=>value === arg)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
+ if (arg != null && objectKey === undefined) return inputObject.UNHANDLED;
+ return arg;
+ }, (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().or((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)()));
+ * Fallback to the default zod value if parsing fails.
+ */ function $349b88e1f39306ed$export$b70693e61e1d03ea(schema) {
+ const transform = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4c00f665f0d4b443)().transform((data)=>{
+ const res = schema.safeParse(data);
+ if (res.success) return res.data;
+ return schema._def.defaultValue();
+ });
+ // Must set this inner schema so inspection works correctly
+ transform.overlayType = schema;
+ // transform._def.schema = schema;
+ return transform;
+ * This file is generated.
+ * Run "pnpm sync" to regenerate file.
+ * @generated
+const $d41e74f629425b9d$export$599108c66632c238 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).object({
+ image_url: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string()
+const $d41e74f629425b9d$export$b7048850f4d41d23 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).object({
+ mediaUrl: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string().max(1024)
+const $d41e74f629425b9d$export$21449d5881a7a118 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).object({
+ access_token: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).union([
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).null()
+ ]).optional()
+const $d41e74f629425b9d$export$abba1635e36ab43f = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).object({
+ access_token: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ user: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).object({
+ username: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ discriminator: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ avatar: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).union([
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).null()
+ ]).optional(),
+ public_flags: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).number(),
+ global_name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).union([
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).null()
+ ]).optional()
+ }),
+ scopes: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).array((0, $349b88e1f39306ed$export$b70693e61e1d03ea)((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).enum([
+ "identify",
+ "email",
+ "connections",
+ "guilds",
+ "guilds.join",
+ "guilds.members.read",
+ "gdm.join",
+ "bot",
+ "rpc",
+ "rpc.notifications.read",
+ "rpc.voice.read",
+ "rpc.voice.write",
+ "rpc.video.read",
+ "rpc.video.write",
+ "rpc.screenshare.read",
+ "rpc.screenshare.write",
+ "rpc.activities.write",
+ "webhook.incoming",
+ "messages.read",
+ "applications.builds.upload",
+ "applications.builds.read",
+ "applications.commands",
+ "applications.commands.permissions.update",
+ "applications.commands.update",
+ "applications.store.update",
+ "applications.entitlements",
+ "activities.read",
+ "activities.write",
+ "relationships.read",
+ "relationships.write",
+ "voice",
+ "dm_channels.read",
+ "role_connections.write",
+ "presences.read",
+ "presences.write",
+ "openid",
+ "dm_channels.messages.read",
+ "dm_channels.messages.write",
+ "gateway.connect",
+ "account.global_name.update",
+ "payment_sources.country_code"
+ ]).or((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).literal(-1)).default(-1))),
+ expires: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ application: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).object({
+ description: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ icon: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).union([
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).null()
+ ]).optional(),
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ rpc_origins: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).array((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string()).optional(),
+ name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string()
+ })
+const $d41e74f629425b9d$export$55c4c3c25fd5c28e = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).object({
+ participants: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).array((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).object({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ username: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ global_name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).union([
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).null()
+ ]).optional(),
+ discriminator: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ avatar: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).union([
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).null()
+ ]).optional(),
+ flags: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).number(),
+ bot: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).boolean(),
+ avatar_decoration_data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).union([
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).object({
+ asset: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string(),
+ skuId: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string().optional()
+ }),
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).null()
+ ]).optional(),
+ premium_type: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).union([
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).number(),
+ (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).null()
+ ]).optional(),
+ nickname: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).string().optional()
+ }))
+ * RPC Commands which support schemas.
+ */ var $d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857;
+(function(Command) {
+})($d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857 || ($d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857 = {}));
+const $d41e74f629425b9d$var$emptyResponseSchema = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).object({}).optional().nullable();
+const $d41e74f629425b9d$var$emptyRequestSchema = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).void();
+ * Request & Response schemas for each supported RPC Command.
+ */ const $d41e74f629425b9d$export$e49b768f28ad1b60 = {
+ [$d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857.INITIATE_IMAGE_UPLOAD]: {
+ request: $d41e74f629425b9d$var$emptyRequestSchema,
+ response: $d41e74f629425b9d$export$599108c66632c238
+ },
+ [$d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857.OPEN_SHARE_MOMENT_DIALOG]: {
+ request: $d41e74f629425b9d$export$b7048850f4d41d23,
+ response: $d41e74f629425b9d$var$emptyResponseSchema
+ },
+ [$d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857.AUTHENTICATE]: {
+ request: $d41e74f629425b9d$export$21449d5881a7a118,
+ response: $d41e74f629425b9d$export$abba1635e36ab43f
+ },
+ [$d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857.GET_ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_CONNECTED_PARTICIPANTS]: {
+ request: $d41e74f629425b9d$var$emptyRequestSchema,
+ response: $d41e74f629425b9d$export$55c4c3c25fd5c28e
+ }
+// DISPATCH is sent as cmd but is a special case, so is excluded from Commands enum
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$efd7770b5da84f9e = "DISPATCH";
+var $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e;
+(function(Commands) {
+ Commands["AUTHORIZE"] = "AUTHORIZE";
+ Commands["GET_GUILDS"] = "GET_GUILDS";
+ Commands["GET_GUILD"] = "GET_GUILD";
+ Commands["GET_CHANNEL"] = "GET_CHANNEL";
+ Commands["SUBSCRIBE"] = "SUBSCRIBE";
+ Commands["GET_SKUS"] = "GET_SKUS";
+ Commands["SET_CONFIG"] = "SET_CONFIG";
+ Commands["CAPTURE_LOG"] = "CAPTURE_LOG";
+})($e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e || ($e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e = {}));
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$7a3470becaa040fa = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ cmd: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$19282c40b967aec6)(),
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$7b1b591b262c240)(),
+ nonce: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+// TODO afgiel -- next breaking change release
+// remove Scopes and ScopesObject in favor of Types.OAuthScopes
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$75435f4e5bc6ddd7 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0, $d41e74f629425b9d$export$abba1635e36ab43f).shape.scopes.element.overlayType._def.innerType.options[0].Values), {
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$8546186883d6ff3e = (0, $349b88e1f39306ed$export$5989705faed03747)($e15d24d280bad751$export$75435f4e5bc6ddd7);
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$1f44aaf2ec115b54 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ username: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ discriminator: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ global_name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ avatar: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ avatar_decoration_data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ asset: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ sku_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional()
+ }).nullable(),
+ bot: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ flags: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable(),
+ premium_type: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$6ba76af5c834ff81 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ user: $e15d24d280bad751$export$1f44aaf2ec115b54,
+ nick: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ roles: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()),
