#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Copyright (c) 2023-present Arjun Satarkar . Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE.txt in the root of this repository for the text of the license. """ import bottle import schedule import argparse import logging import math import pathlib import threading import time import typing import tagrss MAX_PER_PAGE_ENTRIES = 1000 DEFAULT_PER_PAGE_ENTRIES = 50 MAX_TAGS = 100 logging.basicConfig( format='%(levelname)s:%(name)s:"%(asctime)s":%(message)s', datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", level=logging.INFO, ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--host", default="localhost") parser.add_argument("--port", default=8000, type=int) parser.add_argument("--storage-path", required=True) parser.add_argument("--update-seconds", default=3600, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() storage_path: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(args.storage_path) core = tagrss.TagRss(storage_path=storage_path) def parse_space_separated_tags(inp: str) -> list[str]: tags: set[str] = set() tag = "" escaped = False for c in inp: match c: case "\\": if not escaped: escaped = True continue case " ": if not escaped: tags.add(tag) tag = "" continue escaped = False tag += c if tag: tags.add(tag) return list(sorted(tags)) def serialise_tags(tags: list[str]) -> str: result = "" for i, tag in enumerate(tags): if i > 0: result += " " result += (tag.replace("\\", "\\\\")).replace(" ", "\\ ") return result @bottle.get("/") def index(): per_page: int = min(MAX_PER_PAGE_ENTRIES, int(bottle.request.query.get("per_page", DEFAULT_PER_PAGE_ENTRIES))) # type: ignore page_num = int(bottle.request.query.get("page_num", 1)) # type: ignore offset = (page_num - 1) * per_page included_feeds_str: typing.Optional[str] = bottle.request.query.get("included_feeds", None) # type: ignore included_feeds: typing.Optional[list[int]] = None if included_feeds_str: try: included_feeds = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in included_feeds_str.split(" ")] except ValueError: pass included_tags_str: typing.Optional[str] = bottle.request.query.get("included_tags", None) # type: ignore included_tags: typing.Optional[list[str]] = None if included_tags_str: included_tags = parse_space_separated_tags(included_tags_str) total_pages: int = max( 1, math.ceil( core.get_entry_count( included_feeds=included_feeds, included_tags=included_tags ) / per_page ), ) entries = core.get_entries( limit=per_page, offset=offset, included_feeds=included_feeds, included_tags=included_tags, ) referenced_feed_ids = list({entry.feed_id for entry in entries}) referenced_feeds_list = core.get_feeds( limit=len(referenced_feed_ids), included_feeds=referenced_feed_ids, get_tags=True, ) referenced_feeds = {} for feed in referenced_feeds_list: referenced_feeds[feed.id] = feed return bottle.template( "index", entries=entries, offset=offset, page_num=page_num, total_pages=total_pages, per_page=per_page, max_per_page=MAX_PER_PAGE_ENTRIES, included_feeds=included_feeds, included_tags=included_tags, included_feeds_str=included_feeds_str, included_tags_str=included_tags_str, referenced_feeds=referenced_feeds, ) @bottle.get("/list_feeds") def list_feeds(): per_page: int = min(MAX_PER_PAGE_ENTRIES, int(bottle.request.query.get("per_page", DEFAULT_PER_PAGE_ENTRIES))) # type: ignore page_num = int(bottle.request.query.get("page_num", 1)) # type: ignore offset = (page_num - 1) * per_page total_pages: int = max(1, math.ceil(core.get_feed_count() / per_page)) feeds = core.get_feeds(limit=per_page, offset=offset, get_tags=True) return bottle.template( "list_feeds", feeds=feeds, offset=offset, page_num=page_num, total_pages=total_pages, per_page=per_page, max_per_page=MAX_PER_PAGE_ENTRIES, ) @bottle.get("/add_feed") def add_feed_view(): return bottle.template("add_feed") @bottle.post("/add_feed") def add_feed_effect(): feed_source: str = bottle.request.forms.get("feed_source") # type: