diff options
authorArjun Satarkar <me@arjunsatarkar.net>2024-03-06 09:22:27 +0000
committerArjun Satarkar <me@arjunsatarkar.net>2024-03-06 09:22:27 +0000
commit9c81dbfc88ac21b107ac1402a8777612efa127b0 (patch)
parent741c2f88c589ab0a314f4b7008e7a1df30254b7b (diff)
Add markov cog
5 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/markov/__init__.py b/markov/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c10386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markov/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .markov import Markov
+async def setup(bot):
+ await bot.add_cog(Markov(bot))
diff --git a/markov/data/init.sql b/markov/data/init.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ec073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markov/data/init.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS guild_total_completion_count (
+ guild_id BLOB,
+ first_token TEXT,
+ total_completion_count INTEGER,
+ UNIQUE (guild_id, first_token)
+ guild_id BLOB,
+ first_token TEXT,
+ second_token TEXT,
+ frequency INTEGER,
+ UNIQUE (guild_id, first_token, second_token)
+CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_guild_pairs__guild_id__first_token__frequency__second_token ON guild_pairs (guild_id, first_token, frequency, second_token);
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS member_total_completion_count (
+ guild_id BLOB,
+ member_id BLOB,
+ first_token TEXT,
+ total_completion_count INTEGER,
+ UNIQUE (guild_id, member_id, first_token)
+ guild_id BLOB,
+ member_id BLOB,
+ first_token TEXT,
+ second_token TEXT,
+ frequency INTEGER,
+ UNIQUE (guild_id, member_id, first_token, second_token)
+CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_member_pairs__guild_id__member_id__first_token__frequency__second_token ON member_pairs (
+ guild_id,
+ member_id,
+ first_token,
+ frequency,
+ second_token
+PRAGMA analysis_limit = 1000;
+PRAGMA optimize;
diff --git a/markov/errors.py b/markov/errors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..048aa5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markov/errors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+class MarkovGenerationError(Exception):
+ pass
diff --git a/markov/info.json b/markov/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22ddb18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markov/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "author": ["Arjun Satarkar"],
+ "description": "Use Markov chains to mimic users or the server as a whole.",
+ "short": "Markov chains based on message content.",
+ "requirements": ["aiosqlite"]
diff --git a/markov/markov.py b/markov/markov.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b48bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markov/markov.py
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+import aiosqlite
+import discord
+import redbot.core
+from redbot.core import Config
+from redbot.core import commands
+import math
+import random
+import re
+from .errors import *
+class Markov(commands.Cog):
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(
+ self, identifier="551742410770612234|085c218a-e850-4b07-9fc9-535c1b0d4c73"
+ )
+ self.config.register_guild(use_messages=False)
+ self.config.register_member(use_messages=True)
+ self.config.register_channel(use_messages=False)
+ self.db_path = redbot.core.data_manager.cog_data_path(self) / "markov.db"
+ async def cog_load(self):
+ with open(
+ redbot.core.data_manager.bundled_data_path(self) / "init.sql", "r"
+ ) as setup_script_file:
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(self.db_path) as db:
+ await db.executescript(setup_script_file.read())
+ @commands.Cog.listener()
+ async def on_message_without_command(self, message):
+ if not await self.config.guild(message.guild).use_messages():
+ return
+ if not await self.config.channel(message.channel).use_messages():
+ return
+ if not await self.config.member(message.author).use_messages():
+ return
+ if message.author.id == self.bot.user.id:
+ return
+ await self.process_message(
+ message.clean_content, message.guild.id, message.author.id
+ )
+ async def process_message(self, clean_content: str, guild_id: int, member_id: int):
+ # Strip out URL-esque patterns - a run of characters without spaces that contains '://' within it
+ clean_content = re.sub(r"(?: |^)\w+:\/\/[^ ]+(?: |$)", " ", clean_content)
+ # Extract words and punctuation, normalize to lowercase, add sentinel (empty string) on either end
+ # NOTE: if changing the punctuation in the regex, also changing PUNCTUATION in generate()
+ tokens = (
+ [""]
+ + [
+ word.lower()
+ for word in re.findall(r"[\w']+|[\.,!?\/]", clean_content)