+ joined_at: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ deaf: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ mute: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$8fbf13c8b5cc978c = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ user_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ nick: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ guild_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ avatar: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ avatar_decoration_data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ asset: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ sku_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable()
+ }).optional().nullable(),
+ color_string: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$56cc48506ff790a = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ roles: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()).optional().nullable(),
+ user: $e15d24d280bad751$export$1f44aaf2ec115b54.optional().nullable(),
+ require_colons: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)().optional().nullable(),
+ managed: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)().optional().nullable(),
+ animated: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)().optional().nullable(),
+ available: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)().optional().nullable()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$e40a3aa7b507330e = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ mute: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ deaf: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ self_mute: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ self_deaf: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ suppress: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$4b86a4e430ccb511 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ mute: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ nick: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ user: $e15d24d280bad751$export$1f44aaf2ec115b54,
+ voice_state: $e15d24d280bad751$export$e40a3aa7b507330e,
+ volume: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$39054e8696850518 = {
+ IDLE: "idle",
+ DND: "dnd",
+ ONLINE: "online",
+ OFFLINE: "offline"
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$96e9906d6d93a972 = (0, $349b88e1f39306ed$export$5989705faed03747)($e15d24d280bad751$export$39054e8696850518);
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$9c16c1426311996d = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ type: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ url: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ created_at: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable(),
+ timestamps: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ start: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ end: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)()
+ }).partial().optional().nullable(),
+ application_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ details: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ state: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ emoji: $e15d24d280bad751$export$56cc48506ff790a.optional().nullable(),
+ party: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ size: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)()).optional().nullable()
+ }).optional().nullable(),
+ assets: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ large_image: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable(),
+ large_text: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable(),
+ small_image: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable(),
+ small_text: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable()
+ }).partial().optional().nullable(),
+ secrets: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ join: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ match: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+ }).partial().optional().nullable(),
+ instance: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)().optional().nullable(),
+ flags: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$fab33d7660c6e6d6 = {
+ ROLE: 0,
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$3700bd144328e1a6 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ type: (0, $349b88e1f39306ed$export$5989705faed03747)($e15d24d280bad751$export$fab33d7660c6e6d6),
+ allow: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ deny: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$2f4cb441f3eded01 = {
+ DM: 1,
+ GROUP_DM: 3,
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$cfdacaa37f9b4dd7 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ type: (0, $349b88e1f39306ed$export$5989705faed03747)($e15d24d280bad751$export$2f4cb441f3eded01),
+ guild_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ position: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable(),
+ permission_overwrites: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)($e15d24d280bad751$export$3700bd144328e1a6).optional().nullable(),
+ name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ topic: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ nsfw: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)().optional().nullable(),
+ last_message_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ bitrate: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable(),
+ user_limit: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable(),
+ rate_limit_per_user: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable(),
+ recipients: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)($e15d24d280bad751$export$1f44aaf2ec115b54).optional().nullable(),
+ icon: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ owner_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ application_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ parent_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ last_pin_timestamp: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$24da275c271e8208 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ user: $e15d24d280bad751$export$1f44aaf2ec115b54,
+ guild_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ status: $e15d24d280bad751$export$96e9906d6d93a972,
+ activities: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)($e15d24d280bad751$export$9c16c1426311996d),
+ client_status: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ desktop: $e15d24d280bad751$export$96e9906d6d93a972,
+ mobile: $e15d24d280bad751$export$96e9906d6d93a972,
+ web: $e15d24d280bad751$export$96e9906d6d93a972
+ }).partial()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$46919bad18fb2f76 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ color: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ hoist: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ position: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ permissions: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ managed: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ mentionable: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)()
+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$85e439e10eca0e6b = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ owner_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ icon: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable(),
+ icon_hash: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ splash: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable(),
+ discovery_splash: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable(),
+ owner: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)().optional().nullable(),
+ permissions: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ region: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ afk_channel_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable(),
+ afk_timeout: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ widget_enabled: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)().optional().nullable(),
+ widget_channel_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ verification_level: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ default_message_notifications: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ explicit_content_filter: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ roles: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)($e15d24d280bad751$export$46919bad18fb2f76),
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+const $e15d24d280bad751$export$6b5ef5fbc271f145 = {
+ FAIR: 1,
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+// ERROR is sent as evt but is a special case, so is excluded from Events enum
+const $2d2422041748fbeb$export$103bedf43ba882db = "ERROR";
+var $2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65;
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+ Events["READY"] = "READY";
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+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({}).passthrough()
+const $2d2422041748fbeb$export$4c6f5e6e10fb9fd0 = (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$7a3470becaa040fa).extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$103bedf43ba882db),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ code: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ message: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional()
+ }).passthrough(),
+ cmd: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$6fe7eca19ebe5199)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e)),
+ nonce: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable()
+const $2d2422041748fbeb$export$a242e5821d539c8e = $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+const $2d2422041748fbeb$export$f344a15bf52574b2 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$971dd5b0dfd021b6)([
+ $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c,
+ $2d2422041748fbeb$export$a242e5821d539c8e,
+ $2d2422041748fbeb$export$4c6f5e6e10fb9fd0
+function $2d2422041748fbeb$export$a46bc76e895063f4(data) {
