import feedparser import requests import calendar import io import pathlib import sqlite3 import time import typing class FeedAlreadyAddedError(Exception): pass class FeedFetchError(Exception): def __init__(self, feed_source: str, status_code: int): super().__init__(f"Get {feed_source} returned HTTP {status_code}") class SqliteMissingForeignKeySupportError(Exception): pass class TagRss: def __init__(self, *, storage_path: str | pathlib.Path): self.connection: sqlite3.Connection = sqlite3.connect(storage_path) with self.connection: self.connection.executescript( """ PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, source TEXT UNIQUE, title TEXT ) STRICT; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feed_tags( feed_id INTEGER REFERENCES feeds(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, tag TEXT ) STRICT; CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_feed_tags__feed_id__tag ON feed_tags(feed_id, tag); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_feed_tags__tag__feed_id ON feed_tags(tag, feed_id); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, feed_id INTEGER REFERENCES feeds(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, title TEXT, link TEXT, epoch_published INTEGER, epoch_updated INTEGER, epoch_downloaded INTEGER ) STRICT; CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_entries__epoch_downloaded ON entries(epoch_downloaded); """ ) if (1,) not in self.connection.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys;").fetchmany(1): raise SqliteMissingForeignKeySupportError def add_feed(self, feed_source: str, tags: list[str]) -> None: response = requests.get(feed_source) if response.status_code != raise FeedFetchError(feed_source, response.status_code) try: base: str = response.headers["Content-Location"] except KeyError: base: str = feed_source parsed = feedparser.parse( io.BytesIO(bytes(response.text, encoding="utf-8")), response_headers={"Content-Location": base}, ) with self.connection: feed_title: str = parsed.feed.get("title", "") try: self.connection.execute( "INSERT INTO feeds(source, title) VALUES(?, ?);", (feed_source, feed_title), ) # Note: ensure no more INSERTs between this and the last_insert_rowid() call except sqlite3.IntegrityError: raise FeedAlreadyAddedError feed_id: int = int( self.connection.execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid();").fetchone()[0] ) self.connection.executemany( "INSERT INTO feed_tags(feed_id, tag) VALUES(?, ?);", ((feed_id, tag) for tag in tags), ) for entry in reversed(parsed.entries): link: str = entry.get("link", None) title: str = entry.get("title", None) try: epoch_published: typing.Optional[int] = calendar.timegm( entry.get("published_parsed", None) ) except TypeError: epoch_published = None try: epoch_updated: typing.Optional[int] = calendar.timegm( entry.get("updated_parsed", None) ) except TypeError: epoch_updated = None self.connection.execute( "INSERT INTO entries(feed_id, title, link, epoch_published, epoch_updated, epoch_downloaded) \ VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", ( feed_id, title, link, epoch_published, epoch_updated, int(time.time()), ), ) def get_entries(self, *, limit: int) -> list[dict[str, typing.Any]]: with self.connection: resp = self.connection.execute( "SELECT feed_id, title, link, epoch_published, epoch_updated FROM entries \ ORDER BY epoch_downloaded DESC LIMIT ?;", (limit,), ).fetchall() entries = [] for entry in resp: entries.append( { "feed_id": entry[0], "title": entry[1], "link": entry[2], "epoch_published": entry[3], "epoch_updated": entry[4], } ) return entries def get_feed_source(self, feed_id: int) -> str: with self.connection: return self.connection.execute( "SELECT source FROM feeds WHERE id = ?;", (feed_id,) ).fetchone()[0] def get_feed_title(self, feed_id: int) -> str: with self.connection: return self.connection.execute( "SELECT title FROM feeds WHERE id = ?;", (feed_id,) ).fetchone()[0] def get_feed_tags(self, feed_id: int) -> list[str]: with self.connection: return [ t[0] for t in self.connection.execute( "SELECT tag FROM feed_tags WHERE feed_id = ?;", (feed_id,) ).fetchall() ] def set_feed_source(self, feed_id: int, feed_source: str): with self.connection: self.connection.execute( "UPDATE feeds SET source = ? WHERE id = ?;", (feed_source, feed_id) ) def set_feed_title(self, feed_id: int, feed_title: str): with self.connection: self.connection.execute( "UPDATE feeds SET title = ? WHERE id = ?;", (feed_title, feed_id) ) def set_feed_tags(self, feed_id: int, feed_tags: list[str]): with self.connection: self.connection.execute("DELETE FROM feed_tags WHERE feed_id = ?;", (feed_id,)) self.connection.executemany( "INSERT INTO feed_tags(feed_id, tag) VALUES(?, ?);", ((feed_id, tag) for tag in feed_tags), ) def delete_feed(self, feed_id: int) -> None: with self.connection: self.connection.execute("DELETE FROM feeds WHERE id = ?;", (feed_id,)) def close(self) -> None: with self.connection: self.connection.execute("PRAGMA optimize;") self.connection.close()