+ if len(word) <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH
+ ]
+ + [""]
+ )
+ if len(tokens) <= 2:
+ return
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(self.db_path) as db:
+ for i in range(len(tokens) - 1):
+ first_token = tokens[i]
+ second_token = tokens[i + 1]
+ await db.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO guild_pairs(guild_id, first_token, second_token, frequency)"
+ " VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1)"
+ " ON CONFLICT(guild_id, first_token, second_token)"
+ " DO UPDATE SET frequency = frequency + 1;",
+ (self.uint_to_bytes(guild_id), first_token, second_token),
+ )
+ await db.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO guild_total_completion_count(guild_id, first_token, total_completion_count)"
+ " VALUES(?, ?, 1)"
+ " ON CONFLICT(guild_id, first_token)"
+ " DO UPDATE SET total_completion_count = total_completion_count + 1;",
+ (self.uint_to_bytes(guild_id), first_token),
+ )
+ await db.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO member_pairs(guild_id, member_id, first_token, second_token, frequency)"
+ " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 1)"
+ " ON CONFLICT(guild_id, member_id, first_token, second_token)"
+ " DO UPDATE SET frequency = frequency + 1;",
+ (
+ self.uint_to_bytes(guild_id),
+ self.uint_to_bytes(member_id),
+ first_token,
+ second_token,
+ ),
+ )
+ await db.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO member_total_completion_count(guild_id, member_id, first_token, total_completion_count)"
+ " VALUES(?, ?, ?, 1)"
+ " ON CONFLICT(guild_id, member_id, first_token)"
+ " DO UPDATE SET total_completion_count = total_completion_count + 1;",
+ (
+ self.uint_to_bytes(guild_id),
+ self.uint_to_bytes(member_id),
+ first_token,
+ ),
+ )
+ await db.commit()
+ def uint_to_bytes(self, x: int):
+ if x < 0:
+ raise ValueError(f"x must be non-negative (got {x})")
+ return x.to_bytes(math.ceil(x.bit_length() / 8), byteorder="big", signed=False)
+ @commands.group()
+ async def markov(self, _ctx):
+ """
+ Base for all markov commands.
+ """
+ pass
+ @markov.command()
+ async def optout(self, ctx):
+ """
+ Opt out of processing your messages to build Markov chains.
+ """
+ await self.config.member(ctx.author).use_messages.set(False)
+ await ctx.reply(
+ "Words in your messages will no longer be processed by the markov cog.\n"
+ f"You can use `{ctx.clean_prefix}markov optin` to opt back in."
+ )
+ @markov.command()
+ async def optin(self, ctx):
+ """
+ Opt in to processing your messages to build Markov chains. (This is the default.)
+ """
+ await self.config.member(ctx.author).use_messages.set(True)
+ await ctx.reply(
+ "Words in your messages will now be processed by the markov cog.\n"
+ f"You can use `{ctx.clean_prefix}markov optout` to opt out."
+ )
+ @markov.command()
+ @commands.admin_or_can_manage_channel()
+ async def toggle_channel(self, ctx):
+ """
+ Enable/disable processing in this channel (must be enabled for the guild
+ using toggle_guild as well).
+ """
+ channel_conf = self.config.channel(ctx.channel)
+ new_state = not (await channel_conf.use_messages())
+ await channel_conf.use_messages.set(new_state)
+ await ctx.reply(
+ f"This channel will be {'processed' if new_state else 'ignored'} by the markov cog."
+ )
+ @markov.command()
+ @commands.admin_or_permissions(manage_server=True)
+ async def enable_all_channels(self, ctx):
+ """
+ Enable processing in all channels. You can disable the undesired ones individually.
+ The default for a new channel will remain disabled.
+ """
+ for channel in await ctx.guild.fetch_channels():
+ await self.config.channel(channel).use_messages.set(True)
+ await ctx.reply("Enabled markov processing in all existing channels.")
+ @markov.command()
+ @commands.admin_or_permissions(manage_server=True)
+ async def disable_all_channels(self, ctx):
+ """
+ Disable processing in all channels. You can enable the desired ones individually.
+ """
+ for channel in await ctx.guild.fetch_channels():
+ await self.config.channel(channel).use_messages.set(False)
+ await ctx.reply("Disabled markov processing in all existing channels.")
+ @markov.command()
+ @commands.admin_or_permissions(manage_guild=True)
+ async def toggle_guild(self, ctx):
+ """
+ Enable/disable the markov cog in this guild. You still need to enable processing
+ of each channel with toggle_channel or enable_all_channels/disable_all_channels.
+ """
+ guild_conf = self.config.guild(ctx.guild)
+ new_state = not (await guild_conf.use_messages())
+ await guild_conf.use_messages.set(new_state)
+ await ctx.reply(
+ f"The markov cog is now {'enabled' if new_state else 'disabled'} in this guild."