+ const event = data.evt;
+ if (!(event in $2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65)) throw new Error(`Unrecognized event type ${data.evt}`);
+ const eventSchema = $2d2422041748fbeb$export$769a4ec051ed522c[event];
+ return eventSchema.payload.parse(data);
+const $2d2422041748fbeb$export$769a4ec051ed522c = {
+ /**
+ * @description
+ * The READY event is emitted by Discord's RPC server in reply to a client
+ * initiating the RPC handshake. The event includes information about
+ * - the rpc server version
+ * - the discord client configuration
+ * - the (basic) user object
+ *
+ * Unlike other events, READY will only be omitted once, immediately after the
+ * Embedded App SDK is initialized
+ *
+ * # Supported Platforms
+ * | Web | iOS | Android |
+ * |-----|-----|---------|
+ * | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
+ *
+ * Required scopes: []
+ *
+ */ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.READY]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.READY),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ v: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ config: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ cdn_host: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional(),
+ api_endpoint: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ environment: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+ }),
+ user: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ username: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ discriminator: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ avatar: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional()
+ }).optional()
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.VOICE_STATE_UPDATE]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.VOICE_STATE_UPDATE),
+ data: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$4b86a4e430ccb511)
+ }),
+ subscribeArgs: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ channel_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+ })
+ },
+ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.SPEAKING_START]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.SPEAKING_START),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ lobby_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional(),
+ channel_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional(),
+ user_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+ })
+ }),
+ subscribeArgs: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ lobby_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable().optional(),
+ channel_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable().optional()
+ })
+ },
+ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.SPEAKING_STOP]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.SPEAKING_STOP),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ lobby_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional(),
+ channel_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional(),
+ user_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+ })
+ }),
+ subscribeArgs: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ lobby_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable().optional(),
+ channel_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable().optional()
+ })
+ },
+ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.ACTIVITY_LAYOUT_MODE_UPDATE]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.ACTIVITY_LAYOUT_MODE_UPDATE),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ layout_mode: (0, $349b88e1f39306ed$export$5989705faed03747)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$94c8fa8df0efcb28))
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.ORIENTATION_UPDATE]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.ORIENTATION_UPDATE),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ screen_orientation: (0, $349b88e1f39306ed$export$5989705faed03747)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$6998f50a089a6f29)),
+ /**
+ * @deprecated use screen_orientation instead
+ */ orientation: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$6fe7eca19ebe5199)((0, $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$df54d73aa0ec5e82))
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.CURRENT_USER_UPDATE]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.CURRENT_USER_UPDATE),
+ data: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$1f44aaf2ec115b54)
+ })
+ },
+ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.CURRENT_GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.CURRENT_GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE),
+ data: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$8fbf13c8b5cc978c)
+ }),
+ subscribeArgs: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ guild_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+ })
+ },
+ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.ENTITLEMENT_CREATE]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.ENTITLEMENT_CREATE),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ entitlement: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$7b20d168ba04011b)
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.THERMAL_STATE_UPDATE]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.THERMAL_STATE_UPDATE),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ thermal_state: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$8065eea9d621a18)
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ [$2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_PARTICIPANTS_UPDATE]: {
+ payload: $2d2422041748fbeb$export$326fa0fd43fb9e9c.extend({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)($2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65.ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_PARTICIPANTS_UPDATE),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ participants: (0, $d41e74f629425b9d$export$55c4c3c25fd5c28e).shape.participants
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ * Assets x is statically unreachable at build-time,
+ * and throws at runtime if data is dynamic.
+ */ function $2d2f24b666879631$export$2e2bcd8739ae039(_x, runtimeError) {
+ throw runtimeError;
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$2663ce359599a39a = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({}).nullable();
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$a20dff0010f153a4 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ code: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$c72c401de381626f = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ guilds: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+ }))
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$5845be03a3ebb99a = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ icon_url: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional(),
+ members: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$6ba76af5c834ff81))
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$116d844d40ad5f3c = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ type: (0, $349b88e1f39306ed$export$5989705faed03747)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$2f4cb441f3eded01)),
+ guild_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ name: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ topic: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional().nullable(),
+ bitrate: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable(),
+ user_limit: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable(),
+ position: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)().optional().nullable(),
+ voice_states: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$4b86a4e430ccb511)),
+ messages: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$f69c19e57285b83a))
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$1f3b23c28c30c42c = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ channels: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$cfdacaa37f9b4dd7))
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$8ff9fe3ffde6290d = $c37b37e375c11d33$export$116d844d40ad5f3c.nullable();
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$c74d4aa0f66fc05e = $c37b37e375c11d33$export$116d844d40ad5f3c.nullable();
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$e114312640cd43d8 = $c37b37e375c11d33$export$116d844d40ad5f3c.nullable();
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$f3dffed82766df8f = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ input: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$cb1d6465ddfebcf0),
+ output: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$cb1d6465ddfebcf0),
+ mode: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$c99e7704e60373e9),
+ automatic_gain_control: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ echo_cancellation: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ noise_suppression: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ qos: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ silence_warning: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ deaf: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)(),
+ mute: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)()
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$89425a92d6d4fba3 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$49ab8a39ea910965 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ shortcut: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$f20a7ed0751474c1)
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$6441b328b684708a = (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$9c16c1426311996d);
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$c5585ad29c8f7bd0 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ skus: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ccf658062b0f9f7a))
