path: root/starboard/starboard.py
diff options
authorArjun Satarkar <me@arjunsatarkar.net>2024-03-11 05:44:12 +0000
committerArjun Satarkar <me@arjunsatarkar.net>2024-03-11 05:44:12 +0000
commitafb14f53f4dc43163fe5d8528d94eadaf54fb34d (patch)
tree4e630d03ad07323aa492062bf1f7c6668eceb70d /starboard/starboard.py
parent8cdeb0a316628f2e581e66e0c72442ac23c56a74 (diff)
Add skeleton of starboard cog; improve menu handling
We were previously not escaping mentions right in `qotd list` and `qotd suggest`. I think everyone and here could have maybe got through? Not sure about the defaults there. Also improved the handling in Markov where previously we'd been 1. allowing mentions but 2. editing the message from a dummy one so they didn't ping, which I think was out of some idea of preserving the exact text of an exclusion but it seems inelegant.
Diffstat (limited to 'starboard/starboard.py')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/starboard/starboard.py b/starboard/starboard.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..609257c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starboard/starboard.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import asyncio
+import discord
+import redbot.core
+from redbot.core import Config
+from redbot.core import commands
+class Starboard(commands.Cog):
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(
+ self, identifier="551742410770612234|31374c1f-a5e9-470a-8fed-1137e980f27a"
+ )
+ self.config.register_guild(starboards={})
+ def emoji_as_sendable_text(self, emoji: discord.Emoji | discord.PartialEmoji | str):
+ if isinstance(emoji, str):
+ return emoji
+ if emoji.animated:
+ return f"<a:{emoji.name}:{emoji.id}>"
+ else:
+ return f"<:{emoji.name}:{emoji.id}>"
+ @commands.group()
+ async def starboard(self, _ctx):
+ pass
+ @starboard.command()
+ @commands.admin_or_permissions(manage_guild=True)
+ async def add(self, ctx, name: str, channel: discord.TextChannel, threshold: int):
+ if threshold < 1:
+ await ctx.reply("Error: threshold must be 1 or higher.")
+ return
+ async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).starboards() as starboards:
+ if name in starboards:
+ await ctx.reply(
+ "Error: a starboard with that name already exists (see `starboard list`)."
+ )
+ return
+ starboards[name] = {
+ "channel_id": channel.id,
+ "threshold": threshold,
+ "allow_all_reactions": False,
+ "reactions": {
+ "unicode": {},
+ "custom": {},
+ },
+ }
+ wait_message_id = await ctx.reply(
+ f"Creating starboard ``{name}`` posting to {channel.mention} requiring {threshold} reactions."
+ "\nReact to this message with all reactions you want the bot to consider for this starboard,"
+ " then send DONE, or else type ANY to check for all reactions. If you don't react, ⭐ will"
+ " be chosen by default.",
+ allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none(),
+ )
+ try:
+ done_message = await self.bot.wait_for(
+ "message",
+ check=lambda m: m.content.lower() in ["done", "any"],
+ timeout=120,
+ )
+ except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+ await ctx.send(
+ f"Error: timed out; cancelling creation of starboard ``{name}``.",
+ allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none(),
+ )
+ del starboards[name]
+ return
+ # Accumulated to easily post the confirmation message
+ emoji_text_list = []
+ match done_message.content.lower():
+ case "done":
+ reactions = (
+ await ctx.channel.fetch_message(wait_message_id)
+ ).reactions
+ if not reactions:
+ starboards[name]["reactions"]["unicode"]["⭐"] = 1
+ else:
+ for reaction in reactions:
+ emoji = reaction.emoji
+ if isinstance(emoji, str):
+ starboards[name]["reactions"]["unicode"][emoji] = 1
+ else:
+ starboards[name]["reactions"]["custom"][emoji.id] = 1
+ emoji_text_list.append(self.emoji_as_sendable_text(emoji))
+ case "any":
+ starboards[name]["allow_all_reactions"] = True
+ confirmation_text = f"Created starboard ``{name}`` posting to {channel} and requiring {threshold}"
+ if not emoji_text_list:
+ confirmation_text += " of any emoji."
+ else:
+ confirmation_text += f" reactions of {redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.humanize_list(emoji_text_list, style='or')}."
+ await ctx.send(
+ confirmation_text, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none()
+ )
+ @starboard.command()
+ @commands.admin_or_permissions(manage_guild=True)
+ async def remove(self, ctx, name: str):
+ async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).starboards() as starboards:
+ try:
+ del starboards[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ await ctx.reply(
+ "Error: no starboard found with that name (see `starboard list`)."
+ )
+ else:
+ await ctx.reply("Removed that starboard.")
+ @starboard.command()
+ async def list(self, ctx):
+ starboards = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).starboards()
+ list_text = "Name, Channel, Threshold, Reactions"
+ for name in starboards:
+ starboard = starboards[name]
+ list_text.append(
+ f"\n* ``{name}``, {ctx.guild.get_channel(starboard['channel_id'])},"
+ f" {starboard['threshold']}, "
+ )
+ if starboard["allow_all_reactions"]:
+ list_text.append("*any*")
+ else:
+ emoji_list = []
+ for emoji in (
+ starboard["reactions"]["custom"] + starboard["reactions"]["unicode"]
+ ):
+ emoji_list.append(
+ self.emoji_as_sendable_text(self.bot.get_emoji(emoji))
+ )
+ list_text.append(
+ redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.humanize_list(emoji_list)
+ )
+ pages = [
+ *redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.pagify(
+ discord.utils.escape_mentions(list_text)
+ )
+ ]
+ if pages:
+ await redbot.core.utils.menus.menu(ctx, pages)
+ else:
+ await ctx.reply("No starboards.")