+ )
+ @markov.command()
+ async def generate(self, ctx, member: discord.Member | None):
+ # NOTE: if changing PUNCTUATION, also change the regex in process_message() with the corresponding note
+ PUNCTUATION = ".,!?/"
+ if member is None:
+ result = ""
+ token = ""
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(self.db_path) as db:
+ while True:
+ row = await (
+ await db.execute(
+ "SELECT total_completion_count FROM guild_total_completion_count"
+ " WHERE guild_id = ? AND first_token = ?;",
+ (self.uint_to_bytes(ctx.guild.id), token),
+ )
+ ).fetchone()
+ if row is None:
+ if token == "":
+ await ctx.reply("Error: no data for this guild yet!")
+ return
+ raise MarkovGenerationError(
+ "Table guild_total_completion_count had no row for token"
+ f" {repr(token)} for guild {ctx.guild.id} - this should never happen!"
+ )
+ completion_count = row[0]
+ row = await (
+ await db.execute(
+ "SELECT second_token, frequency FROM guild_pairs"
+ " WHERE guild_id = ? AND first_token = ?"
+ " ORDER BY frequency DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?;",
+ (self.uint_to_bytes(ctx.guild.id), token, i),
+ )
+ ).fetchone()
+ if row is None:
+ raise MarkovGenerationError(
+ "There was no completion in guild_pairs for token"
+ f" {repr(token)} for guild {ctx.guild.id} on iteration {i}"
+ " - this should never happen!"
+ )
+ next_token, frequency = row
+ if random.randint(1, completion_count) <= frequency:
+ if next_token in PUNCTUATION:
+ result = result[:-1] + next_token + " "
+ else:
+ result += next_token + " "
+ token = next_token
+ break
+ completion_count -= frequency
+ if completion_count <= 0:
+ raise MarkovGenerationError(
+ "Sum of all frequencies in guild_pairs for token"
+ f" {repr(token)} in guild {ctx.guild.id} added up"
+ " to more than completion_count or we failed to"
+ " choose a completion despite trying all of them"
+ " This should never happen!"
+ )
+ else:
+ token = ""
+ if token == "":
+ break
+ await ctx.reply(result, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none())
+ else:
+ result = ""
+ token = ""
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(self.db_path) as db:
+ while True:
+ row = await (
+ await db.execute(
+ "SELECT total_completion_count FROM member_total_completion_count"
+ " WHERE guild_id = ? AND member_id = ? AND first_token = ?;",
+ (
+ self.uint_to_bytes(ctx.guild.id),
+ self.uint_to_bytes(member.id),
+ token,
+ ),
+ )
+ ).fetchone()
+ if row is None:
+ if token == "":
+ await ctx.reply("Error: no data for this member yet!")
+ return
+ raise MarkovGenerationError(
+ "Table member_total_completion_count had no row for token"
+ f" {repr(token)} for guild {ctx.guild.id} member {member.id}"
+ " - this should never happen!"
+ )
+ completion_count = row[0]
+ row = await (
+ await db.execute(
+ "SELECT second_token, frequency FROM member_pairs"
+ " WHERE guild_id = ? AND member_id = ? AND first_token = ?"
+ " ORDER BY frequency DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?;",
+ (
+ self.uint_to_bytes(ctx.guild.id),
+ self.uint_to_bytes(member.id),
+ token,
+ i,
+ ),
+ )
+ ).fetchone()
+ if row is None:
+ raise MarkovGenerationError(
+ "There was no completion in guild_pairs for token"
+ f" {repr(token)} for guild {ctx.guild.id} member {member.id}"
+ f" on iteration {i} - this should never happen!"
+ )
+ next_token, frequency = row
+ if random.randint(1, completion_count) <= frequency:
+ if next_token in PUNCTUATION:
+ result = result[:-1] + next_token + " "
+ else:
+ result += next_token + " "
+ token = next_token
+ break
+ completion_count -= frequency
+ if completion_count <= 0:
+ raise MarkovGenerationError(
+ "Sum of all frequencies in guild_pairs for token"
+ f" {repr(token)} for guild {ctx.guild.id} member"
+ f" {member.id} added up to more than completion_count"
+ " or we failed to choose a completion despite trying"
+ " all of them. This should never happen!"
+ )
+ else:
+ token = ""
+ if token == "":
+ break
+ await ctx.reply(result, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none())