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$4232197b78e8b524 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ entitlements: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$7b20d168ba04011b))
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$17177c7243ab05e = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$2f23118c22fb2630)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$7b20d168ba04011b)).nullable();
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$d92a181530f7d8d5 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ use_interactive_pip: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)()
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$b462b396db5f92a0 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ locale: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$15549cbd10945eeb = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ enabled: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)()
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$67379dca9f34c2b9 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ permissions: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$a0f65b52274bcc00)().or((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)())
+ * Because of the nature of Platform Behavior changes
+ * every key/value is optional and may eventually be removed
+ */ const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$ea78864ca3ab3f3c = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ iosKeyboardResizesView: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$516e28dec6a4b6d4)((0, $508449958c1d885a$export$4a21f16c33752377)())
+const $c37b37e375c11d33$export$8ffc8c4280411e44 = (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$7a3470becaa040fa).extend({
+ cmd: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$6fe7eca19ebe5199)((0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e)),
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$7b1b591b262c240)()
+function $c37b37e375c11d33$var$parseResponseData({ cmd: cmd, data: data }) {
+ switch(cmd){
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).AUTHORIZE:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$a20dff0010f153a4.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).CAPTURE_SHORTCUT:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$49ab8a39ea910965.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).ENCOURAGE_HW_ACCELERATION:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$15549cbd10945eeb.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_CHANNEL:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$116d844d40ad5f3c.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_CHANNELS:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$1f3b23c28c30c42c.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_CHANNEL_PERMISSIONS:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$67379dca9f34c2b9.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_GUILD:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$5845be03a3ebb99a.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_GUILDS:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$c72c401de381626f.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_PLATFORM_BEHAVIORS:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$ea78864ca3ab3f3c.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_CHANNEL:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$116d844d40ad5f3c.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SELECT_TEXT_CHANNEL:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$e114312640cd43d8.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SELECT_VOICE_CHANNEL:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$c74d4aa0f66fc05e.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SET_ACTIVITY:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$6441b328b684708a.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_SKUS_EMBEDDED:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$c5585ad29c8f7bd0.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_ENTITLEMENTS_EMBEDDED:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$4232197b78e8b524.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SET_CONFIG:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$d92a181530f7d8d5.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).START_PURCHASE:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$17177c7243ab05e.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SUBSCRIBE:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).UNSUBSCRIBE:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$89425a92d6d4fba3.parse(data);
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).USER_SETTINGS_GET_LOCALE:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$b462b396db5f92a0.parse(data);
+ // Empty Responses
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).OPEN_EXTERNAL_LINK:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SET_ORIENTATION_LOCK_STATE:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SET_CERTIFIED_DEVICES:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SEND_ANALYTICS_EVENT:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).OPEN_INVITE_DIALOG:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).CAPTURE_LOG:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_SKUS:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_ENTITLEMENTS:
+ return $c37b37e375c11d33$export$2663ce359599a39a.parse(data);
+ // Generated Responses
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).AUTHENTICATE:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).INITIATE_IMAGE_UPLOAD:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).OPEN_SHARE_MOMENT_DIALOG:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_CONNECTED_PARTICIPANTS:
+ const { response: response } = (0, $d41e74f629425b9d$export$e49b768f28ad1b60)[cmd];
+ return response.parse(data);
+ default:
+ (0, $2d2f24b666879631$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(cmd, new Error(`Unrecognized command ${cmd}`));
+ }
+function $c37b37e375c11d33$export$4890fc55aa463c4c(payload) {
+ return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, payload), {
+ data: $c37b37e375c11d33$var$parseResponseData(payload)
+ });
+(0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ frame_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ platform: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$6fe7eca19ebe5199)((0, $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$2dffd0b5373a4389)).optional().nullable()
+(0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ v: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)(1),
+ encoding: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)("json").optional(),
+ client_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)(),
+ frame_id: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+const $e87fd120de7ab3b6$export$46b1619f8b73becb = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ code: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$98e628dec113755e)(),
+ message: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().optional()
+const $e87fd120de7ab3b6$export$d3f475fe77824935 = (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$be5493f9613cbbe)({
+ evt: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable(),
+ nonce: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)().nullable(),
+ data: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$19282c40b967aec6)().nullable(),
+ cmd: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$22b082955e083ec3)()
+function $e87fd120de7ab3b6$export$97b1c66ab98393bd(payload) {
+ const incoming = $e87fd120de7ab3b6$export$d3f475fe77824935.parse(payload);
+ if (incoming.evt != null) {
+ if (incoming.evt === (0, $2d2422041748fbeb$export$103bedf43ba882db)) return (0, $2d2422041748fbeb$export$4c6f5e6e10fb9fd0).parse(incoming);
+ return (0, $2d2422041748fbeb$export$a46bc76e895063f4)((0, $2d2422041748fbeb$export$f344a15bf52574b2).parse(incoming));
+ } else return (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$4890fc55aa463c4c)((0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$8ffc8c4280411e44).passthrough().parse(incoming));
+function $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3(sendCommand, cmd, response, transferTransform = ()=>undefined) {
+ const payload = (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$7a3470becaa040fa).extend({
+ cmd: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)(cmd),
+ data: response
+ });
+ return async (args)=>{
+ const reply = await sendCommand({
+ cmd: cmd,
+ args: args,
+ transfer: transferTransform(args)
+ });
+ const parsed = payload.parse(reply);
+ return parsed.data;
+ };
+function $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$3c2dac6e8a4c05f8(cmd, transferTransform = ()=>undefined) {
+ const response = (0, $d41e74f629425b9d$export$e49b768f28ad1b60)[cmd].response;
+ const payload = (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$7a3470becaa040fa).extend({
+ cmd: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)(cmd),
+ data: response
+ });
+ return (sendCommand)=>async (args)=>{
+ const reply = await sendCommand({
+ // @ts-expect-error - Merge commands
+ cmd: cmd,
+ args: args,
+ transfer: transferTransform(args)
+ });
+ const parsed = payload.parse(reply);
+ return parsed.data;
+ };
+ * Authenticate Activity
+ */ const $4deb50e78f4a9b8e$export$61bb00ddedae72e4 = (0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$3c2dac6e8a4c05f8)((0, $d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857).AUTHENTICATE);
+ * Should be called directly after a `ready` payload is received from the
+ * Discord client. It includes a list of all scopes that your activity would
+ * like to be authorized to use. If the user does not yet have a valid token
+ * for all scopes requested, this command will open an OAuth modal. Once an
+ * authorized token is available, it will be returned in the command response.