ignore tags = parse_space_separated_tags(bottle.request.forms.get("tags")) # type: ignore if len(tags) > MAX_TAGS: raise bottle.HTTPError(400, f"A feed cannot have more than {MAX_TAGS} tags.") already_present: bool = False try: feed_id = core.add_feed( source=feed_source, tags=tags, ) logging.info(f"Added feed {feed_id} (source: {feed_source}).") except tagrss.FeedSourceAlreadyExistsError: already_present = True except tagrss.FeedTitleAlreadyInUseError as e: # TODO: add option to set title on /add_feed so this can be remedied without # changing the existing feed raise bottle.HTTPError( 400, f"Cannot add feed with title {str(e)} as another feed already has that " "title.", ) # TODO: handle FeedFetchError too return bottle.template( "add_feed", after_add=True, feed_source=feed_source, already_present=already_present, ) @bottle.get("/manage_feed") def manage_feed_view(): try: feed_id_raw: str = bottle.request.query["feed"] # type: ignore feed_id: int = int(feed_id_raw) except KeyError: raise bottle.HTTPError(400, "Feed ID not given.") feed: dict[str, typing.Any] = {} feed["id"] = feed_id feed["source"] = core.get_feed_source(feed_id) feed["title"] = core.get_feed_title(feed_id) feed["tags"] = core.get_feed_tags(feed_id) feed["serialised_tags"] = serialise_tags(feed["tags"]) return bottle.template("manage_feed", feed=feed) @bottle.post("/manage_feed") def manage_feed_effect(): feed: dict[str, typing.Any] = {} feed["id"] = int(bottle.request.forms["id"]) # type: ignore feed["source"] = bottle.request.forms["source"] # type: ignore feed["title"] = bottle.request.forms["title"] # type: ignore feed["tags"] = parse_space_separated_tags(bottle.request.forms["tags"]) # type: ignore feed["serialised_tags"] = bottle.request.forms["tags"] # type: ignore if len(feed["tags"]) > MAX_TAGS: raise bottle.HTTPError(400, f"A feed cannot have more than {MAX_TAGS} tags.") try: core.set_feed_source(feed["id"], feed["source"]) except tagrss.FeedSourceAlreadyExistsError: raise bottle.HTTPError( 400, f"Cannot change source to {feed['source']} as there is already a feed with" " that source.", ) try: core.set_feed_title(feed["id"], feed["title"]) except tagrss.FeedTitleAlreadyInUseError: raise bottle.HTTPError( 400, f"Cannot change title to {feed['title']} as there is already a feed with" " that title.", ) core.set_feed_tags(feed["id"], feed["tags"]) logging.info(f"Edited details of feed {feed['id']}.") return bottle.template("manage_feed", feed=feed, after_update=True) @bottle.post("/delete_feed") def delete_feed(): feed_id: int = int(bottle.request.forms["id"]) # type: ignore core.delete_feed(feed_id) logging.info(f"Deleted feed {feed_id}.") return bottle.template("delete_feed") @bottle.get("/static/") def serve_static(path): return bottle.static_file(path, "static") def update_feeds(run_event: threading.Event): def inner_update(): logging.info("Updating all feeds...") limit = 100 feed_count = core.get_feed_count() for i in range(math.ceil(feed_count / limit)): feeds = core.get_feeds(limit=limit, offset=limit * i) for feed in feeds: parsed, epoch_downloaded = core.fetch_and_parse_feed(feed.source) try: core.store_feed_entries( feed_id=feed.id, # type: ignore parsed=parsed, epoch_downloaded=epoch_downloaded, ) except tagrss.StorageConstraintViolationError: logging.warning( f"Failed to update feed {feed.id} with source {feed.source} due" "to constraint violation (feed already deleted?)." ) else: logging.debug(f"Updated feed {feed.id} (source {feed.source}).") logging.info("Finished updating all feeds.") inner_update() schedule.every(args.update_seconds).seconds.do(inner_update) while run_event.is_set(): schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) feed_update_run_event = threading.Event() feed_update_run_event.set() threading.Thread(target=update_feeds, args=(feed_update_run_event,)).start() bottle.run(host=args.host, port=args.port, server="cheroot") logging.info("Exiting...") feed_update_run_event.clear() core.close()