import { DiscordSDK } from "/static/discord-embedded-app-sdk/Discord.js"; const discordSdk = new DiscordSDK(DISCORD_CLIENT_ID); const updateInstanceRoomInfo = () => { const contentEl = document.getElementById("instance-room-info-content"); const defaultContents = document.createElement("i"); defaultContents.innerText = "none yet"; if (!contentEl.hasChildNodes()) { contentEl.replaceChildren(defaultContents); } fetch( `/.proxy/discord_activity/rooms_for_instance?discord_activity_inner&instance_id=${discordSdk.instanceId}`, ) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Fetching instance room info failed with status code ${response.status}`); } return response.json(); }) .then((json) => { let docFragment = new DocumentFragment(); if (json.length === 0) { docFragment.appendChild(defaultContents); } else { const listEl = docFragment.appendChild(document.createElement("ul")); for (const roomInfo of json) { const item = listEl.appendChild(document.createElement("li")); item.innerText = roomInfo["host_username"] + " "; const form = item.appendChild(document.createElement("form")); form.action = roomUrl(roomInfo["room_id"]); = "activity-inner-iframe"; = "inline"; const hiddenInput = form.appendChild(document.createElement("input")); hiddenInput.type = "hidden"; = "discord_activity_inner"; const submitInput = form.appendChild(document.createElement("input")); submitInput.type = "submit"; submitInput.value = "join"; } } contentEl.replaceChildren(docFragment); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); }); }; updateInstanceRoomInfo(); const INSTANCE_ROOM_INFO_INTERVAL = 3000; let instanceRoomInfoIntervalId = setInterval(updateInstanceRoomInfo, INSTANCE_ROOM_INFO_INTERVAL); const iframe = document.querySelector("iframe"); // It doesn't matter if the iframe's initial loading finishes before this is added iframe.addEventListener("load", (_) => { clearInterval(instanceRoomInfoIntervalId); const locationURL = new URL(iframe.contentWindow.location); const locationPath = locationURL.pathname +; if (locationPath === HOME_URL) { updateInstanceRoomInfo(); instanceRoomInfoIntervalId = setInterval(updateInstanceRoomInfo, INSTANCE_ROOM_INFO_INTERVAL); iframe.className = "at-home"; } else { iframe.className = ""; } }); discordSdk .ready() .then(() => { return discordSdk.commands.authorize({ client_id: DISCORD_CLIENT_ID, response_type: "code", state: "", prompt: "none", scope: ["identify"], }); }) .then((result) => { const { code } = result; return fetch(ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, { body: new URLSearchParams([["code", code]]), headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "x-csrf-token": document.body.dataset.csrfToken, }, method: "POST", }); }) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Getting access token failed with status code ${response.status}`); } // Note: the access token should now be in the session cookie as well return response.text(); }) .then((accessToken) => { return discordSdk.commands.authenticate({ access_token: accessToken }); }) .then((authenticationResult) => { if (authenticationResult === null) { throw new Error("Authenticating with Discord client failed"); } = null; }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); const CLOSE_ABNORMAL = 1006; discordSdk.close(CLOSE_ABNORMAL, "Could not obtain authorizations required to run this app."); });