+ */ const $0c156493981001c4$export$be1f35f80d3e29cc = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).AUTHORIZE, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$a20dff0010f153a4));
+ *
+ */ const $6ce70d88cdf26a76$export$bd13a7db1bc707cf = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).CAPTURE_LOG, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$2663ce359599a39a));
+ *
+ */ const $c0bdbfc52c1fe6e9$export$18896ba25f701706 = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).ENCOURAGE_HW_ACCELERATION, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$15549cbd10945eeb));
+ *
+ */ const $983bc98e1db776bc$export$6fb7719f7ba7d022 = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_ENTITLEMENTS_EMBEDDED, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$4232197b78e8b524));
+ *
+ */ const $c2bf4c9b79dcffe7$export$dcbcde0b5cdb27ed = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_SKUS_EMBEDDED, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$c5585ad29c8f7bd0));
+ * Returns a bigint representing Permissions for the current user in the currently connected channel. Use PermissionsUtils to calculate if a user has a particular permission.
+ * Always returns `0n` (no valid permissions) in a (G)DM context, so is unnecessary to call when discordSdk.guildId == null.
+ */ const $49f1d87fd0b66111$export$e660ed046f465777 = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_CHANNEL_PERMISSIONS, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$67379dca9f34c2b9));
+ * Returns an object with information about platform behaviors
+ * This command can be utilized to inform and react to a breaking change in platform behavior
+ *
+ * @returns {GetPlatformBehaviorsPayload} payload - The command return value
+ * @returns {boolean} payload.data.iosKeyboardResizesView - If on iOS the webview is resized when the keyboard is opened
+ */ const $fdc341e40e1d0dbe$export$efbfaabbffdc43d1 = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_PLATFORM_BEHAVIORS, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$ea78864ca3ab3f3c));
+ *
+ */ const $36df64b0db0dda49$export$ade3ab3891e57f44 = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).OPEN_EXTERNAL_LINK, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$2663ce359599a39a));
+ * Opens the invite dialog within the discord client, allowing users to share invite links to friends.
+ * Does not work in (G)DM contexts (throws RPCError.INVALID_CHANNEL), so should not be called if discordSdk.guildId == null
+ * Similarly, if the user does not have Permissions.CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE this command throws RPCErrors.INVALID_PERMISSIONS, so checking the user's permissions via getChannelPermissions is highly recommended.
+ */ const $63e4491c50e3b922$export$d02b38bee2b2489b = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).OPEN_INVITE_DIALOG, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$2663ce359599a39a));
+ * Opens the Share Moment Dialog in the user's client, allowing them to share the media at mediaUrl as a message.
+ *
+ * @param {string} mediaUrl - a Discord CDN URL for the piece of media to be shared.
+ * @returns {Promise<void>}
+ */ const $0fca2ea8b376db26$export$de3eb37c8ceccf16 = (0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$3c2dac6e8a4c05f8)((0, $d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857).OPEN_SHARE_MOMENT_DIALOG);
+(0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$9c16c1426311996d).pick({
+ state: true,
+ details: true,
+ timestamps: true,
+ assets: true,
+ party: true,
+ secrets: true,
+ instance: true,
+ type: true
+ type: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$9c16c1426311996d).shape.type.optional(),
+ instance: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$9c16c1426311996d).shape.instance.optional()
+ *
+ * @description
+ * RPC documentation here: https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/rpc#setactivity
+ * Calling setActivity allows modifying how your activity's rich presence is displayed in the Discord App
+ *
+ * Supported Platforms
+ * | Web | iOS | Android |
+ * |-----|-----|---------|
+ * | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
+ *
+ * Required scopes: [rpc.activities.write]
+ *
+ * @example
+ * await discordSdk.commands.setActivity({
+ * activity: {
+ * type: 0,
+ * details: 'Details',
+ * state: 'Playing',
+ * },
+ * });
+ */ const $47381efbd50af9d7$export$5e61ed4454e4dc1b = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SET_ACTIVITY, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$6441b328b684708a));
+ *
+ */ const $fe4402427974fac9$export$940a7873bb071df8 = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SET_CONFIG, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$d92a181530f7d8d5));
+ * @args - the primary args to send with the command.
+ * @fallbackArgs - the args to try the command with in the case where an old Discord
+ * client doesn't support one of the new args.
+ */ function $fc5197e6779e2f86$export$2e2bcd8739ae039({ sendCommand: sendCommand, cmd: cmd, response: response, fallbackTransform: fallbackTransform, transferTransform: transferTransform = ()=>undefined }) {
+ const payload = (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$7a3470becaa040fa).extend({
+ cmd: (0, $508449958c1d885a$export$c8ec6e1ec9fefcb0)(cmd),
+ data: response
+ });
+ return async (args)=>{
+ try {
+ const reply = await sendCommand({
+ cmd: cmd,
+ args: args,
+ transfer: transferTransform(args)
+ });
+ const parsed = payload.parse(reply);
+ return parsed.data;
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error.code === (0, $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$9ebb08d40ecbafd9).INVALID_PAYLOAD) {
+ const fallbackArgs = fallbackTransform(args);
+ const reply = await sendCommand({
+ cmd: cmd,
+ args: fallbackArgs,
+ transfer: transferTransform(fallbackArgs)
+ });
+ const parsed = payload.parse(reply);
+ return parsed.data;
+ } else throw error;
+ }
+ };
+const $bcee32c3b3ea03cb$var$fallbackTransform = (args)=>{
+ return {
+ lock_state: args.lock_state,
+ picture_in_picture_lock_state: args.picture_in_picture_lock_state
+ };
+const $bcee32c3b3ea03cb$export$970bc058b4f43d8a = (sendCommand)=>(0, $fc5197e6779e2f86$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)({
+ sendCommand: sendCommand,
+ cmd: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SET_ORIENTATION_LOCK_STATE,
+ response: (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$2663ce359599a39a),
+ fallbackTransform: $bcee32c3b3ea03cb$var$fallbackTransform
+ });
+ *
+ */ const $aacb3d79ca6c3f9d$export$fb512c02b6232086 = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).START_PURCHASE, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$17177c7243ab05e));
+ *
+ */ const $9fa9133ed83118df$export$8358d3ac583ae3cc = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).USER_SETTINGS_GET_LOCALE, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$b462b396db5f92a0));
+ * Triggers the file upload flow in the Discord app. The user will be prompted to select a valid image file
+ * and then it will be uploaded on the app side to the Discord CDN.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The URL provided by the API is an ephemeral attachment URL, so the image will not be permanently
+ * accessible at the link provided.
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise<{image_url: string}>}
+ */ const $de382a0d99c0b2f2$export$1870764d8cf96241 = (0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$3c2dac6e8a4c05f8)((0, $d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857).INITIATE_IMAGE_UPLOAD);
+ *
+ * @description
+ * RPC documentation here: https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/rpc#getchannel
+ * Calling getChannel gets info about the requested channel such as the channel name.
+ *
+ * Supported Platforms
+ * | Web | iOS | Android |
+ * |-----|-----|---------|
+ * | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
+ *
+ * Required scopes:
+ * - [guilds] for guild channels
+ * - [guilds, dm_channels.read] for GDM channels. dm_channels.read requires approval from Discord.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * await discordSdk.commands.getActivity({
+ * channel_id: discordSdk.channelId,
+ * });
+ */ const $4679f85b8cc5199d$export$98c37618398a9832 = (sendCommand)=>(0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$df09d935d625c3d3)(sendCommand, (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).GET_CHANNEL, (0, $c37b37e375c11d33$export$116d844d40ad5f3c));
+ * Gets all participants connected to the instance
+ */ const $0c483750034efd8f$export$7f68e5d0d751af12 = (0, $b9dc466d8ec201cf$export$3c2dac6e8a4c05f8)((0, $d41e74f629425b9d$export$cc7e12c76513e857).GET_ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_CONNECTED_PARTICIPANTS);
+function $45d970010f419926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039(sendCommand) {
+ return {
+ authenticate: (0, $4deb50e78f4a9b8e$export$61bb00ddedae72e4)(sendCommand),
+ authorize: (0, $0c156493981001c4$export$be1f35f80d3e29cc)(sendCommand),
+ captureLog: (0, $6ce70d88cdf26a76$export$bd13a7db1bc707cf)(sendCommand),
+ encourageHardwareAcceleration: (0, $c0bdbfc52c1fe6e9$export$18896ba25f701706)(sendCommand),
+ getChannel: (0, $4679f85b8cc5199d$export$98c37618398a9832)(sendCommand),
+ getChannelPermissions: (0, $49f1d87fd0b66111$export$e660ed046f465777)(sendCommand),
+ getEntitlements: (0, $983bc98e1db776bc$export$6fb7719f7ba7d022)(sendCommand),
+ getPlatformBehaviors: (0, $fdc341e40e1d0dbe$export$efbfaabbffdc43d1)(sendCommand),
+ getSkus: (0, $c2bf4c9b79dcffe7$export$dcbcde0b5cdb27ed)(sendCommand),
+ openExternalLink: (0, $36df64b0db0dda49$export$ade3ab3891e57f44)(sendCommand),
+ openInviteDialog: (0, $63e4491c50e3b922$export$d02b38bee2b2489b)(sendCommand),
+ openShareMomentDialog: (0, $0fca2ea8b376db26$export$de3eb37c8ceccf16)(sendCommand),
+ setActivity: (0, $47381efbd50af9d7$export$5e61ed4454e4dc1b)(sendCommand),
+ setConfig: (0, $fe4402427974fac9$export$940a7873bb071df8)(sendCommand),
+ setOrientationLockState: (0, $bcee32c3b3ea03cb$export$970bc058b4f43d8a)(sendCommand),
+ startPurchase: (0, $aacb3d79ca6c3f9d$export$fb512c02b6232086)(sendCommand),
+ userSettingsGetLocale: (0, $9fa9133ed83118df$export$8358d3ac583ae3cc)(sendCommand),
+ initiateImageUpload: (0, $de382a0d99c0b2f2$export$1870764d8cf96241)(sendCommand),
+ getInstanceConnectedParticipants: (0, $0c483750034efd8f$export$7f68e5d0d751af12)(sendCommand)
+ };
+class $6a7b5acf646564f6$export$e1d52e4f0c7557a1 extends Error {
+ constructor(code, message = ""){
+ super(message);
+ this.code = code;
+ this.message = message;
+ this.name = "Discord SDK Error";
+ }
+function $55f998db72cbe8ea$export$2e2bcd8739ae039() {
+ return {
+ disableConsoleLogOverride: false
+ };
+const $387e391b4217a6b2$export$a3647e951d1937a9 = [
+ "log",
+ "warn",
+ "debug",
+ "info",
+ "error"
+function $387e391b4217a6b2$export$46a03bf5755ffc4c(console, level, callback) {
+ const _consoleMethod = console[level];
+ const _console = console;
+ if (!_consoleMethod) return;
+ console[level] = function() {
+ const args = [].slice.call(arguments);
+ const message = "" + args.join(" ");
+ callback(level, message);
+ _consoleMethod.apply(_console, args);
+ };
+var $020cbd99f54eb1f5$var$randomUUID = typeof crypto !== "undefined" && crypto.randomUUID && crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto);
+var $020cbd99f54eb1f5$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = {
+ randomUUID: $020cbd99f54eb1f5$var$randomUUID
+// Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator. In the browser we therefore
+// require the crypto API and do not support built-in fallback to lower quality random number
+// generators (like Math.random()).
+var $2ec582480926ab4a$var$getRandomValues;
+var $2ec582480926ab4a$var$rnds8 = new Uint8Array(16);
+function $2ec582480926ab4a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039() {
+ // lazy load so that environments that need to polyfill have a chance to do so
+ if (!$2ec582480926ab4a$var$getRandomValues) {
+ // getRandomValues needs to be invoked in a context where "this" is a Crypto implementation.
+ $2ec582480926ab4a$var$getRandomValues = typeof crypto !== "undefined" && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto);
+ if (!$2ec582480926ab4a$var$getRandomValues) throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#getrandomvalues-not-supported");
+ }
+ return $2ec582480926ab4a$var$getRandomValues($2ec582480926ab4a$var$rnds8);
+ * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form:
+ */ var $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex = [];
+for(var $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$i = 0; $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$i < 256; ++$b121348fc5aa62c2$var$i)$b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex.push(($b121348fc5aa62c2$var$i + 0x100).toString(16).slice(1));
+function $b121348fc5aa62c2$export$8fb373d660548968(arr, offset = 0) {
+ // Note: Be careful editing this code! It's been tuned for performance
+ // and works in ways you may not expect. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/434
+ //
+ // Note to future-self: No, you can't remove the `toLowerCase()` call.
+ // REF: https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/677#issuecomment-1757351351
+ return ($b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + "-" + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + "-" + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + "-" + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + "-" + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + $b121348fc5aa62c2$var$byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase();
+function $9da6723662087718$export$2e2bcd8739ae039(options, buf, offset) {
+ if ((0, $020cbd99f54eb1f5$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).randomUUID && !buf && !options) return (0, $020cbd99f54eb1f5$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).randomUUID();
+ options = options || {};
+ var rnds = options.random || (options.rng || (0, $2ec582480926ab4a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039))();
+ // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved`
+ rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40;
+ rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80;
+ // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided
+ if (buf) {
+ offset = offset || 0;
+ for(var i = 0; i < 16; ++i)buf[offset + i] = rnds[i];
+ return buf;
+ }
+ return (0, $b121348fc5aa62c2$export$8fb373d660548968)(rnds);
+var $1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977;
+(function(Opcodes) {
+ Opcodes[Opcodes["HANDSHAKE"] = 0] = "HANDSHAKE";
+ Opcodes[Opcodes["FRAME"] = 1] = "FRAME";
+ Opcodes[Opcodes["CLOSE"] = 2] = "CLOSE";
+ Opcodes[Opcodes["HELLO"] = 3] = "HELLO";
+})($1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977 || ($1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977 = {}));
+const $1d41627539c55da9$var$ALLOWED_ORIGINS = new Set($1d41627539c55da9$var$getAllowedOrigins());
+function $1d41627539c55da9$var$getAllowedOrigins() {
+ if (typeof window === "undefined") return [];
+ return [
+ window.location.origin,
+ "https://discord.com",
+ "https://discordapp.com",
+ "https://ptb.discord.com",
+ "https://ptb.discordapp.com",
+ "https://canary.discord.com",
+ "https://canary.discordapp.com",
+ "https://staging.discord.co",
+ "http://localhost:3333",
+ "https://pax.discord.com",
+ "null"
+ ];
+ * The embedded application is running in an IFrame either within the main Discord client window or in a popout. The RPC server is always running in the main Discord client window. In either case, the referrer is the correct origin.
+ */ function $1d41627539c55da9$var$getRPCServerSource() {
+ var _a;
+ return [
+ (_a = window.parent.opener) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : window.parent,
+ !!document.referrer ? document.referrer : "*"
+ ];
+class $1d41627539c55da9$export$7cb9b6936cca2046 {
+ getTransfer(payload) {
+ var _a;
+ switch(payload.cmd){
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SUBSCRIBE:
+ case (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).UNSUBSCRIBE:
+ return undefined;
+ default:
+ return (_a = payload.transfer) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ constructor(clientId, configuration){
+ this.source = null;
+ this.sourceOrigin = "";
+ this.eventBus = new (0, $602d255db586a79f$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();
+ this.pendingCommands = new Map();
+ this.sendCommand = (payload)=>{
+ var _a;
+ if (this.source == null) throw new Error("Attempting to send message before initialization");
+ const nonce = (0, $9da6723662087718$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();
+ (_a = this.source) === null || _a === void 0 || _a.postMessage([
+ $1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977.FRAME,
+ Object.assign(Object.assign({}, payload), {
+ nonce: nonce
+ })
+ ], this.sourceOrigin, this.getTransfer(payload));
+ const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
+ this.pendingCommands.set(nonce, {
+ resolve: resolve,
+ reject: reject
+ });
+ });
+ return promise;
+ };
+ this.commands = (0, $45d970010f419926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this.sendCommand);
+ /**
+ * WARNING - All "console" logs are emitted as messages to the Discord client
+ * If you write "console.log" anywhere in handleMessage or subsequent message handling
+ * there is a good chance you will cause an infinite loop where you receive a message
+ * which causes "console.log" which sends a message, which causes the discord client to
+ * send a reply which causes handleMessage to fire again, and again to inifinity
+ *
+ * If you need to log within handleMessage, consider setting
+ * config.disableConsoleLogOverride to true when initializing the SDK
+ */ this.handleMessage = (event)=>{
+ if (!$1d41627539c55da9$var$ALLOWED_ORIGINS.has(event.origin)) return;
+ const tuple = event.data;
+ if (!Array.isArray(tuple)) return;
+ const [opcode, data] = tuple;
+ switch(opcode){
+ case $1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977.HELLO:
+ // backwards compat; the Discord client will still send HELLOs for old applications.
+ //
+ // TODO: figure out compatibility approach; it would be easier to maintain compatibility at the SDK level, not the underlying RPC protocol level...
+ return;
+ case $1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977.CLOSE:
+ return this.handleClose(data);
+ case $1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977.HANDSHAKE:
+ return this.handleHandshake();
+ case $1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977.FRAME:
+ return this.handleFrame(data);
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Invalid message format");
+ }
+ };
+ this.isReady = false;
+ this.clientId = clientId;
+ this.configuration = configuration !== null && configuration !== void 0 ? configuration : (0, $55f998db72cbe8ea$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();
+ if (typeof window !== "undefined") window.addEventListener("message", this.handleMessage);
+ if (typeof window === "undefined") {
+ this.frameId = "";
+ this.instanceId = "";
+ this.platform = (0, $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$2dffd0b5373a4389).DESKTOP;
+ this.guildId = null;
+ this.channelId = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ // START Capture URL Query Params
+ const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(this._getSearch());
+ const frameId = urlParams.get("frame_id");
+ if (!frameId) throw new Error("frame_id query param is not defined");
+ this.frameId = frameId;
+ const instanceId = urlParams.get("instance_id");
+ if (!instanceId) throw new Error("instance_id query param is not defined");
+ this.instanceId = instanceId;
+ const platform = urlParams.get("platform");
+ if (!platform) throw new Error("platform query param is not defined");
+ else if (platform !== (0, $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$2dffd0b5373a4389).DESKTOP && platform !== (0, $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$2dffd0b5373a4389).MOBILE) throw new Error(`Invalid query param "platform" of "${platform}". Valid values are "${(0, $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$2dffd0b5373a4389).DESKTOP}" or "${(0, $a1ac51d0d1873cf0$export$2dffd0b5373a4389).MOBILE}"`);
+ this.platform = platform;
+ this.guildId = urlParams.get("guild_id");
+ this.channelId = urlParams.get("channel_id");
+ // END Capture URL Query Params
+ [this.source, this.sourceOrigin] = $1d41627539c55da9$var$getRPCServerSource();
+ this.addOnReadyListener();
+ this.handshake();
+ }
+ close(code, message) {
+ var _a;
+ window.removeEventListener("message", this.handleMessage);
+ const nonce = (0, $9da6723662087718$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();
+ (_a = this.source) === null || _a === void 0 || _a.postMessage([
+ $1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977.CLOSE,
+ {
+ code: code,
+ message: message,
+ nonce: nonce
+ }
+ ], this.sourceOrigin);
+ }
+ async subscribe(event, listener, ...rest) {
+ const [subscribeArgs] = rest;
+ const listenerCount = this.eventBus.listenerCount(event);
+ const emitter = this.eventBus.on(event, listener);
+ // If first subscription, subscribe via RPC
+ if (Object.values((0, $2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65)).includes(event) && event !== (0, $2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65).READY && listenerCount === 0) await this.sendCommand({
+ cmd: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).SUBSCRIBE,
+ args: subscribeArgs,
+ evt: event
+ });
+ return emitter;
+ }
+ async unsubscribe(event, listener, ...rest) {
+ const [unsubscribeArgs] = rest;
+ if (event !== (0, $2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65).READY && this.eventBus.listenerCount(event) === 1) await this.sendCommand({
+ cmd: (0, $e15d24d280bad751$export$ba30f7724cb0e54e).UNSUBSCRIBE,
+ evt: event,
+ args: unsubscribeArgs
+ });
+ return this.eventBus.off(event, listener);
+ }
+ async ready() {
+ if (this.isReady) return;
+ else await new Promise((resolve)=>{
+ this.eventBus.once((0, $2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65).READY, resolve);
+ });
+ }
+ handshake() {
+ var _a;
+ (_a = this.source) === null || _a === void 0 || _a.postMessage([
+ $1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977.HANDSHAKE,
+ {
+ v: 1,
+ encoding: "json",
+ client_id: this.clientId,
+ frame_id: this.frameId
+ }
+ ], this.sourceOrigin);
+ }
+ addOnReadyListener() {
+ this.eventBus.once((0, $2d2422041748fbeb$export$ada873a34909da65).READY, ()=>{
+ this.overrideConsoleLogging();
+ this.isReady = true;
+ });
+ }
+ overrideConsoleLogging() {
+ if (this.configuration.disableConsoleLogOverride) return;
+ const sendCaptureLogCommand = (level, message)=>{
+ this.commands.captureLog({
+ level: level,
+ message: message
+ });
+ };
+ (0, $387e391b4217a6b2$export$a3647e951d1937a9).forEach((level)=>{
+ (0, $387e391b4217a6b2$export$46a03bf5755ffc4c)(console, level, sendCaptureLogCommand);
+ });
+ }
+ handleClose(data) {
+ (0, $e87fd120de7ab3b6$export$46b1619f8b73becb).parse(data);
+ }
+ handleHandshake() {}
+ handleFrame(payload) {
+ var _a, _b;
+ let parsed;
+ try {
+ parsed = (0, $e87fd120de7ab3b6$export$97b1c66ab98393bd)(payload);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error("Failed to parse", payload);
+ console.error(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (parsed.cmd === "DISPATCH") this.eventBus.emit(parsed.evt, parsed.data);
+ else {
+ if (parsed.evt === (0, $2d2422041748fbeb$export$103bedf43ba882db)) {
+ // In response to a command
+ if (parsed.nonce != null) {
+ (_a = this.pendingCommands.get(parsed.nonce)) === null || _a === void 0 || _a.reject(parsed.data);
+ this.pendingCommands.delete(parsed.nonce);
+ return;
+ }
+ // General error
+ this.eventBus.emit("error", new (0, $6a7b5acf646564f6$export$e1d52e4f0c7557a1)(parsed.data.code, parsed.data.message));
+ }
+ if (parsed.nonce == null) {
+ console.error("Missing nonce", payload);
+ return;
+ }
+ (_b = this.pendingCommands.get(parsed.nonce)) === null || _b === void 0 || _b.resolve(parsed);
+ this.pendingCommands.delete(parsed.nonce);
+ }
+ }
+ _getSearch() {
+ return typeof window === "undefined" ? "" : window.location.search;
+ }
+export {$1d41627539c55da9$export$6354ae5022ad3977 as Opcodes, $1d41627539c55da9$export$7cb9b6936cca2046 as DiscordSDK};